:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D :dontknow: R & I indicate it MAY well be ANOTHER "cover-story" for the CSA Treasury. Newton Hazlewood, who was a SGT. (REB) in the CONFEDERATE WAR gave Clayton Hart sheets of papers with FIGURES on 'em alluding to a treasure near his home (Peaks of Otter "area"?), wanting copies in DUPLICATES. Gen. TT Munford (CSA) had a farm in Boonesboro, Va. "area" near NO BUSINESS Mountain, a ridge over from Fleming Mountain (aka JACKSON Mountain); Lee/Jackson Highway (Rt. 501 N) & James River are north of NBM... AND! Thomas Jefferson used to own ALL that land! SO! :D :wink:

Wow what a wazzack!

Can anyone 100% verify who George Hart was? In the Hart Papers, George Hart says he's the brother of Clayton Hart, and yet a check of genealogical records going back to 1880 does not indicate George ever existed. Clayton was born 1876/1877 and appears with his parents on the 1880, 1900 and 1910 censuses (the 1890 Census was burned and doesn't exist), and as a single gent on 1920 and 1930 censuses. His mother had a very peculiar first name; "Pluma", and his father; Henry Hart was a local doctor, so as a family they are very easy to spot in the census records....however George, the alleged brother, never appears once in these same records. In 1880, the following Hart siblings appear; Artie, Luserne, Lena, Della, Clayton, William and these same people show up later. A 6 yr old George W. Hart appears in the 1900 census but he is listed as the nephew of Clayton- NOT the brother. George says he lived in Washington D.C. in 1920 but there are no records. Can anyone verify who George Hart was and what is your source?

Here MAY be the answer... George L. Hart, Sr; FULL name: George Luzerne Hart, Sr. Was he known as "Luserne"...? ALMOST like "Luzerne"...

SO! HART family... Daddy: Henry; Momma: Pluma; KIDS: Artie, Lusene (George?), Lena, Della, Clayton, William. SOURCE:
"The Enigmatist".

Continuing on... R & I indicate that Clayton Hart "copied" THREE sheets of papers with FIGURES on 'em (HART PAPERS); 1897. HOWEVER, CH got the MAIN sheets of PAPERS with FIGURES from Newton Hazlewood, who was 1st Lt. in the REBEL (CSA) Army, during the CONFEDERATE WAR. CH did change the FIGURES/Ciphers slightly... told his brother, GEORGE about such. Beale PAPERS was written, copy-righted, then released in 1885. The Hart Bros interviewed JB Ward & son about the Beale PAPERS, then went TREASURE-HUNTING. George L. Hart wrote The HART PAPERS in 1952... to be released in 1964; as was Pauline's book. NOW! My question is... was the Ciphers/FIGURES BEFORE the copying of such (after the CW ended), and the Beale Expedition "added" to it, as a COVER-STORY by the "Inner Circle" from PAPERS "submitted" at the Arlington Hotel in Lynchburg, Va. (1882)...? Inquiring minds wanna know...

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HA! MORE info on the Treasure Hunters... the HART BROTHERS!

"Google" Hart Papers - Beale Cipher Solved; Beale Vault Found!
Page 11 - Beale Ciphers Analysis (Hart Papers)

HH! Good Luck!

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HP: Covers period of time 1898-1912; RESEARCHERS from Roanoke, Va., who became TREASURE HUNTERS... MORE, later.

There was a man and wife that either stayed with Clayton Hart or lived at the same address as Clayton. I have tried to find any of his descendants to see if they may have Clayton Hart's Book about the Beale Treasure. It sure would be interesting to find out what exactly the Hart Brothers were looking for and the success or failures of their pursuits. I do know by Clayton's activities exactly what he was looking for and I found it. But whether the treasure is there or not will have to wait until a richer day. Good luck to you Rebel, KGC keep on digging into the R & I.


Well, I CAN tell ya by R & I; indicated that GL Hart, Sr. (who wrote the HART PAPERS) lived with HIS son, George L. Hart, Jr. in DC. GL Hart, Jr. was a FED Judge. GL Hart, Sr. HAD to be a FreeMason b/c HE was given the 32nd (or earned it), PROBABLY at the HOUSE of the TEMPLE (Scottish Rite) in DC. AND! Bro. Albert Pike's bones are interred there. WONDERFUL library; had the tour, myself (TWO TIMES)... HA! I could LIVE in the TEMPLE Library! And, do my HAPPY DANCE! BTW, GL Hart, Sr. was @ 94 or so... MAYBE to "insure" SILENCE... dunno.

"Time-Line" of HART PAPERS: Beale PAPERS were "released" in 1885; Hazlewood requested C. Hart to "copy" FIGURES later (1897). Hazlewood must have gotten the FIGURES from the "BP", ignored the Beale Expedition of 1817-1822. C & G Hart interviewed JB Ward & son in Lynchburg, Va., got a copy of Beale PAPERS, & went TREASURE HUNTING in Bedford County... "pissing off" MANY farmers & "locals" of Bedford County, VIRGINIA. The "PSYCHIC" (NOT Medium) was FIRST "case" of REMOTE-VIEWING for TREASURE (Trance Medium); G & C were his "control/handler".

