Headphones-Higher quality-Advice


Feb 28, 2005
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I'm seeking some advice in purchasing some good quality headphones.? I'll be in some pretty noisy areas.
I've heard of these black widow headphones.? What's their price range? I've seen ads for Gray Ghost and Koss and Timberwolf (or something like that). Does anybody have any good or bad experiences with these? And what is their price range?? Thanks for the help!

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$60.00 to $80.00 will get you some top quality head phones. I use top of the line Koss (noise reduction phones) they are good stereo/mono phones with a volume control, and have soft/thick ear covers for outside noise reduction which aides in hearing faint/deep targets and for long comfortable hunting periods.

I use a pair of White's headphones with separate volume controls and ear pieces that totally cover the ear to block out surrounding noises like traffic. They cost about $30 and work very well. Some folks like the lightweight headphones that do not totally block out surrounding noises but I have difficulty hearing so I like the others better. If you've got a Metal Detector Dealer in your area they will have a selection of headphones you can try and that way you can be sure they are comfortable and provide the hearing and clarity you want. Jim Cal

There are plenty of good quality headphones out there like Lonewolfe implies. The 2 key features you should be interested in is whether or not there is a volume control on them and whether or not they are comfortable. Granted, plenty of detectors, if not almost all of them, have a volume control however, it is nice to be able to adjust the volume on the left or right side depending if your hearing is better or worst on one side or the other. I have the exact problem due to being a rifle hunter. My left ear is much worst than my right due to plenty of target practice and huntiing over the years.

But, to me the most important feature other than quality is the comfort. What ever you do, what ever you look at make sure that they headphones you decide to get are VERY comfortable. You'll be happy you did the first time your out for a long day of MD'ing. There is nothing worst than having a headache or having your ears simply hurt due to an inferior pair of headphones,.....regardless of how good they work!

Good luck and take the advice concerning the Local Metal Detecting Store. Try them on like a pair of shoes :)


I just went through the headphone delimna. I got a set of light weight plastic headphones with my detector I bought through Kellyco. I did not like the light weight ones as they had no volume control and I have a hearing problem in one ear. I talked to Laura at sales and she gave me a good price on a pair of stereo headphones with dual volume control. I like these much better and they block out most outside noise but I can still hear my pinpointer when the detector is not in use. They tend to be a tad hot when the weather is hot so I may keep the light weight ones around to try in the summer months? They listed for around $69.00 but she got them for me for $39.00. I don't know if they were on sale or she just gave me a good customer discount?

Sounds like you got a decent deal on a decent pair of headphones. You just proved my point that I made before :)

I hear better in one ear than the other,....that's why I was suggesting the headphones with dual volume earlier :)

Have you used the new ones yet? How were they?


So the obvious next question would be which upper end brand/model do you use for summer hunting? The way it looks here in central PA, it may be summer till we can get out again.

What a coincidence to see this post. I just ordered a pair of Gray Ghost Ultimate headphones yesterday. The White's I have now are a little uncomfortable. I paid $117 on-line with free shipping for the Gray Ghost. They should be here in a couple of days. They looked to have all the features I was looking for. I'll let you know how I like them when they arrive.

I have tried 4 brands of phones over time.Some are designed to give high fidelity sound,others give only the frequencies that detectors use,maybe 500Hz to 2kHz.Grey Ghosts are the second type and I THINK I prefer them cause their sound is sharp and clear to my gun damaged ears.I have new Troy phones too(high fidelity).Tested them just this week alternating with the Grey Ghosts on test targets.I got about the same depth with both phones,but the Ghosts seem to get my attention better over a target.Seems like I hear the discrimination sounds are clearer too.

Junkdigger did you used to write for MAD magazine ? your face is familiar

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