Help ID and what's it worth


Jr. Member
Jun 20, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Picked this up for 20 bucks not knowing what it is but it was cheap so anyone know? ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1467583281.610717.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1467583294.376929.jpg

The value will be what it sells for.
What it sells for will depend on its attribution.
If the coin is a 'tetradrachma' (the most common 'A III' coin) there are at least 1054 known varieties. The reverse image is relatively rare; it is not 'the usual' image found on "A-III' coins--so finding the exact attrition will be easier IF you can find (or another member can cite) a reference to this specific reverse image. The reverse image is also rarer than at least two other varieties (as you can see on Google and elsewhere).
The date of this type of coin is usually given in a range; and 'A III' coins are usually dated ~330 BC. Yet 'A-III' similar obverse images on coins were minted for at least 20 years after his death--such was his glorified reputation.

Hi; Based on Don's Identification and it's given Rarity. That is the type of coin We ALL dream about here. I hereby formally VOTE for BANNER. Awesome find. You "MUST" now repost your find and it's final ID and value when you get it ok. PLEASE take the BEST picture you can. If you can't get a decent picture please take it to a Specialist Macro Photographer. It Deserves that kind of respect ok. AWESOME find. PEACE:RONB :headbang: :leprechaun-hat:

So my coin is in pretty bad shape obviously decreased the value right?

Hi Don; YUP, I know. I can hardly wait for it to be Authenticated and ID'd and Graded. MM send it to PCGS "STAT". Then get the pictures done. Suggestion: get a picture of you holding it. Then the Close up's of BOTH sides ok. The suspense is killing me. I'm dying to see the second Post. My BANNER vote still stands pending the coins Authentication ok. PEACE:RONB :icon_thumright:

Hi; Based on Don's Identification and it's given Rarity. That is the type of coin We ALL dream about here. I hereby formally VOTE for BANNER. Awesome find. You "MUST" now repost your find and it's final ID and value when you get it ok. PLEASE take the BEST picture you can. If you can't get a decent picture please take it to a Specialist Macro Photographer. It Deserves that kind of respect ok. AWESOME find. PEACE:RONB :headbang: :leprechaun-hat:

I was unaware that a purchased coin could make banner. If they are anybody could make banner just by going out and buying cool coins. The guy paid 20 bucks for it, he did not find it in the ground.

Hi gunsil; I did not know it was a "BOUGHT" piece. I have to reread Matts Post. I have to retract my BANNER Vote for now. Sorry Matt. My bad. I still say you should send it in to be Authenticated and get the pictures done ok. If you only paid $20 for it then the seller either had no idea of what it is or knew it was a fake if it is fake ok. I await your repost.
A Banner Vote can be stated or given by any Member of TNet. A Banner Vote is given for Rare or very Valuable finds. If your "DUG" find is given a Banner Vote and approved by the Moderators, a picture of your find or you with it and your story behind the find are Posted at the Top of every TNet page. When someone clicks on the picture of your find, you and your story will come up for all to see ok "BOUGHT" pieces are "NOT" eligible for a Banner Vote ok. PEACE:RONB

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Ok thank you! And if the item is authenticated and it not being in good condition what would your price range be

Hi; I think the piece is in very good condition ok. Price or value should be determined by what it will bring at Auction. The picture of the coin on that Web site page says "2,800" POUNDS for an Authenticated piece. Remember that is in English Currency. I don't know what the Exchange Rate is today in American Currency ok. Let us know what happens ok. PEACE:RONB

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