Grumpy old fart on fire


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Jan 28, 2005
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Gidday Amigos Grumpy old fart here is having is having a rant, Why because I am old and can with one foot in the grave and family trying to nail down the lid on the coffin. Old Raggedy old Crow with more then few feathers missing and upside down Abbs, cross eyed and a beak not sharp as used to be. I am not growing old gracefully.

I still think I am 30 until I look in the mirror! Who is that old guy staring back at me? When did this grumpy old guy turn up? It must have been after I fell out of ugly tree hitting every branch on the way down?

But here I am realizing the world has changed from what I know. I used to be cool? Is cool a cool word now? So sit back have brew and perhaps a laugh and enjoy my insane rant before ya call me the rubber taxi.


Why is every thing in the media on the internet, TV in all shapes and forms Pisses me off? When did this happen? We all go through this when one day we wake up one morning and we have become invisible. Our opinions no longer mater any more!

Worse still the younger generation scream at us that the world is so screwed up and it was all our fault? Clearly it was the generation before us? We go from father, protector of the family to chairman of bank of mum and dad. When did I become bank manager? How did this happen?

Yet You know when your getting old when you kids start patronizing you and giving you financial advice all of a sudden? Like you should not be spending our inheritance like this? Your risking my champagne lifestyle?

Sound familiar? Ya kids ask you about Wills, life insurance and funeral arrangements? They look you up and down as if measuring you for a coffin? And guessing on how it will take before you croak? When did you start going to more funerals instead of engagements, weddings and christenings? When did this all happen?


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And when did we start being called a Baby boomer? I was not shot out of cannon! I was not technically born at all? I was surgically extracted like removing a cancerous cyst. The doctor all those years ago looking in bucket and said “My god is that a baby in there?”

And when did the definitions of different generations happen? Hell to us baby boomers our parents was just old farts. Now we have these specialized terms.

Apparently no one existed before the lost generation. That right's there is lost a generation?
(1883 - 1900) - The Lost Generation was the social, generational cohort in the Western world in early adulthood during World War I. The generation is generally defined as people born from 1883 to 1900. you know the people sent to WW1 meat grinder to be human cannon fodder, a bit like the Russians in Ukraine?

Then we had (1901 - 1927) - The Greatest Generation (G.I. Generation or World War II generation) is the Western demographic cohort following the Lost Generation and preceding the Silent Generation. They were shaped by the Great Depression and were the primary generation composing the enlisted forces in World War II. Yet here are one bloodiest wars in history and worst financial crisis in history killing millions of people. After all that killing they got horny and they bred like rats creating the Silent generation and baby boomers..

What the hell is the silent generation? This was my dear old mothers generation? (1928 - 1945) - The Silent Generation (Traditionalist Generation) is the Western demographic cohort following the Greatest Generation and preceding the Baby Boomers. The generation is generally defined as people born from 1928 to 1945. They was silent as they waiting for nuclear attack with reds under beds.

Then they created the baby Boomer generation. (1946 - 1964) - Baby boomers (Boomers) are the demographic cohort following the Silent Generation and preceding Generation X. The generation is often defined as people born from 1946 to 1964 during the mid-20th century baby boom. Most baby boomers are children of either the Greatest or the Silent Generation and are often parents of Gen Xers and Millennials. We was the evil bast...s growing up with the expectations to be nuked in the cold war. Having drills at school as kids “When bomb drops you duck and cover! Remember kiddies! You duck and cover! I can remember as 5 years old freaking out traumatized, running home from school shouting Mum Mum Mum we are all going to be nuked? Mum would reply vacantly that's nice dear have cup of tea and some cookies. Apparent the silent Generation discovered prozac and dope? I have theory why they are called the silent generation? It is because they are all pissed and wasted.

So we was the cold war kids looking for dirty Commies under bed. And We still drove with behemoth cars made from real steel until the oil crisis. Remember oil was running out in 70's? Then we slunk, stoned and wasted with long hair into the 1980s. We all then had short hair and dressed like women terrified of Aids. When drugs was not fun anymore everything started go crazy from one crisis to the next. Then we grew up and blamed the crap out of previous generations.

