Good luck Token found and returning to owner


Hero Member
Aug 27, 2004
Smoky Mountains
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Good luck Token found and returning to owner

Found a good luck token yesterday at a new spot Bergie and I were checking out. Its the arcade type you can stamp your name or whatever you want on them that came from the automated machines. For the hell of it, i tried to track the name down on it and found the guy on the first try. Turns out hes related to Al Capones late personal accountant whos name was also on the token and lives in the Bronx. He doesnt remember the token but said it had to have been lost in either 62 or 63 as that was the last time he was in the area at summer camp. The guy was blown away that i found the thing and was able to find him after 40+ years. I told him i would send it to him and he accepted saying that maybe it would jar his memories of those days for which he hadnt thought about in years. Alot of fun, and all it will cost me is the price of a postage stamp.

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Re: Good luck Token found and returning to owner

Thanks alot for the compliment, Dennis. 8)

It was more fun finding the owner, then it was the Token, itself.

I must admit though, that if i didnt get a call back from the guy afer leaving a message, or he was not the right guy, that i wasnt going to try again as i didnt see the point to bothering people since it was only a token and not like a wedding ring or something like that.

Re: Good luck Token found and returning to owner

Very cool. We didn't find a lot of stuff at that site, but this is the kind of story that makes it worthwhile. The camp itself is right across the street from where we were searching. Now we have to call the camp and see how long it's been around and if we can get permission to search it. Anyone searced old kids' camps?

Re: Good luck Token found and returning to owner

Great detective work True. ?I think just talking to the guy and hearing how suprised he was is worth a whole lot more than the token itself. ?I can't wait until I can do something like that. ?I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a 5K ring. ?The angel and devil on my shoulders will be having fist fights.

Re: Good luck Token found and returning to owner

I bet he leaves you in his will, like a Howard Hughes kind of deal with the guy who picked him up hichhiking. That token could turn out to be a great find beyond how interesting it's been so far.

Re: Good luck Token found and returning to owner

Yeah, it's a neat story. He said he probably made the token in Coney Island (Brooklyn) as he went there alot when he was younger and they would have had those token machines there back then. He was surprised but seemed confused probably due to the flooding back of those long gone memories from when he was 13 or 14 years old. Hes now 58 he said. He couldnt wait to tell his Granddaughter as he related she would get a big kick out of it. Big thumbs up to the online phone diectory white pages as this would have never happened with out them 8)

Re: Good luck Token found and returning to owner

Several years ago I found a white gold ladies class ring at a local school yard and placed an ad in the local paper which cost me several dollars to run.The last day of the ad a womancalled an said the ring was hers.I drove to the drugstore that she owned and asked her to identify the ring and boy did she lite into me and practically accused me of taking the ring.I let this uppity woman have the ring and from then on when I found class rings I would pop the stone out of it and melt the ring down to a mass and sell it at the local gold buyers.

Re: Good luck Token found and returning to owner

and big thumbs up to you, true metal

Re: Good luck Token found and returning to owner

Thank you, Lookstwice 8)

Re: Good luck Token found and returning to owner


The token reached its owner and is now back in da Bronx. I recieved the confo on my voice mail today

Took me awhile to send it out as it was in a cleaning soak trying to rid itself of 40+ years of grime.

Have some pics of it if anyone cares to see and i can figure how to get one on the net.

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