Grandsons First Pan


Gold Member
Dec 9, 2012
Concrete, WA
Detector(s) used
Nokta FoRs Gold, a Gold Cube, 2 Keene Sluices and Lord only knows how many pans....not to mention a load of other gear my wife still doesn't know about!
Primary Interest:
Grandson's First Pan

My daughter and her 2 boys came up from Vader to visit
this weekend (dad had to work), and 9 yo.Tyler and dad have
been bitten by the gold bug...:headbang:

They found a deal on the web a couple weeks ago, and
bought a "Gold Fever" kit. It came with a decent looking
12" pan w/gravity trap, a decent snuffer bottle and a
1oz. glass vial. It also came with two 1lb. bags of "pay dirt",
and Tyler had saved them until he got up here with
Grandpa so he could learn how to pan it out.

The dirt is definitely not from AK, and looks more of a
desert mix. Still, it's "guaranteed" to have gold..

I showed him how to do the first pan, and he spotted
the color before I One flake there, but then it was
just a tablespoon of material. The next pan he did all on
his own with just a little coaching..


and he got some nice gold for the effort..:icon_thumleft:


He panned out the rest of the bag, and found gold in
every pan, including a couple nice flakes that anyone
would be thrilled to find. Overall, I would estimate we
got about 1/20th of a gram from that first bag. The
second bag he's saving so he and dad can pan it out.

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A good start for a youngster. You better start saving some of your cons for him to pan :)
...and planning some trips out to prospecting sites once it warms up...

Looks like he's got panning down already. Now to get out with Gramps on the Big Gold.........

Best part is that, come Spring, he and dad are coming up
for a weekend of prospecting the local creeks. What Tyler
lacks in strength he makes up for in determination, and he's
definitely looking forward to better weather so we can go diggin'!

At least that's what he's been telling his mom a dozen times a day...8-)

That is awesome! I did that with my kids with BBs and pellets to see if they could tell me how many I put in there. I would drop in an amount, and they would pan them out.
Lots of fun seeing kids get hooked. Mine even love seeing quartz!

Hi DD; Way to go; Thoughtful kid there as well. Saving it for both you and his dad. Good Kid. Way to go. He's hooked now. Make sure he gets plenty of his medicine ok. PEACE:RONB :headbang:

why didnt my grandparents do this for me i got into gold prospecting myself?!?! oh well

To me, gold bearing soil is strictly to be used as a learning tool, more so than for monitary profit.

The actual profit is the education and experience, and worth every penny.

Your grandson is at the right age...take every advantage you can...:thumbsup:

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