Then we had generation (1965 - 1980) - Generation X (Gen X) is the Western demographic cohort following the baby boomers and preceding the millennials. Most members of Generation X are the children of the Silent Generation and early boomers; Gen Xers are also often the parents of millennials and Generation Z.

If you can work that out please let me know as I swear mum put hash in those cookies? I think my children's generation was gen X? I was just too wasted to remember? They are telling me their life today is hard. I said yes dear just have a nice cup of tea and a cookie? I finally understand why mum tuned out so many years ago?

And now in quick succession other generations have come along? (1981 - 1996) - Millennials (Generation Y or Gen Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X, and preceding Generation Z. Most millennials are the children of baby boomers, and older Generation X; millennials are often the parents of Generation Alpha. This is generation who had to have bigger and better houses than my generation and got themselves in shit load of debt and are now whining about it? And it was Generation X and baby boomers fault giving them high expectations leading to them being spoiled and privileged. I know Why they don't like being called Gen Y. Because they was the Why was they born generation? They traumatized their kids that the world was going end with global warming. They was first generation of early internet days. They blamed us greedy Gen X and boomers for destroying the planet.

Then we Have Gen Z (1997 - 2012) - Generation Z (Gen Z), colloquially known as zoomers, is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha. Most members of Generation Z are children of Generation X. Researchers and popular media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as the ending birth years. Gen Z is the Cancel culture generation. everything is not cool anymore and racist, sexist, homophobic and hedonistic! Kids glued themselves on the road to protest global warming. It is the political correct generation! Us old farts are not allowed to call a retard a retard anymore? We have call people neurodivergent.

Then if we had not stuffed up the planet enough we have (Early 2010s - Mid-2020s) - Generation Alpha (Gen Alpha) is the demographic cohort succeeding Generation Z. Generation Alpha is the first to be born entirely in the 21st century. There has yet to be a consensus on the birth years of Generation Alpha. Generation Alpha, Its generation that think smart phones are part of human body. Communication is through apps and avoid eye contact. They are generation that cannot read or write and want sex changes at 5 years old or identify as a kangaroo or bunny rabbits.

So there you have it grumpy old fart's analogy of over 100 years of living in the asylum of human kind with each respective generations blaming previous generations and screwing up the next


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Some coaching from a member of the Silent Generation-born before WW II. Paste on your mirror a large picture of yourself smiling at the age of 30. Put yourself back into 'his' mindset and enjoy life. I'm toasting you with a cold one right now.
Don in SoCal

Some coaching from a member of the Silent Generation-born before WW II. Paste on your mirror a large picture of yourself smiling at the age of 30. Put yourself back into 'his' mindset and enjoy life. I'm toasting you with a cold one right now.
Don in SoCal
Don I am thoroughly enjoying the grumpy old fart persona.

Tonight I will shooting pool and drinking a cold one with other grumpy old farts. I will toast to you then. My doctor is angry with me . He told me to get in shape. I said round is a shape. :laughing7:



Just embrace the grumpiness, be the grumpiness!
Repeat after me "I am grumpy, I am the grumpiness"
Be one with the grumpiness Crow. It's a beautiful thing!
Go to that happy grumpy place.

Remember as you age and get grumpier you blossom into a thing of beauty!
You'll become more attractive to members of the opposite sex!

As you've aged your wisdom and intelligence has increased.

People now want to hear what you have to say!

Remember, you may be old but you are beautiful!

Hang in there Crow as your not alone by any means. I truly hope ya feel better after that great rant. And it was a good one sir. You touched on many subjects and got a lot off your shoulders. In fact you did a very good job. You covered a lot of ground and made a lot of good points.

As far as that mirror thingy.... I just live in denial. It's easy.

I listen to my kids and grandkids at times and I don't hold out much hope of them making it to just my age now (70). They have "problems" and I listen.... when I say something to address their concern they just look at me like I'm an idiot.

