Guyana - new opportunity


Aug 24, 2007
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Golden Thread
Guyana, South America
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Hey - where I am, we have Brazillians, Venezuelans - I myself am an Amerindian - one of the local indigenous people from Santa Mission in the Kamuni - very close to Georgetown. My dredge is located in the Kurupung area in the Pakaraima mountain range (you can view location on Google earth).

You are most welcomed!!

Locals feelings-tourists are good with lotsa salt and leave great cameras too!!John

Re: Guyana - excellent opportunity

Don't quite understand your quote - but every country has it's good and bad.

Where I am located in Kurupung, we sleep in camps - that is tarpoline tents and we know everyone around.

We sleep with ease - unless of course - when we do our weekly wash-down and then again - we do not let the other campers know what our production size is - and no one but my crew is allowed around the wash-down!

I would be happy to hear of any opportunity that you might offer. You can PM or email me anytime.

My email is by my user name.

I'll be panning for some diamonds!!!!!!!! :o
RD ever been there?
Maybe you could be a little more helpful with info that is a little less vague...vacuous.

Lost friends in Georgetown,too much history of bookoo death. Folks just bloody well disappear so there is no murder---right???Cops worse than criminals.John

I was interested in this opportunity and still am to an extent. However based on the initial investment and estimated ROI on an unverified property I am hesitant to invest.

The initial investment does not bother me. The fact is I have no way to verify his claims or experience. I do not understand the laws regarding prospecting and dredging in Guyana.

I also question what this investment will cover as far as expenses for this opportunity.

It looks like some time in the future I will have to travel down there to get some questions answered. Third world is not for everyone but it does not bother me.

I am somewhat interested in Guyana...but, it does seem a little on the dangerous side there. I think I will look farther south in say... ecuador or chille...The locals are not quite so brutal there from what I´ve heard. I gold mine ..have a shipwreck, and salmon troll and dive for cukes in only complaint is that the summer here is way too short...tons to do with very little good weather...never enough time..I need a winter stomping ground...even if my Brasillian girlfriend gets pissed off...I can sit around the beaches here every winter only so long without getting bored. need a new adventure...

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