The GWO bins aren't what they used to be, at least in our area.
Five years ago, and actually, up to a year ago, the finds could simply be amazing. Over the years, I've pulled thousands in profits from GWO, and that was just going occasionally. At the time, I was averaging about 3 visits a month; in other words, I wasn't living inside a GWO, waiting for a deal.
GWO used to be an awesome place to find books, and I made plenty of money pulling select books that the throngs of 'scanner people' missed. The trick was knowing what to look for. In the past 2 years, GWO is listing any decent title on ebay, and they are selling $25 books for $4, and I promise that they are losing money on the shipping. It is stupid. Really stupid.
In the past few years, the donations are really down, IMO. As a casual observer, I've seen a steady decline since 2008. Recently, the decline has been sharp, IMO. I can still get lucky, now and again, but the big scores are gone, for the most part.
More and more, the bins are totally filled with trash. When I say really is trash.