has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Is every one ready! get set! change the story again.
Go for it BB,
Give us another one.

Yes Joe,

Very entertaining.


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

he said he was no longer replying to my post but here he is again doing the same old BS and your showing how smart you are by following his stupidy..

and look who is side steping the facts now , you never stated the 1847 date was in reality a messurement in vara , you the king of know it all .. you dont #@!$%#@! about navigation , you didnt know that simbolic was a azimuth scale ether ,, ... you set around telling people how much you know but all you do is try to disrupt other people from find any clues . i found what i wanted ..and i give the translation of the stone tablets to everyone ,, you came here to my post and started trolling because no one cares what you do ... go over and make your own post . you wont have to worry about me makeing a reply over there ...lol

CJ bring it or shut the F up ... where is your corse if your so smart lets see you pliot the stone tablets in the mt range and come within 1 cubic vara ,,on a corse 1847 vara long , put up or shut up !

where is your 8 dirrect fixed pionts that match the stone tablets to any given area .. come on i miss your post with any real plioting skills ... where is your heart mt wise ass , mine is right up there ... what cat have your tounge , ,,,,... where is your pictures of something other then you setting around the camp on your fat ass....

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Talk is cheap BB,
Rather than show a couple Google earth pops and some Blurry photos that could be from your yard...

And then ridicule anyone who desents from your idea of proof ...
I am of a school that says bring proof with the story or stay home.
My partner taught me that when I was a kid.

No matter how much research you do or have done
to post such a fantastic story now without a shred of evidence is not only silly but makes you look very bad as well.


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

BB - what exactly do you believe site #1 is? From your photo's it's very simple to tell where exactly it is and I can easily visit it on my trip there. It's quite close to where Tex Barkley lived and ranched - I don't think it's a stretch to say that he knew that "backyard" of his home better than anyone else.

From your past posts, I fully expected your sites to be located well beyond where the average person had gone. If you believe you've found something there, I can't deny it because I wasn't with you - however being that close to Tex Barkley (and prior to that Jim Bark's) backyard, I'd be very surprised if the area hadn't been gone over with a fine tooth comb.

As far as CJ goes - he may not believe anything you have to say, but you're VERY mistaken if you think he hasn't spent many many many days out in those mountains - oh, and I don't believe he was ever searching for the LDM.

You assume a great deal about people BB, and it's not surprising that you are as much of a recluse as you say you are - there aren't many people who can tolerate arrogant and condescending people.

Oh - and by the way, you do know that the horse stone and priest stone are one in the same right?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

the blindbowman said:
if your asking me that question ,for one you wont know it when you see it and you have no chance of makeing that climb ...

Once again I ask legitimate questions and hope and an offer to visit and verify (at least in my own mind) what your claim is and in return I get arrogance and further condescending attitude.

Your game playing and attitude towards me is tiring. If you don't want anyone to "see" your site, then don't bother to post your maps, photos, etc... You once again make assumptions about people without having any concept of who they are - and yet at the same time you expect everyone here to believe in your superior navigational abilities/training and shaman arts. For someone who claims such high intelligence, your hypocritical attitudes are childish at best. Have you considered that I may be a world class rock climber and fully capable of reaching any spot in the mountains that I so choose?

Play your games as you will - any proof you have of whatever finds you believe you've made are quite obviously yours alone. As I mentioned in an earlier post, if that was honestly enough for you, you wouldn't come here telling everyone about your finds - you would simply relish them yourself and take pride in the fact that you've found what you were seeking. Your continual posting here implies your need to have "the world" congratulate you for your discoveries. I offer an opportunity to do that and your answer is what I was told I would get in return - "I know something you don't know - nyah nyah."

Oh, and of course your constant editing and deleting of posts. And you honestly wonder why so many people don't believe your claims?? Honestly... laying aside your high and mighty attitude and doing a little introspection on what it is you want might do you wonders.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Cubfan64 said:
the blindbowman said:
if your asking me that question ,for one you wont know it when you see it and you have no chance of makeing that climb ...

Once again I ask legitimate questions and hope and an offer to visit and verify (at least in my own mind) what your claim is and in return I get arrogance and further condescending attitude.