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From PV (RIP)... CSA "assets" were off-loaded at Thaxton Switch, on the V & T RR (WEST of LIBERTY/Bedford Town); in coffins of CSA "war deads" CSA KIA... "kins". Coffins taken to a barn, near-by (I think it was Rebel 1st Lt. Newton Hazlewood's farm,"over-looked" by Peaks of Otter). PV has this in his book, BEALE TREASURE; NEW History of a Mystery, will find pages. later. :coffee2::hello2::hello2::hello2:

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I think 1st Lt. N. Hazlewood KNEW where it was; just wanted to "make sure" it was ACTUALLY revealed...

I am sorry Rebel but I can not agree with this about N.H. Hazelwood. He may have known where some of the CSA Gold was but he never obtained any of it. He purchased his land making payments over a five year period from his railroad wages. The money if off loaded at the Thaxton Switch was not buried on NH Hazelwood's property as he did not purchase the property until 1887. You must remember that Peter Viemeister's book was fiction with very little research for the truth. NH Hazelwood may have heard something about a cache on the property------may be his reason for purchasing the property and it may very welll be the reason that Clayton Hart later bought the property from Frank Hazelwood, NH Hazelwood's son.

WRONG! Ya got the WRONG book! PV's THE BEALE TREASURE, NEW History of a Mystery, Chap. 22: Mexican War & Confederacy, Pg 166-173; "The idea persists that the Beale PAPERS ("BP") was FABRICATED to allow the "perpetrators" to claim legitimate ownership , by "finding it". There is speculation that the treasure was neither Indians nor Spanish; that it was NOT from 1819-1821, but rather was the LEGENDARY "missing Confederate Treasury" of the 1860's." (p. 162).
FURTHER, "8 months after ("Black" Dave) Hunter's aborted raid attack on Lynchburg, (Gen.) Lee recommended on Feb. 22, 1865, 'EVERYTHING of value should be removed from Richmond'. A message from (Gen.) Lee to CSA Secretary of War in Richmond said, 'I think Lynchburg or some point WEST, the most advantageous place to remove 'stores' from Richmond'. NO other city was named". (p. 168).... Lynchburg was a SAFE HAVEN..." (p. 168). Prez. Jeff Davis "had the authority to direct the (CSA) TREASURY 'assets' from Richmond be split by taking some to Danville, and having some sent WEST to be stashed in a SAFE, REMOTE, RURAL spot somewhere near Lynchburg (FreeMason SAFE HOLE/FreeMASON HOLE SAFE?). Treasury assets would be hidden, to be available for the CONFEDERACY to help pay its bill, and continue ro finance "the WAR". (p. 168-169) Lynchburg, Va. WAS state capital for VIRGINIA... April 6-10, 1865. MORE later; preview pg. pg. 169-172. AND! NEVER said 1st Lt. Hazlewood got ANY of it!

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I am sorry Rebel but I can not agree with this about N.H. Hazelwood. He may have known where some of the CSA Gold was but he never obtained any of it. He purchased his land making payments over a five year period from his railroad wages. The money if off loaded at the Thaxton Switch was not buried on NH Hazelwood's property as he did not purchase the property until 1887. You must remember that Peter Viemeister's book was fiction with very little research for the truth. NH Hazelwood may have heard something about a cache on the property------may be his reason for purchasing the property and it may very welll be the reason that Clayton Hart later bought the property from Frank Hazelwood, NH Hazelwood's son.

You have some good info about Hazlewood and Hart... tell us MORE! THANKS!

You see Rebel KGC, I never take anyone's word on their research----like PV. I always research and check out their information to see if it is correct. I have the land deeds for all the areas in the Montvale quadangle. I have north Goose Creek back to when it was a land grant to when Henry Buford and another man purchased over 6,000 acres of the land, when they sold it and when Paschal Buford sold off the remaining acreage. I plotted all of these properties on a 24 minute map to see what the area looked like when Thomas Beale and party buried the treasure in 1819 and 1821. I have all the deeds and tax records from the Bedford County Courthouse even up to today's date. I do my research very thoroughly that is why I am able to find these treasures. The only problem I have ever encountered is trying to recover my treasures. Now that is a problem I never counted on else I would not have researched for over 56 years only to get stopped by a landowner or the US Government. But it is a lifetime lesson learned the hard way.

GREAT! Tell us what cha got on the Hazlewood/Hart "property"... WHO owned it before Hazlewood...? Hazlewood owned it in 1887...? When did Hart own it...? SAD to hear ya don't "trust" PV's R & I...

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The NEXT question is WHERE is that "property"; read somewhere that N. H. Hazlewood was BURIED on his "property".

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R & I: PV has a WHOLE chapter on NHH: THE BEALE TREASURE: NEW History of a Mystery; Chap. 19... Trusted Friend, pg 150-156.... AND! It ALL really started on p. 149; "It was 1897 or 1898 that Clayton Hart was approached by his boss, NEWTON HYDE HAZLEWOOD, Chief Clerk in the Audit Office of the Norfolk & Western Railway (formerly Virginia & Tennessee RR) in Roanoke, to type up copies of some sheets that he said were codes about a treasure". (p.149). P. Innis even has some info on Hart & Hazlewood, in HER book, GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE. PV's statement... "Hazlewood knew Ward"... and what was in the Beale PAPERS (pamphlet). (p. 149)... more LATER!

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