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Several years ago a friend of a friend proceeded to tell me about the stash of old coins that had been unearthed on the family farm, all these coins dating in the 1920's-30's. The coins had been discovered in a back field along a creek that had been cut back and cleared, remains of what appeared be an old mason type jar broken and scattered about. So from this it was quickly assumed that the prior owner of the farm had buried stashes around the place. Now these are honest and sincere folks and they truly believed that they were telling the absolute truth and presenting accurate case.

A few years later, however, it was discovered that the ground in question had never become a part of this family farm until the late 1950's when the current owner had purchased the adjacent property. So right away it became apparent that it had been the other property owner who had actually been burying the coins. But prior to this discovery the long standing family story had been that the prior owner of their family farm had been a huge hoarder who was known to bury money all over his farm. So right up until the discovery of this later property purchase the original owner of the family farm in question had been accused and convicted of something he probably never even knew anything about.

This is what happens with second hand information, and it happens quite a bit through various types of circumstances. Folks have good reason to believe and they trust that they are telling the gospel truth, but generally speaking one can never be sure just how accurate this type of information is. Authors can sometimes be the worst source of information because they have a vested interest in the information being printed, weather it be a writer of books or the writer of newspaper articles. And even if we do trust these writers then one has to wonder where their information came from, and in what form did it arrive?

So in the end one has to ask how Adeline Ward McVeigh got her information? Did a family member tell her? A family friend, perhaps? Perhaps her father? Did her father keep a diary, perhaps wrote her a letter detailing such? Or was she just repeating family rumor and family belief? Maybe she was just assuming as much since his name appears of the copyright application? Who can say how she actually arrived at claiming such? So just how reliable is the information?:dontknow:

I held the diary of James Beverly Ward in my hands one time. I was visiting Peter Viemeister's book store Hamilton's when he handed me the faded pages of the diary. I only read one page about Harriet was about to lose her mind in St. Louis if they did not move back to the farm in Lynchburg. I sure wish I had asked Peter to let me read the rest of that diary. Rebel, you need to go to Peter's wife and see if that diary can be re-located. Peter kept the diary in his back office in the left side of the building as you came into the store. I remember sitting down in the chair in front of his desk and reading that one page of the diary and handing it back to him. At the time it did not seem that important to read the diary. You know how treasure hunters do they want to be out searching and digging for the treasure. Lost chance. Maybe you can relocate the diary, Rebel. Thanks.

What I know about Cindy (Mrs. V.), is that she moved up NORTH to be with their son, Ben; he is an accountant ($$$$$$$$$$$$), I think... after graduating from a BIZ School or something. Someone bought PV's stuff, or maybe he donated ALL of it to the Bedford Historical Society... he was PRESIDENT of it at one time; had access to a LOT of "Good STUFF of INTEREST" (GSI).

I thought McVeigh's daughter said that her mother believe the Beale Treasure story to be true? Also the Job Print Pamphlet copied in Peter Veimeister's book came from Mr.s McVeigh.
In the Adams interview, Adeline Ward McVeigh, stated that her father was the author of the Beale Papers and believed it may have been based on a true story.
Yes, Veimeister's copy was said to have come from Mrs McVeigh, but let it also be noted she said she had NEVER seen the iron box or the original three cipher pages.

In the Adams interview, Adeline Ward McVeigh, stated that her father was the author of the Beale Papers and believed it may have been based on a true story.
Yes, Veimeister's copy was said to have come from Mrs McVeigh, but let it also be noted she said she had NEVER seen the iron box or the original three cipher pages.

"May have been based on a true story" sounds like she really didn't know one way or the other. This then, only further supports the notion that she "may not" have been all that certain that her father was the author, only that she believed he probably was. Again, there's just no way to know how/why she arrived at her conclusions.

"May have been based on a true story" sounds like she really didn't know one way or the other. This then, only further supports the notion that she "may not" have been all that certain that her father was the author, only that she believed he probably was. Again, there's just no way to know how/why she arrived at her conclusions.

Is there another theme altogether? Or will the background information grant us a clue to the codes?

Is there a fact derived from any of the History Lessons being given that show there is something to go on that maybe hints at the organization of 30 men in ANY of this history?

