All, found out a few things: From GPAA

am replying to your email sent to GPAA this morning at 8:28 am.

GOLD BUDDIES - Why close it for metal detecting? This was a BLM decision. As you know, BLM is the land management agency for the public land on which the GOLD BUDDIES claims have been located. The BLM Bakersfield office (661-391-6000) may be able to provide additional information regarding why the claims are closed to metal detecting and when the claims may be available for use.

The nearby CLC claim is open.

CLOSE ONE and FIRST CHANCE – The Mining Guide Updates section in the JUNE/JULY 2013 issue of Pick & Shovel, which will be mailed this month, has a reminder that these claims were announced as closed in prior issues of the Pick & Shovel. As was stated these claims are impacted by the state park.

In conclusion, as you know, the status of claims do change. Typically this is due to circumstances outside the control of the claim owner. Members are encouraged to contact GPAA State Directors and local GPAA Chapter officers to obtain the most current "local information" about specific claims.

Vince, I'm not familiar with that area you speak of but what I have noticed there are plenty of clubs that have claims in the area. Look up GPAA, PCSC, and TAFT clubs. They can give you more info concerning the areas. All three clubs which I belong to GPAA have claims around last chance, Goler and plenty more.

I joined PCSC so I could work out that way. Its been good.
Our meetings are held on the third Friday of every month.

NEXT MEETING: Friday, Dec. 20th at 8:00 PM
A Holiday Pot Luck
Good Raffles and a Door prize drawing.

MEETING LOCATION: Woman's Club of Downey
9813 Paramount Blvd, Downey, CA 90240.
Please feel free to attend, visitors are always welcome! We encourage everyone to attend our meetings, and join our club. You'll enjoy our club sponsored field trips!:goldpan:

Where abouts did you find old houses, and mines? Rosamond area???

Vance; I lived there (not Garlock) for about six years. Garlock is pretty much "gone". What is left of it is private property, or fenced in. I am writing this from Arizona, but by next week, I'll be back in the Joburg, Randsburg area. I prospect the entire area around there. I have found color, & expect to do so again, shortly. I live on twenty acres there, w/plenty of parking. Blm is not helping matters in that area, also. They have closed many trails there. It is all pretty much a "dry wash" area or metal detecting. I know several people that have done extremely well shooting nuggets. Where I reside is an "off grid" ranch, & I am the caretaker there. I hopefully am looking for a prospector or prospectorette to share living accommodations. It would be very low rent & we even have a vast storage area if you were to need a place to leave a vehicle or RV for any period. If any of this interests you, or someone you might know, send an email to: krazeepolack@gmail.com We can talk more later Walt

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