Haul from 7/28/19

No gold in NY

Bronze Member
Mar 22, 2015
Detector(s) used
Whites Coin Master,
Whites Gold Master GMT, Whites MXSport
High banker/dredge,
DIY hand trommel,
DIY Miller table,
DIY fluidbed gold trap sluice,
Keene A-52 A-52s
2186 Wheaties
Primary Interest:
I know you guys don't like looking at clad, so I haven't been posting my hauls from this school grounds. This day was silver different. It was a two hour dig. Strangely all digs were 3" to 4". On the silver the MXSport read a dime at 6". From experience it could have been a penny. It was very hot! Do I want to dig 6" for a penny?? I went for it. Couldn't believe it, a 1934 silver just as shiny as the day it was dropped. I dwelled on this for a while... Been in circulation for eight years before I was born. And the silver ring, read as a cent. I learned from TreasureNet always dig penny signals.


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Upvote 14
It's amazing how some coins ring up as numbers you don't expect. It took me a while to figure out that a penny signal can also be a silver dime. The thing that blew my mind is that recently my friend dug a seated dime that rang up lower than the standard penny signal. It didn't make sense to me. On my machine 80-81 is usually a penny or dime. This coin rang up as a 77. It goes to show that you have to dig it all.

Silver, great job and congratulations! Remember...

penny signals.jpg

Cheers, Sub 8-)

Great job on the silver. I have also dug coins that read as something else these machines are far from perfect theres alot of mineralization here so gotta be careful. Gotta listent to those stinking tnetters. lol

Nice finds. Since I hunt mostly by audio, I dig all solid sounding signals, no matter what the numbers are. That is the only guaranteed way to not miss anything good.

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