hello Cynthia
i have been working on back tracking jesse's search patterns and i this is what i have so far ..
the first green path is his path to set up camp on the first day in .. he then searches the path east to toward little hawk spring on the yellow path and then takes it northward back toward the parking lot it had to be near late after noon or dusk before he gets back to a main trail the safest way for him to go is back to the truck and spend the night ... the next morning he takes another 5 gallons of water to the tent camp .. then goes back to little hawk spring and then takes the orange trail a little bigger loop back northward toward the parking lot .. i am sorry to say i do not believe he completed this pattern on the second day .. IMHO he was systematically searching this area in a sequence of pattern just bigger then the day before .., something went wrong .. i belive it was a flash flood .. hear me out .. jim hatt said he was going to search hoolie bacon trail on horse back but there was to much running water .. if thisd was a few days after jesse went missing then ,, a flash flood may have took place some time before his search of that area .. if jesse had made this second pattern ,this would have put him in the lower parts of the trail in the later after noon to evening /dusk .. haveing hikes most of the day .. i am sorry , i dont think he seen it coming . and under those conditions he did not have a chance to run or get out of the way .. i saw some where where someone had said it ran hard the second after noon .. that would put jesse in the lower levels of this pattern and the heavy rains above him in the mts ..i wish i was wrong ...
IMHO they are looking in the wrong area for jesse ...he is most likely some where on the orange path of the second day .., if it was me .. i would look half way down the mt from little hawk springs on the second day trail Orange ..if he was in the lower parts of this second orange patterns , the sequence is complete and show what could have happend and this gives us some logical place to look for him ....
IMHO your son jesse is somewhere from little hawk springs down the Orange pattern toward where it meets back to the main trail where it meets the other two patterns on the main trail ..
i will keep on working on jesse's case and maybe if i can i will search my self if i am in the state in the winter time ...
look for him in the pink area ,, i highlighted the water feeding this stream bed and this is the most likely place to be could off guard by a flash flood . if he was walking and talking with someone .. they would have never herd or seen it coming ...and this part of the path would have step walls and brush on the sides ..
if i am correct look near where the letter (A) is .. this would IMHO be the best place to search for him .. and yes i still believe he was with someone else at the time ..