

"The gument finally cleared that rumor up. They are not black but really dark, dark green."

Sure....that's what THEY say.....

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It is an old Spanish mine, but there was a road going through the middle of it to a Trailhead. I had to sell it, I couldn't dry wash as Jeeps and Motorcycles would drive through the Wash, by taking short cuts to the Trailhead. There was a lot of Silver at that location and some Gold.

That place I learned a lot about the Spanish Signs and Symbols, and over at the San Tan Regional Mountains on Goldmine Mountain, there is a Spanish Heart atop facing southeast. I learned a lot there by reading the symbols and signs.

There is an image at all these locations of a Jesuit Priest carved on the hillside, the Jesuit used Latin and Hebrew letters on their Mines. This particular Mining Claim I had was east of Queen Valley, in the Superstition Mountains and Tonto Natl Forest.

I bought the claim from this one Company that sells claims, but others insisted I was working for him and promoting him when I wasn't.

I was just trying to give advice and help others as well find and live the dream... but instead... they tore me down some more.

Sad that people have to be like that when all your trying to do is help.

(I tried to post about it earlier in the past, but the negative people started a band wagon on tearing me down and humiliating me.)

' a lot of silver and some gold'? and you had to sell it? hmmm

Well when you have people inviting themselves to claimjump, hike, camp, shoot high powered weapons, etc. Then why have it? I have a better claim elsewhere.

Now on the point of shooting, he has a true statement. I went up Hewitt canyon road 3-4 weeks ago and there where 4 groups of party's, in 4 different areas, and these where all before, and at the first cattle guard.
They where shooting handguns, shotguns, and high powered rifles from the side of the road.
My wife was not comfortable.

All they where shooting at was the hill side.Full of rocks. Any one heard of ricochets?
This was in the first 3 miles from Queen Creek, and Hewitt station road.
If his claim was where I think it was. It was right at the intersection of where the road crosses the wash in at least 3 places.
No way could anyone have any privacy. Of course there are more areas in a claim,but if the silver and gold is in the wash, your screwed. I have been there, and so has a few others in this ldm thread section.

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That's why it's a lead placer claim. Set up a spot and collect the lead each year

Since I got a new revolver for christmas, and a person gave me a reloading set,just what I need.

Just wondering, do you have any blurry pictures of BigFoot guarding the blurry pictures of the blurry gold and blurry mine shaft? Trying not to step in the bullshit in this thread lol

Also, this area is patrolled by Apache Helicopters. You will be visited by Helicopters and Sheriffs. The Gov knows this place is there!! (it is extremely impossible to recover anything from this site), also... there are camouflaged cameras attached to Saguaro.

My guess is you were poking around to close to one of the dams in that area. They tend to be nervous about that nowadays.

How may of you have or have seen gold from the Superstitions? If you have a example post a photo. I'm starting to list examples on eBay. Figure you never see gold from the area. Only talk about it. Did see some the Gpap bought for our club auctions a month ago. Was from the first water trail area. Had a lot of copper in it. I had the chance to look at the gold nugget in Bob Corbin's ring with a loupe. Gold in white quartz. Not much copper in that piece


If your a Dutch hunter or stoner and have found no gold you are in the wrong spot.

Aint that the truth.
I seem to never be in the right spot.:tongue3:
Of course maybe my area I am looking in is not actually the supes.
I know some of it is not.

John, drink yer coffee while it is hot, best.

No one can humiliate you if you don't wish to be. .If you are 'correct' on something you cannot be humiliated as you will have answers, especially to yourself. You can simply laugh at them--


John Arizona, WOW, Im honored to here the story of the richest man on this forum, you say your mine is richer than your caves of gold,I remember someone a long time ago telling the same story,
this person had every one excited, then we found out that the state had turned every one loose from 24th and van buren,to roam the streets, Imagine that. and that STORY IS A FACT. np:cat::cat::cat:
that rates three cats.

john Arizona, there are many caves filled with gold as well as the top of this mnt, and you say Im jumping to conclusions, remember what you

john Arizona, I have a better claim elsewhere.

thanks for the information.i have just recently retired and have not been in the superstisons since 1972. looking foward to getting back out there again even if the only thing i find is fresh air.i just hope some day soon that the LDM will be found by someone to prove that the Legend is true. thanks again.

john Arizona, you say you have a good memory for what you write, then why give me a like for something you wrote in post 36, then in the next post you say good for you, did you forget? lol ,np:cat:

Jose, thanks. Not even remotely humiliated!

So, I'm going to sit here and drink my Coffee.

As for the gold, find your own. That's what prospecting is all about!

One dead pine of some sort at entrance, study script and glyphs on rock.

Script: hebrew/Latin overlaid with Spanish scripts.

Crawl through entrance into a large room.

33°26'46.20"N 111°22'51.43"W

By any chance do you have photos you could post, of some of those inscriptions? Thank you in advance.

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