Exactly Docster. I am obsessed no doubt about it. No worry about getting shot by a hunter shooting out of season or someone shooting at movement (both have happened to me, wait till Dr Phil uploads one of those videos). No worry about hiking in 30-45 minutes past snakes and bees to get to the gold. Easy access to the river and drop off a dredge/highbanker without killing your back. No worry about crazy landowners on the other side of the creek. Or meth heads/ growers/etc. If I want to bring newbies there no problem at all, whereas a lot of the land owners wont let me bring friends.
When I first started going there I was hugely disappointed expecting gold nuggets to just jump in my pan and I couldnt even find a buck worth of gold in several trips. But as I grew as a prospector I learned to appreciate what was there and work with it, reading the river to find the good spots. And working around a place that's been worked so much, you realize that it really doesn't matter how much its been worked, the gold just keeps coming as the mineralized quartz cobbles break up and release more. Then mother nature re-concentrates the gold into pay streaks (via floods) just waiting for an astute prospector to come along and clean house. The good prospectors there prosper, and the new ones learn all this and eventually do well too. Or they get frustrated and think there's no gold and leave (seen this happen a couple times even though I tried to show them otherwise).
I think Thermal City is great because its a microcosm of the other 'real world' gold fields. You get out of it what you put in to it. If you spend the time sample panning in the river for a couple hours to a day, you will eventually find a hot spot for gold. Then you bring in the dredge/highbanker/ sluice to clean it out. I pulled about 1/2 to 3/4 of an ounce there last year, and I didn't go probably 8 times or so (I still havent even bothered cleaning up all the cons from last year, on my days off I just go get more cons). I have personally seen several 1/4 ounce (or more) cleanups from other prospectors, seen pickers (fingernail size nuggets too) you wouldn't believe from the panning troughs. I guarantee if you pan long enough at the troughs you will hit a pan like you wouldn't believe. I have seen 500 colors to a pan there before and seen multiple guys doing pans like that. Don't take my word for it ask Jack (hes a regular), Terry (another regular) or Dr Phil (my buddy but he loves it there too, mostly cause he just follows me around while I lead us to the jack pots) how much gold they pull out of there a year just from the troughs. Dr Phil had a pan there one time that was gold clear from one side of the pan to the other (18 inch pan) from the troughs. And hes probably only done the troughs 4-5 times or so ever cause I usually find us killer spots in the river.
No where else can I (and others) go and find that kind of gold for 10 bucks. Plus the majority of the gold there is usually bigger then the stuff I find in SC. Does it always end up a whole bunch of gold like that? No not always everyone and everyplace has its bad days. But honestly the only time I have ever left there with just a little gold was because I didn't put in the time to find a better spot and settled for a mediocre one. That was also before I realized there was always a good spot if I looked for it hard enough.
Oh and did I mention the gold in quartz? Its there if you know what to look for. If you guys have seen my videos you should know exactly what to look for there as I point it out in several videos. I have quite a collection of gold & quartz specimens and it grows almost every trip if I take the time to look for them.
And lastly, the people there are great. I have done lots of the remote/hard hiking/lone wolf prospecting. Sometimes its nice to head to a place where everyone is familiar. Its like the show Cheers for me, but with gold recovery equipment instead of alcohol to bring people together. Crystal Jim is quite a character, same with Dwight, Bob, Lloyd and the rest. There's always some newbies to help, or some tourists panning for the first time to help. Always some regulars to joke around with and compare finds. And lots of people having fun doing their own thing who will gladly stop and chat about prospecting if you are so inclined.
So yeah Im a Thermal City guy through and through. They don't pay me to advertise for them or anything, I pay money to go there just like everyone else. I thoroughly enjoy every trip and cant wait to go back.