I realize the following list is a lot of information. But since it appears the best clue so far is the neighbor's guess about it being part of a motorcycle gas tank (which it really does look like) I thought this might help. It is supposed to be a list of every motorcycle maker that begins with the letter "R."
I couldn't find a quick link to any of them, so they will have to be researched individually. I suppose I could just as easily have posted a link to this, but I thought it would be easier and more fun this way.
Ocalsix ~ If you haven't done so already, when you get a chance could you examine the item closer and see if that is a tear on the side or an overlap? Does there appear to be any evidence of original welds? (And any other "details" you can tell us about it). Thanks.
~ * ~
Search tip: Just copy/paste the name to your browser search box.
Rabbit Japan, 1946-1968, scooters, built by Fuji Heavy Industries. Had engines up to 250cc. Fuji also built the Hurricane motorcycle from about 1953 to 1968
Rabiniek Germany, 1930's - 1958, Sachs engines
Radior France, 1920's, JAP engines
Radco 1913-32.Small bikes. Started again 1954-56 as Radnall. Made a minibike in 1966.
Rambler England, 1950s Rambler was the name Norman autocycle used on exported bikes
Ratier France, 1946 - 1962, They had BMW "Boxer" style opposed twin engines of their own manufacture
Reading Standard USA, 1905? Early models used Thor engines. Bought by Cleveland motorcycle in 1922, Cleveland sold the last Reading Standard in 1923.
Racycle USA, 1900's Miami Cycle Co. Thor engines
Raleigh England, Their first motorcycle was a bicycle frame with a 2 HP German Schwan engine built in 1899. T
Raynal England, 1936 - 1950, Autocycles with Villiars "Junior" engines
Ready Belgium, 1920s, NV Ready Motor Co
Red Horse USA, Harley clones
Regas USA, The Regas Vehicle Company built it's first motorcycle around 1900 using a DeDion engine. Before they stopped making motorcycles in 1903 they also used Patee and or Fleming engines
Regina Horex
Reliance USA, In 1903 the Reliance was Introduced by the Empire Motor Cycle Co., which soon changed to the Reliance Motor Cycle Co. The company had financial problems in 1911 and was purchased by it's former director Willis Ives. Ives restarted the production of motorcycles in 1912 under the Monarch name. see Monarch
Rene-Gillet France, closed in the early 1960's
Rex (Rex Coventry) England around 1904, joined with Acme of England around 1922 and became Rex-Acme
Reynolds Special See Scott
R&H England, 1922 - 1925
Rickman England, 1957 - ? made mostly dirt bikes using their frames and other manufacturers engines
Ridley USA, They make 3/4 scale bikes that look like a Harley and use 465 to 570cc V-Twin engines and an automatic transmission that their ads describe as "Gas & Go. There isn't a clutch to mess with or shifter to be confused by." How convenient, I always get confused by that pesky shifter
Riedel Germany
Rieju Japan, 1930's
Rieju Spain
Rikuo (Rukuo?) Harley sold manufacturing rights to the Japanese Sankyo Pharmaceutical Company around 1929. They built flathead Japanese Harleys for a short while from design details supplied by HD
Riley England, 1896 - 1908, Riley Cycle Co. Ltd. was founded in 1896 and produced a powered quadricycle, and a tricycle, both called Royal Rileys' in 1899. Their first purpose built motorcycle was in 1903, using an engine of their own design. Motorcycle production stopped in 1908? and bicycles ceased by 1911, so the company could concentrate on auto production
Riotte USA, 1895, Carl Riotte designed a small kerosene burning engine that was attached to a bicycle
Rizzato Italy, 1978
Robinson see AR
Roc France, Race chassis builders
Rockford USA, 1972 - 1975, sold models called Chibi, Taka and Tora see Bridgestone
Roehr USA, They have their first prototype done, the RV500cc two stroke, it has 102hp and weights 325lb
Rokon USA, Started making 2 wheel drive bikes in the late 1950's
Roland Made by Allright
Rollaway USA, Rollaway Co. 1919 - 1921, made bicycle engine kits
Romet Poland
Roper England, 1901 - 1905
Roper (steam) USA, 1867, Made by Sylvester Roper, it was probably the first motorcycle. Made about the same time as the Michaux-Perraux in France. The coal fired steam engine unit is part of a specially built chassis rather than an add-on and had no pedal crank. Roper also built a four wheeled "steam carriage" and exhibited both at fairs and circuses for a number of years. He suffered a heart attack while riding one at a show in 1896 and died. One is in the Smithsonian Museum
Rossija Russia, 1903
Rotax Austrian engine builder
Roto Gannet England, 1971 Rotary
Roton Australia, 1990 Rotary engine. Brian Crighton, who had worked on Norton's rotaries, started the company
Roussey France, 1950's, Scooters
Royal Enfield England, The Enfield Cycle Company built their first motorcycle in 1900 and used their own and other makers engines until around 1927? and then used only their own. The first Enfield "Bullet" was built in 1932