Is there a fact to go on that shows where there were any mining operations in any of the history, any mines exctly 300 miles away from Santa Fe, in ANY direction?

Anything that shows a key to break the code in this history tale?

I am asking all of this because it seems that this was the direct interest of the author's intent by coding the operation as a masked version of loosely connected individuals from a certain area.

Nothing like someone in their grave to keep a secret huh !

Is there another theme altogether? Or will the background information grant us a clue to the codes?

Is there a fact derived from any of the History Lessons being given that show there is something to go on that maybe hints at the organization of 30 men in ANY of this history?

Is there a fact to go on that shows where there were any mining operations in any of the history, any mines exctly 300 miles away from Santa Fe, in ANY direction?

Anything that shows a key to break the code in this history tale?

I am asking all of this because it seems that this was the direct interest of the author's intent by coding the operation as a masked version of loosely connected individuals from a certain area.

Nothing like someone in their grave to keep a secret huh !

Now you're posing questions to which there are many debatable answers, but none of which we can establish as fact in regards to their actually being directly attached to the Beale paper story. So there are many possibilities but just nothing that we can establish as being conclusively tied to the Beale Paper story, or as being a matter of fact in that regard.

Jean Laf just posted an impressive and responsible reply in another thread, the information offered just falling short of any claims that what he believes are absolute facts. In fact, I even agree that some of his proposals are quite possible, in not likely, in the event that the Beale story holds any measure of truth, which is still unestablished.

Again this is nothing but your examination of the evidence you are holding in YOUR hands....

The assumption you make about how 'we' don't know what we are talking about, still doesn't have any basis on the research of others here.

I count 5 of them as having solid facts, but I still feel comfortable saying that I cranked out the solve in record time. Without cracking the codes, or needing a single reference of historical information in Virginia.

You should focus on YOUR input more, without using us as a point of reference to further your own acceptance of your own research, especially if you are merely going to debunk the whole story that we have presented so you can slowly drag through the research to tell us what you are implying.

Some people are actually paid to do the work you are doing here, maybe find a job working at the office of strategic disinformation?:thumbsup:

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Again this is nothing but your examination of the evidence you are holding in YOUR hands....

The assumption you make about how 'we' don't know what we are talking about, still doesn't have any basis on the research of others here.

I count 5 of them as having solid facts, but I still feel comfortable saying that I cranked out the solve in record time. Without cracking the codes, or needing a single reference of historical information in Virginia.

You should focus on YOUR input more, without using us as a point of reference to further your own acceptance of your own research, especially if you are merely going to debunk the whole story that we have presented so you can slowly drag through the research to tell us what you are implying.

Some people are actually paid to do the work you are doing here, maybe find a job working at the office of strategic disinformation?:thumbsup:

Eldo, "I have made no false claims of solution in these forums. I have only presented solutions and possibilities in the form of theories with no absolute claims of solution." You're still missing the point entirely...."It is impossible to provide accurate solution to something that you can't even prove exist!" It is not good enough to simply believe that you have all the answers, first you have to establish that the mystery is indeed real to begin with. Otherwise you could just as easily be presenting solutions to a mystery that does not exist, and never did. Again you boast that you have solved the Beale mystery and all that has ever been asked of you is that you now prove that this story was real by presenting actual directly connecting summation, which to date you still have been unable to do. So again I simply ask, can you establish beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Peralta stone is indeed the real deal? I only ask because there is a ton of evidence to the contrary from some pretty good and knowledgeable sources. So once again, since you claim that the stone is the real deal then the ball is in your court, not mine. And "no" circumstantial and speculative evidence does not constitute fact.

Eldo, "I have made no false claims of solution in these forums. I have only presented solutions and possibilities in the form of theories with no absolute claims of solution." You're still missing the point entirely...."It is impossible to provide accurate solution to something that you can't even prove exist!" It is not good enough to simply believe that you have all the answers, first you have to establish that the mystery is indeed real to begin with. Otherwise you could just as easily be presenting solutions to a mystery that does not exist, and never did. Again you boast that you have solved the Beale mystery and all that has ever been asked of you is that you now prove that this story was real by presenting actual directly connecting summation, which to date you still have been unable to do. So again I simply ask, can you establish beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Peralta stone is indeed the real deal? I only ask because there is a ton of evidence to the contrary from some pretty good and knowledgeable sources. So once again, since you claim that the stone is the real deal then the ball is in your court, not mine. And "no" circumstantial and speculative evidence does not constitute fact.