One asked me how I afford for this big home on S.S. I said it was paid for decades ago. Well how do you live on S.S with 4 vehicles and afford that big wood shop. I said I don't live off S.S. as I have a pension, investments and a money making fun hobby. I wish I could do what YOU DID... I said why can't you...? All I got was a million reasons why life is tougher now then it was for me.

Another grandchild says I'll probably never be able to retire at 62 like you Grandpa. I said I retired at 49 and she said nobody today could ever do that. What did you do for money till you were 62 waiting for your S.S. Damn.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is this fascination with S.S....? Maybe that stupid entitlement mentality.

It's called a PLAN I stated.... and still they look at me like I'm stupid.

Now I just play stupid and live in denial and wonder how in the hell I made it this long.

Why is every thing in the media on the internet, TV in all shapes and forms Pisses me off? When did this happen? We all go through this when one day we wake up one morning and we have become invisible. Our opinions no longer mater any more!

Worse still the younger generation scream at us that the world is so screwed up and it was all our fault? Clearly it was the generation before us? We go from father, protector of the family to chairman of bank of mum and dad. When did I become bank manager? How did this happen?

Yet You know when your getting old when you kids start patronizing you and giving you financial advice all of a sudden? Like you should not be spending our inheritance like this? Your risking my champagne lifestyle?

Sound familiar? Ya kids ask you about Wills, life insurance and funeral arrangements? They look you up and down as if measuring you for a coffin? And guessing on how it will take before you croak? When did you start going to more funerals instead of engagements, weddings and christenings? When did this all happen?

Exactly why I have let my kids know that absolutely everything i have goes into a very good local historical society, and that i want my name on none of it, I will go out not a lender or a debtor.
This all came about because 2 of them let me know they do NOT believe in money, and they believe more in socialism than capitalism. Turns out my wife and I had our will completed just that week, and my lawyers were coming over to grill a steak, and the kids and us would sign off where each got equal portions.

Turned into the steak dinner from hell when I told the lawyers to disregard 100 percent of what we previously desired, as I don't want that "offensive hard earned money" going to them, as they would be ashamed of it.

Hard love is better than no love.

All I know is the next 18 year old cashier who calls me sweetie or honey is going to regret it! And, no, that grocery bag with two pounds of canned goods in it is NOT too heavy for me to lift! I'm 6'3" and weigh 190 pounds, so I think I can handle it!

And, no, that grocery bag with two pounds of canned goods in it is NOT too heavy for me to lift! I'm 6'3" and weigh 190 pounds, so I think I can handle it!
Ditto on that one. I hate when I come to the counter with a hand basket full of stuff, they ring it up, then ask if I need help carrying it to the car. I usually respond with "No thanks. I carried it up here to the counter, didn't I?" I figure that's more polite than "Nope. I could carry those groceries in one hand and your stock boy in the other."

Exactly why I have let my kids know that absolutely everything i have goes into a very good local historical society, and that i want my name on none of it, I will go out not a lender or a debtor.
This all came about because 2 of them let me know they do NOT believe in money, and they believe more in socialism than capitalism. Turns out my wife and I had our will completed just that week, and my lawyers were coming over to grill a steak, and the kids and us would sign off where each got equal portions.

Turned into the steak dinner from hell when I told the lawyers to disregard 100 percent of what we previously desired, as I don't want that "offensive hard earned money" going to them, as they would be ashamed of it.

Hard love is better than no love.
Damn RelicFinder... That's a tough realization at the last minute. And I don't blame you one bit for the change of heart. I too have a dilemma I'm wrestling with. Like many of us I saved up a nice pile of cash and would like to see it divided up evenly with all kids. But a couple of them needed help about 5 years ago. So I loaned one 5K and the other 4K. I made it CLEAR it was a loan and I wanted it back. Each separately said... It won't take long and thanks...! I haven't seen a single penny since that 9K in cash was loaned.

