John maybe a thread on how to support yourself doing what you love, It don't take much to make money in treasure/gold or any other minerals you find. There's always someone who will buy it. Or your knowledge.
Here's how I met my boss, He was a billionaire from day one of his life, Through his father and grandfather, So why would this dude seek me out.
My coworkers here of my trips to here and there and know I make good money at it and often try to invite them selfs to come along, And it got around to him. So years back he told me there's some gold on his land here and there and if I would be willing to give him a estimate on whether it was worth his interest to start a small mining operation there, Told him sure I'll do that, He's been mining 3 years now with huge profits and invested in other operations.
So now he funds my trips a lot with payed time off, Company resources I can use, Hotel rooms on the company and much more. He invested in Oak Island digging 10x and some other Treasure sites to,
I am certain that I will be able to make a living in this business sooner or later...I do have some knowledge that some out there might pay top dollar for...That is IF I wanted to sell it to them...
It sounds like you have been fortunate Babymick1...Meeting your boss and all...
IF and when I do break into this business...I hope to do it on my own terms...Without any boss...I am stubborn when it comes to that...I am not the type of person who likes having to answer to others...
I'm sure your life is appealing to some on this site...And I am a little envious...But I know I could be someones boss IF I really wanted to be...
I know where I got my little Tia Juana from...And I know that I have found the area depicted in the Peralta stones and other treasure maps...And I am in no rush to bring any of my little areas to light...Yet...
I'm sure your boss might be the type of person who knows a good deal when he sees it...More power to him...I sure as heck would not have invested a penny into the Oak Island money pit...I'm sure that to him it may be a tax write off, but I doubt they'll ever get to the bottom of that pit...Though I could be wrong...
Anyhow...If I gave away a diamond I believe to have been worth millions...Just because others were making fun of me and I was not certain at the time of what I had actually found...I wonder IF there may be more where I found it...Who knows

I still have a theory that it may have been deposited through glacial drift...And there may not be any other diamonds to be had...I guess that we'll just have to wait and see...
And who knows

I could just be another nut making extravagant claims that I really can't back up...Like someone stated today...Same old story...Oh well...Heck...I would even take Forrest Fenn out to the site depicted in the Peralta stones for a special price...I'd charge him a few more million, because I think he is something else...Of course it would take us much longer to get there on mules due to his age and such...
Oh well...Life will go on...And maybe...Just maybe...One day ya'll may learn some of the knowledge that I have locked away in my warped