I am looking forward to this episode. By the end of the season, I suspect the Hoffmans do OK, if only because they are on the same claim next year.
This week I am betting we learn that the Hoffmans move sites within the claim, based on the info from the maps, have to shut down and strip overburden on the new spot and then leave us hanging as to whether or not the new spot works out (it will, but that is next week).
On the other hand, I anticipate Parker is "cooking with gas" and really hits it this week in his far cut (prediction 250 oz) plus he starts looking to buy another location and finds out he needs 1000 more oz than his original 2000 oz target.
Tony will continue to build his old dredge, take a few short cuts and maybe bend something, yell a few swear words and collect his "jar" from Parker. It is still too soon in the show for the dredge to get completed. That will probably be the last episode. I guess we should study the background to see if he really got it done early in the season (look at the growth on the trees) or if it really took until fall. Maybe he got it moved in a month and it only looks like a whole summer. ;-)