PS: Do you really believe that you are the only one who has ever investigated the authenticity of the Peralta stone? Just jump on line and do a short investigation there. Might surprise you to learn just how many of your colleagues deem the stone to be nothing more then hoax, and why. Do you have something credible and absolute to convince these people otherwise?

The only person who actually nailed the mines down in 35 minutes, PROVING they exist.......


The only person to be able to find the answer to the author of the stones, and the men involved that were killed there as well, including finding the reasoning to the codes on the stones.....


well telling you this over and over has gotten boring......off to real work.

Yep the ball is in my court... Here's what I am going to do with it.


The only person who actually nailed the mines down in 35 minutes, PROVING they exist.......


The only person to be able to find the answer to the author of the stones, and the men involved that were killed there as well, including finding the reasoning to the codes on the stones...
...and still you have NO hard documented evidence that connects these claims to the 1885 Beale Papers by James Beverly Ward, only speculation to fit a pet theory.
Do you know the origin of the story of the Beale Party being massacred by Native Americans?

The only person who actually nailed the mines down in 35 minutes, PROVING they exist.......


The only person to be able to find the answer to the author of the stones, and the men involved that were killed there as well, including finding the reasoning to the codes on the stones.....


well telling you this over and over has gotten boring......off to real work.

Of course, you're only assuming that said wealth actually came from mines, and that the Peralta stone is real, etc., etc., etc. I agree 100%, probably a good idea that you do go back to work on things. :thumbsup:

...and still you have NO hard documented evidence that connects these claims to the 1885 Beale Papers by James Beverly Ward, only speculation to fit a pet theory.
Do you know the origin of the story of the Beale Party being massacred by Native Americans?

Speculation is all you guy's do on here. The pot calling the kettle black. What a Joke ! LOL LOL LOL ROFLMAO !

Speculation is all you guy's do on here. The pot calling the kettle black. What a Joke ! LOL LOL LOL ROFLMAO !

Plus you guy's tend to make up your own evidence to try to attack our theories!
1. Celeste Beale Diary
2. Death of Captain Thomas Beale 1820 ( PV ) is in error have proof.
3. Just look at the back logs of these threads, Pathetic Attempts everywhere! What a Joke !

All we have seen from you is speculation... You have made all the claims that you have the "KEY" and you have decyphered the code paper marked number one telling where the Beale Treasure is buried. If you have where the treasure is buried why are you not digging instead of on this forum seeking our information. You are suppose to have it all.
Well, Laf? ...Waiting.

All we have seen from you is speculation. When are you going to give us some of your research information. You always brand us as not sharing as you have done in the previous post wanting to know where I found the death of TJB Sr. Tell us what you know? You have made all the claims that you have the "KEY" and you have decyphered the code paper marked number one telling where the Beale Treasure is buried. If you have where the treasure is buried why are you not digging instead of on this forum seeking our information. You are suppose to have it all.

Sir, I have given out what I can. Most of what I have can not be posted on the internet without permission from the owner of the documents. There is a lot I can not tell you guy's and that is just the way it is. Is there some other place to tell the world that I have decoded The Beale Papers? I have chosen this place to make threads telling what I have found and most of you guy's fight what I say on my own threads. If I wanted that I would go on the Global Warming Forum and fight the DMC there! Speculation LOL. You authored a Book and that is a great accomplishment, now with new evidence not know is coming out we have found more errors in the theories of yesterday. Hold on and keep you hands and arms in the vehicle at all time we are going for a ride of a lifetime.

So, your claims and theories are fiction also.

No Sir, but as you know all ideas are theories until proven as law. This process is what I am looking for here in the near future. To show what I have done to the right people at the right time. Other than that I am just posting some of my finds on here as I go along. If you can prove something I post as not correct go for it . But some folks can not prove what they say with documentation. They just say over and over and over its not real its not real. I know for a fact it is real, I have decoded it. No one in there right mind would go to the lengths that this man did to hide nothing. I am not selling a book or needing to be on TV, just getting my stuff out there so no one can steel it and say it was there idea. All my stuff is from pure research!

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