$hare alleged KGC/Outlaw signs/symbols with/out absolute proof/ none required


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That is about the neatest hatchet I have seen. Did you go in the direction the handle is pointing or did something tell you to go elsewhere? I have found a few hatchet heads also but w/o handles.


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The hatchet is all one piece and made of metal. I didn't follow it anywhere because it wasn't old enough for what I was looking for.


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alec said:
Again, we are back to differing opinions, for the most part, I don't think anything that you find marked on a tree or rock is going to be so precise that you need an exact angle or heading but that's just me. I haven't run into anything that precise in the field yet.

I would have interpreted your C differently.
Alec how would you have interpreted Hoss's C? As usual I tried to post some pics and it said my file was too big....I want to get in on the fun!...Steve

Steve, I would be guessing because I am looking at it without any context. The flat side of the C could be telling you to take a line but the first thing I would look for is a flat space like a bluff face or large (really large) boulder with a flat side. It could even be something that a creek or maybe a wash/gully runs into and changes direction along the flat surface like a knoll or small hill. The dot to me indicates something at that spot.

Maybe Big Hoss will share what's on the other side of the tree, this could change how the "C" is used or interpreted.

Big Hoss, I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just telling how I would interpret the C based on what I have seen and only because I was asked. :hello:


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Well I guess your hatchet being made of metal would explain the precise lines. :laughing7: Personally I would of followed the way the handle was pointing(if the item could be dated as at least 80 or so years old....?) to see if anything else could be located. I have more time than money/sense anyway. ;D

Yea, many years ago I would have done the same thing. I learned the hard way that I should ignore things for a later time and stay on what ever trail I am working on and not get side tracked. Things go faster that way!


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No worries Big Hoss, you are there and I'm not. I was just saying how I would look at it based on the limited amount of info I had. I wouldn't want you to give up any information you're not comfortable parting with.

This is something a lot of people don't understand about interpreting signs/symbols. They can mean something very different at each site depending on the terrain at the sites.


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alec said:
This is something a lot of people don't understand about interpreting signs/symbols. They can mean something very different at each site depending on the terrain at the sites.

Exactly! People put pictures up on the forum and ask "what does this mean"? You can't know what most stuff means without having a lot of information that probably shouldn't be divulged. Other information that must be known, most people don't even know to get.
Big Hoss :wink:

Wow, it's dark and cloudy with lightning here right now, is that because we are agreeing? Is the world coming to an end?? :laughing9:


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That was probably done by Indians a long,long time ago to tell others about good game in the area.


The only way I know to downsize photos is to "right-click" on the photo in question. You should get a "save as" option. You can enter a word or phrase to help you find it in your pictures or where ever you put it. There should be a re-size option and you need to click on "smaller." You should be able to post the smaller size....some one else could probably explain this better as I am new to this myself. Hope you are able to get some of your pics on here for us to see. Thanks and good luck.


Guess I will go ahead and jump out there at the risk of looking stupid. In the "sawed into tree",(post # 30), did you find metal in there? lead you somewhere else?...or just another metal hatchet/ :laughing9:


I can see most of what you marked. I would just add the wings to Alec's shadow bird head...does not change the meaning as presented by Alec, just confirms travel in that direction to me.


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oddrock said:

The only way I know to downsize photos is to "right-click" on the photo in question. You should get a "save as" option. You can enter a word or phrase to help you find it in your pictures or where ever you put it. There should be a re-size option and you need to click on "smaller." You should be able to post the smaller size....some one else could probably explain this better as I am new to this myself. Hope you are able to get some of your pics on here for us to see. Thanks and good luck.
oddrock...Thanks for the advice, I tried that and it didnt say that my pic was too big but it was my file....I've really got to learn this..lol

Alec thank you for your interpretation of the C....Thanks all for sharing their opinions and pics...Steve


Thanks for pointing out the wings, I should have done that but I've looked at that photo so many times I just assumed it was obvious. The wing outstretched indicates the bird is flying and he is looking up so I chose to go up the valley and along the high side which brought me to the next clue.

If you look closely in the photo with the cut tree you will see the handle of a knife. A hole had been bored into the side of the tree and the knife placed inside then the tree grew back closed over the knife. The knife was used with another piece of information in the map to give an important point in the map. In this case, the map had a compass heading in it and it showed that you needed to find a "corner" and the corner came after a specific clue. The "corner" ended up being this knife pointing at a 90 degree angle from the compass heading making an imaginary corner or angle. It took me several months to figure that one out but after I did, working the map went quickly again.

Here's a photo of the spot in the tree that had grown back closed and the knife once it was out of the tree. Again, these were with an old crappy digital camera so they aren't the greatest of photos.


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Thanks for sharing the info on the knife in the tree. I have not found that set up yet. Most of my trees are associated with rock(s).


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A closer pic of the rocks by the tree growing at an angle.


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This particular layout was the same way. The first part of the map required you to find a triangle and the triangle was made of three trees with an upright rock at the base of each tree.


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