Your game playing and attitude towards me is tiring. If you don't want anyone to "see" your site, then don't bother to post your maps, photos, etc... You once again make assumptions about people without having any concept of who they are - and yet at the same time you expect everyone here to believe in your superior navigational abilities/training and shaman arts. For someone who claims such high intelligence, your hypocritical attitudes are childish at best. Have you considered that I may be a world class rock climber and fully capable of reaching any spot in the mountains that I so choose?

Play your games as you will - any proof you have of whatever finds you believe you've made are quite obviously yours alone. As I mentioned in an earlier post, if that was honestly enough for you, you wouldn't come here telling everyone about your finds - you would simply relish them yourself and take pride in the fact that you've found what you were seeking. Your continual posting here implies your need to have "the world" congratulate you for your discoveries. I offer an opportunity to do that and your answer is what I was told I would get in return - "I know something you don't know - nyah nyah."

Oh, and of course your constant editing and deleting of posts. And you honestly wonder why so many people don't believe your claims?? Honestly... laying aside your high and mighty attitude and doing a little introspection on what it is you want might do you wonders.

PM me if you want to ask me something but i got to go and i will reply tomorrow .... you want a GPS to help CUB i can do that ,just PM and i get back to it tomorrow i got something to do tonight ...deliteing the reply had nothing to do with your question in fact i had not seen your question and my reply sounded like i was side steping you that why i delited it ,, PM me dude i have no problem at all giveing you a GPS for that site .... and IMHO that site could be montezuma's tomb ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


I believe you have a pretty good handle on bowman's believeability factor. As you say, he may have something in the Superstitions. Not in the area he is leading everyone to now, but somewhere else altogether. That assumes he has anything other than a drug induced hallucination.

It was always possible he would stop posting one of the ten or twelve times he said goodbye, but he was not done working up, supposed, interest in his novel. The worst thing that could happen for him, is that he would make some money.......anywhere. That would undoubtedly be the end of the poor man.

I hope he saved some money from selling his farm, because it's hard to believe his book can be anything but self published.

Looking at what he has sent to Scott was really impressive. There must be some really serious consideration going on down at Scott's office. No doubt he has called in every official in the state. Man shouldn't make a decision like that, on his own......CYA! He may even have sent the "evidence" back to Washington. :o

Would someone send me the articles from the newspapers? We are, kind of, in the country up here.

Take care,


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

you said you were not going to reply to my post , your nothing but a troll CJ ...what are you afrade of CJ, that i know more then i was saying and i hide it behind the drama.. your a fool cj , you out right no match for me in fact i have been playing with a mouse ,,get a life , and the out right worst thing that could happen is i find what i am looking for , and i take what you have said presonally ....some very intelligent people have to make their own enemys because their enemys disapear so fast .....LOL your bait ! ...lol

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HI GUYS: Is this type of thing contributing to anything other than "I want the last word"?

Whether the LDM exists or not, that the Peraltas ever mined , or that the Aztecs were active there ?? etc etc really isn't tooo important. Let's just have fun as in drinking coffee around the campfre in the superstitions under a full moon (Apache or Comanche moon) telling of personal adventures of all kinds, and naturally BS, ing about lot mines / Treasures and ghosts for it's own sake and fun.

I have the Tayopa, but I certainly don't expect everyone to go ga ga over the fact. Actually I expect many to take issue with me for many reasons, such as disbelief in the story itself, the popular propaganda that the Jesuit's never mined, (a la Lamer, my friend ), dislike of me personally, even attempting to find fault with my findings through superior abilites or deductions, or just plain jealousy ..etc.etc.

The point is, that I enjoy the posts, both pro and con, and it never gets personal on my part, why should it? While my initiales ARE "JC", I certainly am not HIS equal and have been known to make mistakes, rarely of course, ( don't ask cactus, cub, old dog or BB etc., or my tiger hehe they are all jealous or obvioulsy mistaken, Djui might be honest but? Scott ?? )

SOOO; let's relax and just have fun.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

never judge the dance by those that set around .. i take nothing said at this forum presonaly ...lol thats just all smoke and mirrors to make it more fun , CJ is my sugar daddy ,,,,,LOL . he is a sweet old _____.. !
i would love to drink some coffie with all of you and i am sure the sun would rise over the degussion the next morning lol,

keep tayopa save . i got beleive i got what i was looking for , some times it all comes down to a warm chair on a cold winters night and a good book !

