castletonking said:
creskol said:
castletonking said:
worldtalker said:
Don't know,but it sure has been in the ground awhile!
um ya i kind of assumed that
I believe that was meant as a compliment to your buckle. Your seemingly snide reply won't help you get an ID at all.
i wasnt being snide,every post on here has several people trying to figure out or at least give a good guess at what something is,out of multiple people who have viewed this,not one person has even a guess? I'm sorry i don't have a great camera that gets every single detail in crystal clear focus.I joined this group because i was told it is the best one on the net,
yet every post i have made,gets viewed and almost no one offers to do you expect me to feel?
Hello Castle,
First of all,
Welcome to the Forum. Second, you've only made 5 post, so that is really not enough to justify the means to an end. We are not experts, but with our combined knowledge generally get an accurate ID. Many of us have a 9-5, and view/post in the evenings, so answers don't always come immediately. As far as your pics are concerned, I've seen worse,

yet we manage to get more green checks than not. My Mamma use to say, 'you can get more flies with honey than vinegar.'
With that being said, your buckle looks like it is horse/tack related because the center bar 'looks' offset from the 2nd pic.
Interesting find,