GROUND HAWK => some feedback


Jr. Member
Apr 30, 2007
E. Central Indiana
Well the longer i use it the more i like it, like all you give em a chance to learn them and find out their personalities, well this is one good relic detector, light, balance perfect, handmade,does what it's suposed to, and you deal with the guy,owner, designer, head guy in Tennessee, guy knows relics, here in Indiana, the relics are old tools, sometimes a relic but not many, IT FINDS everything that is there, I am impressed, any questions further, pm me i'll tell you whatever i can, or contact him, He's got a website,
Oh yeah, i think it's a good outfit, with 5 yr warranty too, transferrable

how does it hit on coins buttons suspender parts etc etc smaller relics?

You asked bout coil options=None, freq is 7 i believe, you might talk to Kenneth, and he could tell you if it is feasable to switch with anyting else ;D

EDDE said:
how does it hit on coins buttons suspender parts etc etc smaller relics?

EDDE said:
EDDE said:
how does it hit on coins buttons suspender parts etc etc smaller relics?
Not good in tot lots where trashy areas to get coins, it's made for relics, and that's what it is good at, but it will find coins, and everything in the soil, bout the only thing you can disc out is small wire, nails,, have found coins with mine but lotta work where it's trashy, use a tesoro or something else in TOT LOTS, Ground Hawk for SERIOUS STUFF ;D

Boog said:
EDDE said:
EDDE said:
how does it hit on coins buttons suspender parts etc etc smaller relics?
Not good in tot lots where trashy areas to get coins, it's made for relics, and that's what it is good at, but it will find coins, and everything in the soil, bout the only thing you can disc out is small wire, nails,, have found coins with mine but lotta work where it's trashy, use a tesoro or something else in TOT LOTS, Ground Hawk for SERIOUS STUFF ;D

So... little relics are out... little relics like suspender buckles/clips. Little relics like percusion caps... who said anything about tot-lots? If it sucks on coins it's gonna suck on one piece buttons, watch parts, and the like... relics.

When you say serious stuff do you mean large iron?

I want a relic machine... but it's gotta find era coins as well...

I'm confussed... :-\

tot lot is kid stuff ::)
please feel free to re read my question
try not to read between the lines just answer the question

Re: GROUND HAWK => some feedback// wupps-sorry

Thought i sent this,here's m air testing on some stuff
mini balls--10-10 1/2 in
maxi -- 11 1/2 in
cuff button -- 11-11 1/2in
suspender clip thingie 11 1/2-12 in
clad dime 8 1/2 -11 in
small rusty hatchet head - 21 in
that's bout all i had testing on, naww it'll do coins and small stuff, just there's no notching or stuff like that, it's bout like hunting in all metal, or with a good PI detector, it will pickup electrical interference i found out today, buried wires, overhead, that kinda stuff drives it crazy, it'll get deep stuff, here's a pic from today in the woods, thought i had something good but turned out to be part of old woodstove, ycchhhh, bout 2 ft down, did find some old wrench parts, was best find of the day



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That meter's cool

By watching it you can tell when ground changes, and roll the knob a little to balance it, and also, when you hit some iron , i noticed the needle goes left, and on other good stuff it goes to the right, i think it's a neat idea= GB by a meter readout=HH and keep me posted, hey who'd you get it from anyway??=PM me

I have a "Ground Hawk" arriving Monday as I heard the detector is a relic etc. monster...I am fed up with My "Minelab Quattro" I have heard a lot of positves regarding the "Ground Hawk"

freeze12 said:
I have a "Ground Hawk" arriving Monday as I heard the detector is a relic etc. monster...I am fed up with My "Minelab Quattro" I have heard a lot of positves regarding the "Ground Hawk"

Post your thoughts on this machine after you get it and can use it... if you would please. Wanna hear about it's performance...

Montana Jim said:
freeze12 said:
I have a "Ground Hawk" arriving Monday as I heard the detector is a relic etc. monster...I am fed up with My "Minelab Quattro" I have heard a lot of positves regarding the "Ground Hawk"

Post your thoughts on this machine after you get it and can use it... if you would please. Wanna hear about it's performance...

I sure will.It will be a while as I live in cold snowy Buffalo,NY...Brrrrr!!

OK not many relics here in Indiana, just old tools, but i really like the GH, it is extremely sensetive to the ground balance, as you walk with it you can see the needle move as the mineralization changes, and just roll the knob with your thumb , sets real easy, but is not that critical, iron rejection is very easily set, and you can change that just as easy, or lock it on or off, with switch, or use the trigger switch, the whole thing is simple, with iron rejection locked, the depth is fantastic, stuff like an small hatchet head i find things like that at 24-26 in, with rejection not locked you lose some depth, it is extremely sensetive, and will hit on the smallest of just about anything, battery life is greatX-spot.jpg, balance is perfect, sure do like it better than my tricked out Naut, it is so much lighter and easier to use for me, bout like a Tesoro for the feel, I like it real well, great detector, and that's my two cents worth, 5 yr warranty too

Boog... thanks for the details regarding the *Ground Hawk* Mine arrives tomorrow & I know who to ask if I need any help ;D .... Thanks!! I am like a kid on X-mas day waiting for the detector to arrive!

I wrote the first field test on Metal Detector Reviews about a year ago. I won't go into a lot of detail, but you can look at it there if you like. Since that time a lot of people have tried the Ground Hawk, and then I'll see them for sale on the forums. I'm really puzzled by that. Like Ken says, it's made for relics. It will find coins very well, but the disc circuit is set up to only reject up to foil. I dig anything above foil anyway. Whatever circuit that controls the threshold went out on me a few months ago. I called Ken and he said that he knew exactly what it was and to send it in. I had it back on the third day, good as new. While it's easy to operate, it's not a beep-dig kind of machine. There's a little more to it than that. And Boog will probably tell you, it has a language that practically tells you what you're about to dig. But you've got to learn it first, like any good machine. There is only one coil for the machine, an 8 inch concentric, but it really works bigger than that. If the coil is in the area of a target, the threshold will rise, and you can investigate further. This is about as perfect a relic machine as there is.

I received the "Ground Hawk" Monday & thought the box was empty!! I opened it up & found one superlight superbly designed & balanced machine.It was featherlight compared to My Minelab.I spoke to Ken the designer & builder of the "Ground Hawk" for a decent amount of time & My conversation with him was very informative & knew right off the bat that he was a person that cares about his customers as I learned a lot from our conversation.
I have not yet been able to use the "Ground hawk" in the field due to the weather here in Buffalo,NY but I know that this detector is a keeper for Me.
Shenandoah Digger: i read Your review & i could not agree more with everything You said in the review!
Now I sit here starring at the "Ground Hawk" as I am like a kid in a candy store anticipating the first day of many that I will get to use this fine detector!!

I've been thinking long and hard about my next detector... and Tesoro or Troy have been what I wanted to go with for a while now.

I'm rethinking all that and may well end up with a Ground Hawk... I am primarity a relic hunter, and am excited about what I've read so far, both here and elsewhere. Unless EDDE can convince me Troy is the way to go... :)

Thanks for the reviews and information.

Re: GROUND HAWK => some feedback You got it+IT'S A KEEPER

Yup, one of the best RELIC detectors i ever had, got it all goin for it, i thought my Nautilus was good, but i had to spend another $100. on it to make it more comfy to use, and it was still clumsy for me to use, they are good detectors, but i like the GH so much better, it's almost turn on and go, and easier to set up. Around here where i detect, all i ever do is turn it on and go, works for me, I gotta say it's a good outfit, and i am very happy with mine :-*


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