GOLD MINES EVERYWHERE! Exploring Leadville Colorado!


Full Member
Dec 25, 2009
Hey Guys, thought you might enjoy this explore of Leadville. It's turning to winter up here already. This area now has a dusting of snow covering it from last night. If anyone knows mine owners in the area, feel free to let them know that I would be happy to help them explore and sample their claims. Happy Sunday

How awesome would it be to live in 1890's Leadville Colorado! Gold, Adventure and the Wild West! There are literally thousands of gold mines in this relatively small area. Mining built this town and helped settle the West. As a gold prospector and small-scale miner, I hope that responsible family mining will return to this once rich and wild part of Colorado!


I lived up there from 1977 to 80. On one of those dumps folks would see ghost at night in the form of two glowing white cats. It's a small shaft filled in and it was said it was a father and son operation. Story goes they went in one day and no ever saw them come out again. They simply vanished as the story goes. Or they just turned into two glowing white cats that would sit on top of the tailings at night.

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