I would say treat your etsy store like you're running a busniess. On ebay I'm really just a guy selling stuff he finds. I have great customer service and quality items, but at the end of the day the buyer knows they're just buying from another person. On etsy, the more you look like a business the better. I want to make the buyer feel like they are buying from a store. I have branded packaging, professional photos, no questions asked returns, and a large inventory to name a few.
If you're looking to start an etsy store, I would recommend finding something you can find fairly regularly and that will sell well, and build your inventory. Do some research on other stores that sell similar items and check back frequently. See how fast things move and what the prices are like to get a sense of how the market is. I sell hats because I like them, I wear a hat almost every day so I look for hats I would wear or hats that I see other people wearing. They're easy to find, easy to ship, and I can buy low and sell high all day. However, I would honestly recommend buying things that you don't personally collect, I know I have a bad habit of keeping some of the highest dollar hats for myself.
let me know if thats helpful, if you ever have any specific questions feel fee to pm me anytime.