Got a Killer new permission!


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2014
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Fisher f75/1270/1266x/Radio Shack Treasure tracker/
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I am just now starting to feel this place out,it has excellent potential so far.I think it use to be a old post office and tavern.I can tell the northern and southern troops where both there going by what I have found so far.No old money yet,but there has got to be some laying around there somewhere?With the good comes the bad though,I can tell the place has been hunted hard in the past,but if they missed stuff like this, they surely missed allot.Not to mention some "brainless- Numbskull" peppered the place with shredded cans,almost seems like someone dropped cans in a wood chipper and blew them around everywhere or something.For what reason they did it, I don't know? If it was to keep someone from hunting there, He doesn't know Tuco to well:laughing7: It is enough to slow me down, but it won't hold me back!Am excited about this place and hope it pans out!?-HH everyone-Gl 002.JPG005.JPG002.JPG005.JPG

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Upvote 12
Great start!, this site will do well, perseverance shall pay off!

That's quite a haul of relics and some very cool finds. WTG and good luck. I need to come to VA so I can dig, the sub zero nites are making it harder every day.

Great start!, this site will do well, perseverance shall pay off!
Thanks cjon,I am hoping so man!.It is kind of hard hunting between the modern trash and whoever peppered the place,but you are 100% percent right,perseverance!

I like that knife! Just a little tweak at the end and a good cleaning and you can use it! :thumbsup:

That's quite a haul of relics and some very cool finds. WTG and good luck. I need to come to VA so I can dig, the sub zero nites are making it harder every day.
Thank you.V.a isn't all it is cracked up to be,still have to have good places to go.I feel bad for you guys up there with that weather.Man I hate snow and ice!It is just no good for a hunter.We have been lucky here so far this year."Knock on wood"

You already have some great finds. I bet your going to have some great things to show us soon. HH!

hate the can slaw, hate the pull tabs, hate the.... but when you are finding a lot of this, usually some good stuff still there because no one was willing to wade thru it.

Fantastic Dig, take the time to clean it out and the goodies will revel themselves to you.

Someone could have run a bush hog through there at one time or another to knock down the brush.

I had a spot like that many years ago, the landowner was a great ol'e guy, was really interested to see what came out of the ground, I located an area that showed promise but was really overgrown with vines and thorns, so he offered to run his bush hog over it for me. A lot of great items came out of that ground, gave him his picks of whatever he wanted from them, hunted that area for close to a mth. Sad he passed away shortly after and the property was sold, never could get back on it again.

Dirtlooter, hit the nail on the head, literally, many hunters don't want to take the time or can't take the time to clean an area so they leave it.

Best of luck to you.

Looks promising, we haven't been doing to much digging with my weekends being to busy and little bit to cold for my boy. Good luck

You already have some great finds. I bet your going to have some great things to show us soon. HH!
Thanks,I hope so.I have noticed allot of places I get into around here, sometimes the finds will come for awhile,then it seems like they start to dwindle,like there wasn't a hole lot left and I am just picking up what other people have missed,almost like a bottom feeder:)Wish I would have been the first one to this place!I am hoping there is still something nice laying around there.

hate the can slaw, hate the pull tabs, hate the.... but when you are finding a lot of this, usually some good stuff still there because no one was willing to wade thru it.
You would hate this place then looter,it is like slaw and tabs with a extra side of is a shame someone peppered this place but maybe its a good thing they did,I can tell I am late getting there, maybe that is why I found what I have so far? you make a very good point!

Fantastic Dig, take the time to clean it out and the goodies will revel themselves to you.

Someone could have run a bush hog through there at one time or another to knock down the brush.

I had a spot like that many years ago, the landowner was a great ol'e guy, was really interested to see what came out of the ground, I located an area that showed promise but was really overgrown with vines and thorns, so he offered to run his bush hog over it for me. A lot of great items came out of that ground, gave him his picks of whatever he wanted from them, hunted that area for close to a mth. Sad he passed away shortly after and the property was sold, never could get back on it again.

Dirtlooter, hit the nail on the head, literally, many hunters don't want to take the time or can't take the time to clean an area so they leave it.

Best of luck to you.
You know it could be someone ran a bunch of cans over bushhoggin?But it almost seems deliberate,I don't know.Yeah it's a shame good people have to pass away.Allot of times around here the old people pass away and the youngens sell the farm.Next thing you know there's a highway running through,with new developments.

Looks promising, we haven't been doing to much digging with my weekends being to busy and little bit to cold for my boy. Good luck
Hey richey,I was looking for you guys the last couple times i went to Russels.I got to the point where I wasn't finding much there,that field down there needs to be turned , there has gotta be stuff masked on that one side!Never did ask him about his home place yard,but I would imagine it is loaded.I went there a couple times not to long ago just hanging around the back field and side,both C.S and union where there,but I didn't find a whole lott, it's probably all in that yard")I still haven't worked up the nerve to ask him

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I do believe you are on to something there DI2. Great start & keep us posted. HH, Q.
Hope so Q,will do,would be nice to find something nice to show,its been awhile:laughing7:Should be hunting right now,but have a few things to do around here today.HH Q-gl

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Look's like there is still a few relics there ,you just gotta work for them , that kinda site 'with all the trash' would be a Def, NO GO , in the Heat & Humidity of Summer , would make many a relic hunter want to quit for life.
Your doing good, at least u know there are some CW period Relics there, to keep u going.

It does look promising and if it was trashed intentionally, then I'm glad the A-hole isn't deterring you. Best of luck.

Killer site bud! You'll find your coins

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