Well sure they can, provided they can find the map that goes with the clues, can interpret the clues properly to take them to the cache location, get lucky enough that the cache is still there and hasn't already been recovered and recover the cache without getting into trouble.
Sounds simple enough. I don't think there are too many treasure hunters out there using a GPS tagging system on their cameras. I don't know of too many that will lug a full size DSLR capable of accepting a GPS tagging device to a treasure site.
Definitely KGC. We have a very similar tree.
It is a BIRD symbol; being in Georgia, Dg, I am NOT surprised that YOU have CSA/KGC carvings "in your neighborhood". The BIRD is telling "who-ever" to "fly" (hurry) in the direction "pointed" to. THAT tells me, that the Cache was buried "in a hurry"... Dg, are YOU near Little Washington, GA...?
Sure......can you post your credit card number for me?.....
couldn't resist the temptation Poplarhill.......if you study the threads you can see some of the symbols on the map pieces or you can Google L.C. Baker treasure and see all of them on one page, but I am afraid that is as close as anyone will come to actually seeing the medallions.
Hey Rebel,
That's an interesting bit of info on birds, that helps explain a mark,
I saw. Wish I could get you to talk more about the moon(s), or point me,
in the direction, of previous discussions, pertaining to those subjects...
Keep hounding him Cross De Sign Rebel is full of good information and a little bit of bologna..., but he knows his stuff for sure! Here is a discussion about moons for you, hope it helps.
Good Luck! L.C.