Help ID and what's it worth

Just the opposite; it's of a rarer design. But 'rare', to me, is only a marketing word used to hype perceived value. Rarity, per se, does not create value. Without 'demand' (someone willing to make an offer in an open market), a unique piece has no value.

Is this the same coin? ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1467746379.115400.jpg

Hi; I think the piece is in very good condition ok. Price or value should be determined by what it will bring at Auction. The picture of the coin on that Web site page says "2,800" POUNDS for an Authenticated piece. Remember that is in English Currency. I don't know what the Exchange Rate is today in American Currency ok. Let us know what happens ok. PEACE:RONB

2,800 quid; well I am sure they are not getting that since you can buy them all over Europe between 10-500 bucks depending on the shape of them. The ones I have dug where in better shape and never worth more than 100 bucks.

You find me the morons paying that much and I will supply you with as many as they will pay for and we can 50/50 their wealth of ignorance.

Anyone else ?

Dude, I know my post seemed a little dickish, it was not directed at you or your find. Regardless if you found it or purchased it that does not take away from how cool it is.

On another note if you can find someone who will pay you those crazy high prices, or even half that, then sell it to them, PM me with your address and I will send you a couple more and we can split that. Even going 5050 on half of those crazy high prices would be a great deal more than I would get for them here.

Here they are nothing more than second priority finds for anyone who hunts for profit.

On the flip side Greece should be happy that their is money of their worth something. LOL

Okay and I'm gonna assume you don't live in the US?

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