🥇 BANNER Had a good day Saturday...Civil War Muskets!!!


Bronze Member
Jul 15, 2011
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Williamsburg, VA
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All Treasure Hunting
My buddy Beau and I got out Saturday to try another spot. The research was spot on and the relics could not be much better. There is always satisfaction when research pays off and you can find yourself retracing the footsteps of those 150 years ago. We have had some great luck over the years hunting together, but this one will be towards the top in my memory. The best two finds of the day were the two Enfield Muskets. Mine still has the majority of the stock still intact. We also managed a bayonet each along with bullets. I will post pictures up when the preservation process and electolysis is complete. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I am sure Beau will post up the video when complete along with the rest of his finds. This was us just before we parted ways for the day and headed home as happy as two guys could be.




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WOW A "Good" Saturday?!! Jeepers that sure beats pretty much every hunt I've ever had....lol!! Congrats, can't wait to see the other finds from the site and the enfields once they are cleaned. HH

Unbelieveable finds of a lifetime.:headbang:

That would be my dream come true, Congrats to both of you , it just doesn't get any better then that...:occasion14: Congrats on the Banner!!!!!

:occasion14: are you going to attempt to clean them a little??

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Simply amazing!!!
Can't wait to see them cleaned-up!!

@ Oldsalty...they are being cleaned. Aquachigger has them both right now and I know he will do a first class job on them. The other half of it is the luck of the condition mothernature has intended for them to be in.


wow how cool is that?

DANG GUYS!!!!! Those are AWESOME SAVES right there!!! Congrats

Now I know why you guys were so anxious to get started on your water hunting season. What an awesome day! Not just one musket, but 2!! Great hunt and look forward to your next adventure.

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WTG D&B!!! Been a long time since I seen you two guys in the field! Congrats guys!

Its great to see true American Diggers,,,!!!!! awesome stuff,,thanks for sharing,,,,congrats on the banner,,!!!


wayne co. il.

i have a question. How do you know that they were from The American Civil war? How do you know that they were from the four years of conflict, and not from the 4 years before and the 20 years after that conflict, in which those rifles were used by the military and civilians?

:notworthy: Totally "Unbelievable". :occasion14: A real outstanding discovery gentlemen.

OMG!!! Congrats on the banner!

i have a question. How do you know that they were from The American Civil war? How do you know that they were from the four years of conflict, and not from the 4 years before and the 20 years after that conflict, in which those rifles were used by the military and civilians?

I know.. why don't you post some of your finds and we'll compare them..

i have a question. How do you know that they were from The American Civil war? How do you know that they were from the four years of conflict,and not from the 4 years before ?

Because significant amounts of Enfields weren't imported until mid-late 1861 at the earliest.

the 20 years after that conflict, in which those rifles were used by the military

Nor were they imported for use by the United States Army ( Springfield making Arsenals took care of that pre and post war, 1866 began the conversion of the "trap door").

and civilians?

Nor were they imported for squirel hunting.

OP congrats on your banner, once in a lifetime CIVIL WAR find! :hello2:

i have a question. How do you know that they were from The American Civil war? How do you know that they were from the four years of conflict, and not from the 4 years before and the 20 years after that conflict, in which those rifles were used by the military and civilians?

@Diggit - that is a good and fair question. I would answer it as the same as any common three ringer recovered, there is never a 100% guarantee that it was used by a civil war soldier, but in most cases it is 99.9999999% positive based on context and where it is recovered. Enfields were primarily imported for use in the war and was the weapon of choice by the Confederates. Lets also put it in context with what was found around it, civil war bullets, bayonets and an exploded artillery shell. With those items found and within the context I would say the evidence points more than strong to how it was used. Even archaeologists can't 100% guarantee the item was used as reported, but we both use our years of experience and knowledge of the items, context, and history of the location to make the justification.

Very cool :cool: and huge congrats to you both on some primo old CW relics for sure :thumbsup: congrats on the banner too ;D

i have a question. How do you know that they were from The American Civil war? How do you know that they were from the four years of conflict, and not from the 4 years before and the 20 years after that conflict, in which those rifles were used by the military and civilians?

Well, you do raise a good point, as there are some detectorists out there who will dig up a flat button in a random field and run around telling about their obviously "Confederate" find. But Dan and Beau aren't among them. It can be tempting sometimes to make your finds seem to be more than they really are (a subject I've discussed in my blog previously). Dan and Beau make enough quality finds that there really isn't any need for them to. More importantly, they're just not that type. They are two of the most humble detectorists I've had the pleasure of meeting (in a hobby that naturally attracts attention seekers).

The bayonette and artillery frag finds certainly help to ID the finds to the war period. Don't know how many civilians were going around shooting off artillery!

But more importantly, I know Dan, and I know Dan's research is top notch. They weren't just in any old creek hoping to see what they could find. While I'm sure they're not going to tell you where the site is (at least until they've hunted it long enough!), you can rest assured that they went to the site as a direct result of thorough and highly detailed research of documented war activity.

To Dan and Beau, HUGE congrats on the amazing finds. In my book, it doesn't get much better than that!!

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