Hey lets get together for a spring hunt!

DigginItUp said:
Hey the snow is gone!!! :)

Pretty muddy though but who cares!!!

KGCnewbieseeker, you've got a month or we'll have to wait til late May or June for your availability after that. The new little one ain't gonna want to let you out too much. ;)

thats what baby backpacks and slings are for! LOL :o ;D

hello KC and mets on this post Ben off line for three weeks, needed to get new keyboard and mouse, as to your question we live in Lyons falls NY go to goggle earth find black river go north live near old burdick's crossing don't no much about Madison or Hermie no little about Rome did some metal ducting along canal from boonville to Rome found couple old dimes from 50's and 60's and alto of nails know that rev war took place around Hermie Trenton and south Trenton Elinor and Hermie but no more on old home steads school houses that are hundred years old. Old camp grounds old parks old fair grounds no place where tenth mountain learned to ski for world war two also no of rumor or tale that payroll lost on black river wounder if you no of this tale also would like MD out in Hermie if you no where to go would trade hunts with you out here where we live with you out in Hermie have party barge and small boat to travel on black river through old canal lock and along the river where there is many places to Madding who knows what could be found from time when i started madding i found a few old coins and some old realtics i will count my coins and let you know what they are and how many have to go know see ya

ttfn Kevin&Mary

sorry kgc last post from me is for you kc is a type mistake. last post kc is for you ttfn Kevin & Mary

I am in Albany...If anyone wants to get together give me a shout!!!

clinton county ny here...the battle of plattsburgh area, alot of history here. british and american camps....etc...anyone from the area, mail me. havent used my md for a couple of years now...need input....lol

Okay, 39wks and 6 days... well? Are you ready yet? ;D

Boy or girl?

Hello,...Ed from syracuse here.
Been detecting off & on since 1982. I just got back into the swing of things. I currently have a DFX. I have sold my other 3 detectors. I will be getting a backup soon though.
Anyone interested in getting together for a coinshoot, ....drop me a line.

Thanks,...happy hunting

DigginItUp said:
Okay, 39wks and 6 days... well? Are you ready yet? ;D

Boy or girl?
I think she cant hear ya cuz she's out detectin. ;D

Onieda county here boonville ny always up for a hunt

Hey everyone!! I think this is a record for delayed response to a post lol. I had a boy in 2007 and another in 2009 and a girl in 2010 lol been busy but still detecting wheni can. Im going on a day trip in march but would love to organize outtings with locals this spring. I have a lot of leads and would love to trade info. Good to see so many of you still here. :)

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