here is a dumb question,

Can't think of any really good reason I pan. Cold feet, cold hands, leaky boots, find all the places gold isn't, fall down the hill trying to get to the creek, picking stickers out of my hands for weeks, embarrassed when someone asks to see how much I got and then they can"t see it in the vial even though it's all in there. It's that darn fever I caught when I sneaked my moms pie pan out to the creek in about '62, and I gave up on a cure and just gave into the addiction. The fever is real and I can't explain my actions, they just happen. I love it and at least it's nice to know that all you guys are stuck in the same boat. Fine lot of grubby people we are aren't we? Well, the rest of the world is missing out and I wouldn't change it for the world. Doug.

Fishing... hunting... bowling... panning... the subject may change, but the answer is the same... personal pleasure. TTC

Cause I'm sick. Its the fever! :wink:

Hmm, I have a deep inherent lure to gold, treasure and goodies that we can find in our daily lives.
There is something about being out in nature and being able to pan, sluice or dredge out some sweet yella gold that mother earth has laid down for us. The potential for finding a rich paystreak sure is nice but I find gold prospecting a truly rewarding hobby and way of life.
Friends, memories, adventures and gold are what my dreams are made of.
I just love it and can't get enough. The fever got me bad!

I've done very little panning and was lucky in only getting some pickers. I wouldn't have gotten them but my brother know where and how to find it. I brought back a couple 5 gal pails from the stream we were on and now I need to pan them. It's for the fun of it and the thought of quiting your day job if you found any color. But my brother won't use the Garrett pans as he has his lucky copper one.

USTiger said:
Why do you pan for gold,

to make money ?? or for the thrill of the color in your pan ??,

any other thoughts are welcome


For me panning is the easiest way of finding a pay streak allowing me to set up my processing equipment at the most productive location.
Yes it's about the money (that is, what the money can do)...Yes it's about the thrill of seeing the color.....but it's also about being outdoors doing something fun ......Its also about the challenge of solving the puzzle of where mother nature deposited the gold and then the thrill of being the first one to discover it.

Once you accomplish your goal of finding gold you just want to find more, and then some more, and more Precious gold.... Precious yellow gold.... Precious beautiful yellow gold.... my Precious gold..... But it doesn't affect me..... my Precious..... :tongue3:

Hey GoodyGuy..
That's so precious! :D :help: It's OK I'm fine, Gold fever what Gold fever?

One thing for certian, no matter why the reason you pan, from the big mining companies to the weekend prospector it is a universal tool.
If you don't know how to use it then probably won't do good at any gold mining method in theory.
Don't call a man a gold miner till ya see him pan. :laughing7:

I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it. HH Joe Hoo Southern and Central Illinois

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