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Cub has ask me how i knew where the corse started , its a good question and at this piont i well give you the answer to this question , the tablets dirrect you to the starting piont . at 3:00 if you place a catus needle in the hole when it alines with the shadow of the needle on the stone at the 3:00 hole the suns shadows will aline with the already marked shadow on the stone .. this tells you can only be in one location to miners needle the way it is pictured on the stone if you go to this location you will find what is called a signature stone ... i found the stone and alined the 4th mt of miners needle with it , this pionts out where the starting line of the redge matches the stone map redge at the being of the corse .. it also shows you the real starting piont of terrapin pass, the indains must not have read your modern maps back then their terrapin pass starts near the starting piont of the redge ,.. and the terrapin is looking up the canyon to the north west ...if you under stand the stream bed looked that way in the 1600's you know its the same place .. do you know what the odds would be of this matching the corse in as many ways as it dose and not be the real corse , that would be like 20 million to one .....pluse when i decoded the stone wording it says , norte +northern , so where ever the corse ways it had to go in a northern dirrection ...and when you under stand the redge line can only fit this redge and still match the starting piont and still aline with miners needle ...

we were trained to spotland marks and sight them from given dirrections . if montezuma had take a large treasure into the mts he would have ad to enter the mts one of two spots . this being the most like because its the most southern, as montezuma heded north he knew the spanish would be comeing fast behind him so they hide the treasure and then split up and went in 3 dirrection west ,north and east ,and he misdirrected the spanish and it was a good plan because its still working today , for everyone but me ...i was train to see these things ...


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Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

thats what the dutchman ment when he said "you got to know how " how to read indain sign....

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

you want to really know something , did you know that out of the 7 tribes known to inhabit the seven caves only one tribe did not speak Aztec , they were the Acolhua,,see if mix and match the spellings of the word you start to see a pattern , Acolhua ..Aco ma ...ma could be the home of Acolhua

did you know that only two the tribes name do not end in the ca letters , the Acolhua and the Tlaxcalan .if this is the case then 3 of the tribes have some common ground between them ....Xohimilca and the Acolhua and the Tlaxcalan ... if i am right the letters of the names were combined to make other names like chicomoztoc chi would have linked Xochimilca..+Acolhua+ Montezuma+Toltec

note the words :A general term used to refer to simple village farmers living on the northern fringes of Mesoamerica around the turn of the 1st millennium ad. The Chichimec were regarded as barbarians by the more sophisticated people of central Mexico, and were portrayed as fierce warring people. Between ad 1175 and 1425 some of these peoples moved south into the Basin of Mexico, the best known of which were the Aztecs. Chichimec is also a language group.


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Columbia Encyclopedia: Chichimec
(chēchēmĕk') , general term for the peoples of the Valley of Mexico between the periods of Toltec ascendancy and Aztec ascendancy. Before the 11th cent. the Chichimec were nomadic peoples on the northern fringes of the valley. The Chichimec period (c.950–1300) was one of intertribal warfare and political confusion, but it prepared the way for the tributary empire of the Aztec.


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Wikipedia: Chichimeca
Chichimeca was the name that the Mexica (Aztecs) generically applied to a wide range of semi-nomadic peoples who inhabited the north of modern-day Mexico, and carried the same sense as the European term "barbarian". The name was adopted with a pejorative tone by the Spaniards when referring especially to the semi-nomadic hunter-gatherer peoples of northern Mexico. In modern times only one ethnic group is customarily referred to as Chichimecs, namely the Chichimeca Jonaz, although lately this usage is being changed for simply "Jonáz" or their own name for themselves "Úza".

Overview and identity
The Chichimeca peoples were in fact many different groups with varying ethnic and linguistic affiliations. As the Spaniards worked towards consolidating the rule of New Spain over the Mexican indigenous peoples during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the "Chichimecan tribes" maintained a resistance. A number of ethnic groups of the region allied against the Spanish, and the following military colonization of northern Mexico has become known as the "Chichimeca Wars".

Many of the peoples called Chichimeca are virtually unknown today; few descriptions mention them and they seem to have been absorbed into mestizo culture or into other indigenous ethnic groups. For example, virtually nothing is known about the peoples referred to as Guachichiles, Caxcanes, Zacatecos, Tecuexes, or Guamares. Others like the Opata or "Eudeve" are well described but extinct as a people.

