Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
And swap tales, around the camp fire; the stories, I could tell you... HA!
And swap tales, around the camp fire; the stories, I could tell you... HA!
Hmm, i,d have to bust out homemade grape,apple or dandelion,solve code and forget it in same night. no shortage of tales would be sure bet.
I'm not sure what this means , but I applied the same thing to both #1 and #3 using the Amores idea and this is what came out;Hmmm... the BEALE PAPERS was written/released in 1885; COULD be SOME EA Poe "influence"... DUNNO.
I'm not sure what this means , but I applied the same thing to both #1 and #3 using the Amores idea and this is what came out;
#3 , N I C I L A T N T A A S J D L T B A T P E R A T R T P T B T S B S ? E T
# 1, C T S ? A T N T ? N T G S G H T E T F A O T T F G C M M O I T T I P T T
Seems like a lot of similaritys