The only gold I have found was in a country club parking lot but for sure there's gold in Maryland. Specifically in Quartz vein's. There are Quartz veins from Georgia well past Maryland. These veins are on the east side of the mountains and cross right at the 495 bridge (North Potomac, near river road) right at the foot of the bridge. There were several gold mines there but now they're on federal property. But luckily, God left some gold veins outside of federal property,….like 10 feet from it. Here's the summary: The gold (and other valuable stuff) is there in quartz veins, usually encased in granite (Holy Cow). Quartz is viscously sharp, and in dust form will scar your lungs bad enough that you wished you worked in an a asbestos factory. There's only two ways to get it because it's all underground, a: God made rivers that cut/cross thru the quarts veins and do the hard work for free. Gold is as heavy as lead so take some lead bb's with you, stir them in a pail of water, rock, gravel, and sand, and guess how far down they will go? Answer, at the very, very bottom, of the smallest crevice.. Secondly, blast it. That's why everyone digs thru a hill or mountain horizontally because the below ground has been forced up and digging horizontally is much easier then digging down, plus as an added benefit, when you dig down, you will hit water.
Note, every 10-50 years, there are massive storms that refresh every stream. Yea!!!
Suggestion, spend a day at an open mine and see the exposed veins for yourself. Look at the colors and see how they wind thru the granite. Talk to the owner of the mine. You will gain 10 years of knowledge and recoup 10 years of waisted time in one day at a real mine.