Other "Chichimec" peoples maintain a separate identity into the present day, for example the Otomies, Chichimeca Jonaz, Coras, Huicholes, Pames, Yaquis, Mayos, O'odham and the Tepehuánes.

Word origin
The Nahuatl name Chīchīmēcah (plural, singular Chīchīmēcatl; pronounced [tʃiːtʃiːˈmeːkaʔ]) means "inhabitants of Chichiman"; the placename Chichiman itself means "Area of Milk". It is sometimes said to be related to chichi "dog", but the i's in chichi are short while those in Chīchīmēcah are long, a phonemic distinction in Nahuatl.[1] The word could either have a negative "barbarous" sense, or a positive "noble savage" sense.[2]

The word "Chichimeca" was originally used by the Nahua to describe their own prehistory as a nomadic hunter-gatherer people and used in contrast to their later, more "civilized," urban lifestyle that they identified with the term Toltecatl.[3] In modern Mexico, the word "Chichimeca" can have pejorative connotations such as "primitive", "savage", "uneducated" and "native," and can be used in much the same way in Mexican Spanish as the word "Apache" can be used in American English.

the fact remanis the "Area of Milk" could be related to the word MA or mother , the brith place ...here is one of the oldest know related sites to Aztlan and a clear link to chicomoztoc or in this case chichimeca ,could this mean the Xochimilca and the Mexica , is this in some way explaning the translation being part of the confussion of these site ...?

yet dose this help explan what tribe became the 7th tribe of the seven caves ... this is what i am working on , i do beleive i have found the seven caves and chicomoztoc ...the next question in my mind is i have found 6 out of the seven caves yet the 7th is sealed and hiden wihin the others 6 caves ...where and why is the real question ,i beleive the Acolhca is the 7th tribe , they are the only tribe that didnt speak the native language of the area at the time , and they are dirrectly related to the chichimeca legend ,and then we now see the posable link between the chichimeca and site #1...

i guess my piont is that these tribes used sound and not the writen words and had a lot of mis translation between them and the spainish ,and the spainish was the totall oppisitie of that so many things were mis under stood and were just translated wrong between the two ...but yet here we see what could be a link between the Acolhca and site one useing the signal mean of given words not that these words could not mean other things , but yet we see the site #1 location of MA matching not only the word meaning but also the location and other site of chicomoztoc in the same area ,, this is a unbeleiveable high ratio , the odds this is Aztlan are far greater then it not being Aztlan at this piont ...

maybe the piont Aztlan was beleived to be in northern mexico and as histroy changed the site was in fact what became Arizona dose not change the fact this area was know as part of sonora when the spainish frist started new spain ,yet the out line of these areas were never clearly defind before the areas changed hands ....i beleive i have enough evidence to prove i have defind what was once Aztlan and even if there is little evidence of it left ,, there is evidence here at these sites , and i can prove this ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i can only guess the greed of those that seek the montezuma treasure in fact recorded the true location of Aztlan with out knowing or under standing what they had done ..

this is why the montezuma treasure means very little to me , the wealth of a treasure can never equal the power of wisdom ... and to find and define Aztlan is a matter of under standing a vast missing part of histroy, for both the american indain and the human race ....

this place of Aztlan could hold many facts lost in time that took place over a large span of time .it maybe the only write record of these events ...i think the details of Aztlan could be priceless to the true histroy of the human race ...

not only to these tribes but if they did record a vast amont of histroy over a long time span the value of these data could solve thousands of questions ...if they are related to atlantis or not...lol i think the value of the data will define it self ....maybe even give us a better under standing of who we are and the true corse of histroy ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

please,,,,, go on, tell them more ,,,,tell them what you told me . it is not gold you seek ,it is power..so like the whites you claim to hate you really are .... don't lie tell the truth , tell them you want blood , you want revenge. you seek the crown . tell them just how old you think you are, he who claims to be chosen.the rules are simple 'HE WHO CLAIMS TO BE CHOSEN IS PROBABLY NOT"....HE THAT SAYS HE IS WISE ,MAY LACK WISDOM....

