Has the Equinox made all single vlf machine obsolete??

You need to realize the sales team and the engineering team are not the same folks.

Sales team is looking to sell... engineering team wants to make a better machine.

Is the machine better? YES! It's a multifrequency VLF! Does it "obsolete" all other machines? Of course not... that's the sales team talking. Does a Lexus obsolete a Prius? no. They each have their place.

Would an experienced hunter who takes the time to LEARN this new machine do better than he did with his old machine? PROBABLY, but it depends!

If I owned a CTX (another great multifrequency loaded with features) I would not run out and buy an Equinox unless I wanted to just plain shed weight. The features of the CTX are very bountiful. Weight was #2 on the list of why I purchased an E800. #1 was to eliminate the need to bring two machines... one for dry and one for wet beach hunts (AT Pro and CZ-21).

It's proved it can do that easily and I'm saving money on batteries already... after a 4 hour hunt the other night with backlight enabled, charge still read all bars! ... And ... my hand no longer goes numb every 30 minutes. I hunted 4 hours and was not even close to tired... My CZ and AT Pro would both have my arm crying at this point.

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Will not know till get mine from kellico...........................

No, today most people still use single frequencies and there must be a reason for.

As mentioned by SittingElf and I concur: Price (and availability). Now that has changed, one can get a Multi-Frequency machine and waterproof to boot, for 650.00 in the Equinox 600 which is Less then many single frequency machines. This is unprecedented in the detecting industry. Will it instantly obsolete single frequency, no, but it is the canary in the coal mine....

......If I owned a CTX (another great multifrequency loaded with features) I would not run out and buy an Equinox unless I wanted to just plain shed weight.

If you had a CTX and got the chance to use a EQX, youd probably change that opinion! I owned an E-Trac since they released. I had one of the first CTXs and I NEVER went back to the E-Trac. I now have the EQX800. It's already impressed the hell out of me with deep coins and more buffalo nickles IN 2 DAYS than dug all last year with the CTX. A fingernail size gold pin at a measured 6 inches is something the CTX could never do.

I foresee the CTX gathering a lot dust very quickly.

Price can not be the only reason. In my region the Deus is dominating for years, it has multiple frequencies but no technology running them together like FBS or Multi-IQ. It has good depth, very fast recovery speed, is lightweight, has a telescope stem and is completely wireless ... and is one of the most expensive ones. I think people who own one will not suddenly switch to Equinox because of Multi-IQ, it's still a flagship with lots of possibilities (f.e. HF coil) and features. Maybe people having not much money will now think about buying an Equinox or Deus Lite, but who have more will still choose the Deus.

New toys are fun. Have 3 detectors and paid way too much for them according to this thread. My question to myself, is do I need a new toy to go out and find trash? I dig it all and wonder if the nox folks are doing the same. I wonder if the nox misses targets I get now. Is it as sensitive as a dedicated single vlf. Anyway, love the videos and love the discussion. I would probably by a nox if I could a decent price for one of my other detectors as I dont need 3 detectors. Just enjoy them so much selling would leave me at a loss. So far reviews have been good, was not happy about the long wait or would own a Nox. Only way all detectors will become obsolete is if the give them away free. I see a lot of companies clearing out their inventory, must be something good coming.

Price can not be the only reason. In my region the Deus is dominating for years, it has multiple frequencies but no technology running them together like FBS or Multi-IQ. It has good depth, very fast recovery speed, is lightweight, has a telescope stem and is completely wireless ... and is one of the most expensive ones. I think people who own one will not suddenly switch to Equinox because of Multi-IQ, it's still a flagship with lots of possibilities (f.e. HF coil) and features. Maybe people having not much money will now think about buying an Equinox or Deus Lite, but who have more will still choose the Deus.

After watching some of the head-to-head comparison videos between the Equinox and Deus, I doubt many prospective buyers would choose the Deus as a multiuse machine unless weight is their most important concern. Sure, the Deus can find the same targets as the Nox in most land sites, but, you have to change settings to do so. Most of us would rather not have to constantly tweak things for optimal performance or go over the same ground twice (or more) with different settings. The Nox is cheaper too. The optional coils probably will be too as it's simpler technology. As for use at the beach or in the water? Please....you really like that hokey setup for the Deus? The Nox will run circles around the Deus in the salt water and wet sand.

I don’t think its making VLF detectors obsolete. Just like the multi frequency machines on the market before the equinox did't make single frequency machines obsolete. Just shows you how a slogan can capture the minds of people. People might not remember a lot about things but they always remember a slogan. A powerful tool to influence when well crafted.