I don't need the money to survive but to me it's the principle of it. And what bothers me is that it never comes up from them or referenced at all. And it bothers me to think about it but doesn't seem to bother them. Both those households easily make in excess of 100K each.

So it's hard to figure out what to do.... the clock is ticking... but the silence is deafening.

We all see the differences as they approach. It’s normal to do so and a sign of a properly functioning brain. Our brains then make 2 columns: did the difference
A) offer an improvement?
B) make things worse?
We begin to focus on the columns and see column B more frequently.
We then yearn for how things used to be; me included.

I miss people being considerate of each other. I miss cashiers that can count out change properly, I miss courteous drivers.
I’m tired of the “everybody gets a trophy” mentality. I’m tired of the criminals getting treated as the “real victims” because they had an alcoholic great aunt. Most of all I miss accountability. It’s too rare of a commodity these days; nearly extinct IMO.

Damn RelicFinder... That's a tough realization at the last minute. And I don't blame you one bit for the change of heart. I too have a dilemma I'm wrestling with. Like many of us I saved up a nice pile of cash and would like to see it divided up evenly with all kids. But a couple of them needed help about 5 years ago. So I loaned one 5K and the other 4K. I made it CLEAR it was a loan and I wanted it back. Each separately said... It won't take long and thanks...! I haven't seen a single penny since that 9K in cash was loaned.

I don't need the money to survive but to me it's the principle of it. And what bothers me is that it never comes up from them or referenced at all. And it bothers me to think about it but doesn't seem to bother them. Both those households easily make in excess of 100K each.

So it's hard to figure out what to do.... the clock is ticking... but the silence is deafening.

I have been through that also. It would seem the only ones who have the ability to hurt us, are the ones we love the most.
Very true statement sir. When I grew up nobody had to say I want my money back... it was just KNOWN!

Hang in there Crow as your not alone by any means. I truly hope ya feel better after that great rant. And it was a good one sir. You touched on many subjects and got a lot off your shoulders. In fact you did a very good job. You covered a lot of ground and made a lot of good points.

As far as that mirror thingy.... I just live in denial. It's easy.

I listen to my kids and grandkids at times and I don't hold out much hope of them making it to just my age now (70). They have "problems" and I listen.... when I say something to address their concern they just look at me like I'm an idiot.

One asked me how I afford for this big home on S.S. I said it was paid for decades ago. Well how do you live on S.S with 4 vehicles and afford that big wood shop. I said I don't live off S.S. as I have a pension, investments and a money making fun hobby. I wish I could do what YOU DID... I said why can't you...? All I got was a million reasons why life is tougher now then it was for me.

Another grandchild says I'll probably never be able to retire at 62 like you Grandpa. I said I retired at 49 and she said nobody today could ever do that. What did you do for money till you were 62 waiting for your S.S. Damn.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is this fascination with S.S....? Maybe that stupid entitlement mentality.

It's called a PLAN I stated.... and still they look at me like I'm stupid.

Now I just play stupid and live in denial and wonder how in the hell I made it this long.
While I mostly agree, I urge you to sit down and do the math on home ownership and living costs now vrs average salary. When compared to when you were younger there is a massive gap. I have done the math myself and even if my retirement investments turned the perfect profit, it is still not obtainable for me even though I earn above the average yearly wages. I even put 15 percent of all wages into retirement accounts. So unless things change drastically in this country, both you and your family have valid points on that

I kinda go with Crow there. My brother Toehay down in Oklahoma is now considered a Kiowa elder. So one day while taking one of his granddaughters to school he engaged in that old NDN tradition of passing down stories from the last couple of hundred years to her. She listened politely but when she got out of the car she called him a crazy old man. I thought that was funnier than hell.

The “boost” to minimum wage had the biggest effect. I don’t have time to research all of the State variables. But let’s say I earned $27/hour for several years, then retired. I was about 4x minimum wage. Minimum wage goes up (some states) to $15/hr. My money is now at less than 2x minimum. In effect, I lost 1/2 of my buying power.

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