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

I've been busy with homework related to my own area of interest in the mysteries of these mountains for some time now,which in a few areas does parallel,though not necessarily support your beliefs,BB.I commend your research efforts.
Sometimes the greatest mysteries are solved with the aid of the smallest of clues,those that at first discovery are deemed to be of little importance such as a flake of stone far from its source or a fragment of bone or pottery that,on closer examination can suggest a flaw in the prevailing hypothesis.One associate of long ago,an archaeologist who shall remain nameless out of a fond respect for a truly gifted instructor,was greatly embarrassed in having to revise the occupation date of an aboriginal longhouse site when a student,who also will remain unnamed,discovered a small pottery vessel which contained a number of human teeth,one of which had a gold cap.This particular site had been previously dated by initial artifacts within the same unaltered strata as mid 14th CE.
One aspect of you research,as it may apply to your own belief that Chichiman rests within the borders of the superstitions area and that it's history is entwined with that of the greater legendary Aztlan territory and thus Monteczuma's treasure,is somewhat troubling,however.Your inclusion of an image titled "english toad" suggests a surprising degree of intimate knowledge of Mezoamerican customs, idoletry and practices.The practice that I am referring to is,of course,that of "toad licking"---see http://www.erowid.org/archive/sonoran_desert_toad/wallstreet.htm
for further information.I truly hope that your conclusions are not inspired thusly.....SH
ps: and I don't want to hear that--"you were so close that you could taste it " !!

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

kanabite said:
please,,,,, go on, tell them more ,,,,tell them what you told me . it is not gold you seek ,it is power..so like the whites you claim to hate you really are .... don't lie tell the truth , tell them you want blood , you want revenge. you seek the crown . tell them just how old you think you are, he who claims to be chosen.the rules are simple 'HE WHO CLAIMS TO BE CHOSEN IS PROBABLY NOT"....HE THAT SAYS HE IS WISE ,MAY LACK WISDOM....

you are so easlyl tested ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i am still tryig to under stand why this location i can see why it would become a hiden cave system for a tribe of shaman ,that i under stand , but why the gold vein here , it dosent make sence , there is no reason i can see why this vein devoled at this location .i saw no evidence that made this area any diffrence then anyother location in the area but the vein it self .there is nio logical reason that i can see ,is just there ..why i am not sure .. but thing i am sure of the chichiman knew it was there ,i under stand the histroy of related legends better then most yet i find this site has a histroy that goes far beyond what i exspected it would . it could very well go back as far as the cro magnon shaman . and i can only guess at this piont in time that maybe the true reason this is a site , the shaman them selfs define the location as their home ...

it may in fact hold powers that effect those that come near it , there are a few common facts , of caves and hunting ands and fresh water... yet beyond these normal things that help devolpe a location there is a feeling at this location i have not seen any where esle out there ...its like standing near a time warp and feeling the hair stand up on your neck ...its more then that ,i sence it ....there are spirits here old spirits as old as the cro magnon shaman ...

they dont under stand why i can sence them ,and yes they know i am near ...

the presence of these beings must be protected at all cost .

power is of no value , wisdom and under standing is the only true value ...

its not that i want thebook of shadows , the human race is not ready for this kind of magic ,spells and curse ti be free on earth ...

you can not take statements out of tect and prove anything byond your own lack of under standing , i do not hate anyone ..and if you beleive that is what i said your misteaken ...

what the whites did in the past can not be changed , it can only be under stood for what it was then ...i already have a crown why would i want someing less ...?

you are confussed you want others here to beleive you are indain ,yet you are not .and you confront me yet i dont care ...

you try to degrade my post when a true indain would not . you do not speak the truth and it is showing ....

i am 47 years old .. is that what you mean ...? my being is beyond the years of your under standing beyond the days and night .beyond the light and darkness , beyond your under standing ....

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

no i am not trying to degraded your posts , and i do not claim anything more about the natives ways . i do have several Indian brothers. after all, are we not all brothers . what i asked you to is tell the truth, not just half of it . and you are incorrect about testing me . it was tempting me and you did not get anything , although you think you did. why must you call it magic , so like all the others before you . that have a little bit of knowledge and somehow must use it above another,I do not care about what is in the superstitions , but i do care about you threatening innocent people ,in a attempt to punish the guilty .so easy it is to find ones opposite. you have not angered me , nor have you caused me much despair , it did seem that you enjoyed that. i feel sorry for you . i do not know what has happened to you in your 47 year life to make you hate the human race like you seem , but i will pray for you to find peace . i am not passing judgement , that is not my job . but beware of the treasure you seek . it can consume .

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