I don’t think its making VLF detectors obsolete. Just like the multi frequency machines on the market before the equinox did't make single frequency machines obsolete. Just shows you how a slogan can capture the minds of people. People might not remember a lot about things but they always remember a slogan. A powerful tool to influence when well crafted.

Because of the price difference, the cheap single frequency VLF's won't be obsolete overnight, but, once people sit down and make an informed decision, they eventually will. People still buy LP's, CD's, and VHS tapes too, but, effectively, they're obsolete. The same thing happened going from horses to automobiles. Both got the job done, but.....you get the idea. Someone starting out with a $1000 budget and wanting an all around machine isn't going to buy a single freq VLF, if they have any sense. If they only have a $300 budget? Sure, get one and have fun. They'll find a good percentage of what the better machines will find in most locations. In tough locations such as the ocean, iron infested, or highly mineralized ground, they'll just be frustrated.......like they are now.

I don’t think its making VLF detectors obsolete. Just like the multi frequency machines on the market before the equinox did't make single frequency machines obsolete. Just shows you how a slogan can capture the minds of people. People might not remember a lot about things but they always remember a slogan. A powerful tool to influence when well crafted.

They made the EQ affordable. I think that that made a huge difference in the amount of sales. If the EQ was $1200, forget about it. Just another toy for the one percenter's:laughing7:

Lets put it in perspective, a couple of years ago, I purchased a Garrett AT Pro for 650.00! Up until now, no one offered (unless purchased used) a multi-frequency for $650.00, so no, the Etrac, CTX etc didn't make VLF obsolete due to price. Now I can get an Equinox 600 for the same 650.00 I paid for the AT Pro!

Sure, beginner/entry level machines will remain single frequency (for now), but Minelab's Equinox has introduced an industry shifting product that others will have to adapt to or go the way of the dinosaur. Rather then looking at it as a threat to your beloved brand you now own, look at what it will do to jump start a detector evolution! We all benefit, even if you don't like the Equinox!

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I would put down good money that Garrett and White's amongst others were very early clandestinely on the waiting lists, and their engineers are diligently reverse-engineering the Equinox's to figure out what Minelab did! Good money! Takers??

I would put down good money that Garrett and White's amongst others were very early clandestinely on the waiting lists, and their engineers are diligently reverse-engineering the Equinox's to figure out what Minelab did! Good money! Takers??

Minelab has good lawyers too!

Not illegal to revers-engineer... only to violate patents. If they reverse to learn, that is perfectly legal. What they do with that knowledge afterwards is the key.

I would put down good money that Garrett and White's amongst others were very early clandestinely on the waiting lists, and their engineers are diligently reverse-engineering the Equinox's to figure out what Minelab did! Good money! Takers??

My money is on China! I was just on a website last night that has a bunch of clone detectors at the fraction of the cost!

My money is on China! I was just on a website last night that has a bunch of clone detectors at the fraction of the cost!

The ones I've seen in the past were junk.

My money isn't on China.

I'm not sure of the development to release cycle time, but I suspect within 1-2 years all the major companies will have to release a multi-frequency detector if they hope to compete once word is fully out on the Equinox's capabilities. Two very successful and die-hard detectorists on here fully convinced me on it with their testing and real world experiences shared. They were very loyal to their other machines, so when you have loyalty trumped by better technology I'm on board. Minelab was the first, and I'm sure they will force innovation with other companies as well.

smokeythecat, I say China because they don't have to worry about patents and such. They'll just rip it apart and do their best to make a cheap copy. They fully skip the most expensive phase...research and design.

I'm not sure of the development to release cycle time, but I suspect within 1-2 years all the major companies will have to release a multi-frequency detector if they hope to compete once word is fully out on the Equinox's capabilities. Two very successful and die-hard detectorists on here fully convinced me on it with their testing and real world experiences shared. They were very loyal to their other machines, so when you have loyalty trumped by better technology I'm on board. Minelab was the first, and I'm sure they will force innovation with other companies as well.

smokeythecat, I say China because they don't have to worry about patents and such. They'll just rip it apart and do their best to make a cheap copy. They fully skip the most expensive phase...research and design.

China doesnt care if it works the same, or at all. When companies buy knock-offs they are paying pennies on the dollar per unit. If they want to buy a fully functioning copy they have to pay for all that which costs a lot more.

no we all cannot spend our retirement on a new machine every little whip stitch

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