help us to find the soldier SCHUELER

Re: help us to find the soldier schueler

God bless you guys, God bless our Service men who are all heros, and God bless the USA. Monty

Re: help us to find the soldier schueler

I'm really glad that I have found a group of people who have and express such a high level of honor and respect for our heroes.
Unfortunately it is not often found in today's world, but the care and concern shown by two men from a foreign land plus the excellent
detective work by Don gives me renewed hope for mankind. Thank you all for what you have done.


Re: help us to find the soldier schueler

Pastorals, I see you are new to the forum and you will find with few exceptions that the folks on Tnet are some of the greatest you'll ever meet. It ain't just the treasure hunting alone that attracts folks to this forum. Monty

Re: help us to find the soldier schueler

This has been a fantastic effort on the part of some of the forum members here, and the French Detectorists who found this WWII Soldier's dog tag.

[mod]Post edited.

Sorry, but The Pub is gone.[/mod]

Re: help us to find the soldier schueler

It's a great story. Missouri Secessionist, you're entitled to your opinion, but this is not the time and place. Secede from this thread. Sorry, but they don't have the politics forum anymore, so your just sol. The Nazis killed my cousin, and he was a hero in my eyes. He got his name on the Choctaw Nation war memorial, but I would trade that for bein able to go fishin with him. You tried to rain on the parade, but I do not think it took.

Re: help us to find the soldier schueler

I was informed today that the sand and pebbles from Utah and Omaha Beaches have been received by the American Legion's Commander. He and the soldier's daughter will handle the details for the Memorial Day ceremony. One goal is to post the video of the ceremony on this thread along with the other two videos showing where the ID tag was found, the beaches of Normandy and the related Memorial Cemetaries.

Re: help us to find the soldier schueler

dudule44 That was one heck of a find & Mackaydon great job in helping to coordinate the return :thumbsup:

Too bad the news only concentrated on 1/2 the story, the part where the dog tag was returned. The other 1/2 of the true story was about the cooperation of treasure hunter's looking to return the item. I also thought that not naming the "treasure site" responsible was just poor reporting. What did it take to at least mention "Treasurenet" and the nicknames of those with the greatest involvement. :dontknow: Looks like that news station only gives half of the story, so maybe you better consider changing your channel :laughing7:

Re: Sgt. Schueler:

Michel Sardou is a French Singer bon in 1947. In 1967, his career was really launched, thanks to a censorship: while France left NATO's military command and the Vietnam War caused an anti-American sentiment in France, Michel Sardou launched "Les Ricains" (The Yanks). This song insists on the duty of gratitude the French owe to the USA for their participation in WW II beginning on the beaches at Normandy. Charles de Gaulle didn't like this song and he advised against broadcasting it on the air.

This first video is of Sardou singing the song. The gist of the song is that if the Yanks (Americans) had not come to France at Normandy, the French people today would still be under Nazi rule and speaking German. The reference to Georgia in the song refers to a man coming from Georgia to fight the Nazis in France. He didn’t know one Frenchman, but he was willing, and did, sacrifice his life in an effort to free the French (and the rest of the world) of the Nazis.

The second video is a little tough to watch though appropriate for this weekend. The last scene (showing a helmet atop a rifle) is especially poignant. These videos will be shown to Sergeant Schueler—along with others.

Enjoy the holiday on Monday yet remember it was the real heroes (as I’m sure Sgt. Schueler would agree), in US cemeteries around the world who paid the ultimate price to make the holiday ‘free’.
Well Done, Welcome Back, Sgt. Schueler (and to those of my VN generation).
And to my two best friends in France, Eric and Georges: Merci, merci !!

Just a great story and hey, Mackaydon, I forgot to say it: Good job, hoss, thanks for your efforts.

Thanks, it's been a great journey, for sure. I now look forward to seeing Monday's video of the presentation ceremony and, hopefully, the expression on First Sergeant Scheuler's face as the ceremony progresses. And to put this together within two month of the tag's finding was truly a team effort--between people who have never meet before but who joined in a worthy project to honor a hero.

thanks to all involved for making this possible. thanks to all service members past and present for your sacrifice. have a wonderful time mr. schueler.

Today Sergeant Herbert SCHUELER will officially receive his dog tags after having lost 67 years ago in FRANCE.
So on this day of memorial day, we have a thought in FRANCE for him and other soldiers.
Georges and Eric.

Our mission is nearing its end.
Sergeant SCHUELER is officially in possession of his dog tag.
This Memorial Day was very special for him and his family.
An article on this story will appear in FRANCE in the month of August.
We will keep you informed of publication.
"Help us to find the Soldier SCHUELER" was for us a great human adventure rewarding.
Thank you all for your messages.
Don thank you for your invaluable help, without you this project would not have gone after.
Merci beaucoup.
Eric and Georges

Georges and Eric,
Thanks for posting that pic; I couldn't figure out how to do it.
Soon we should have more pics from the ceremony; perhaps even a video to post.
It was a great find and your contribution of the dog tag and additional items (sand, pebbles, video, etc.) was an 'over the top' contribution to making this a memorable Memorial Day for more than one reason.
Merci beaucoup,

Incredible story!! You guys did an outstanding job!! Congrads on finding the soilder!! :hello2:

This has been a fascicating thread,a lot of congratulations are in order.
we are always hearing of gold caches and treasures But as a relic hunter it is the history that excites Me.
I,d vote honorable mention to all who made this come together,You are the greatest spokesman for Our Hobby.

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