GOLD>>I always wondered what they really carried in those tanker trucks


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Oct 13, 2005
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C.R. HKt.B Sometimes there's not a right way, or
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Re: I always wondered what they really carried in those tanker trucks

Wow !

How many more caches are there in that country ? How many will never be found ?

Re: I always wondered what they really carried in those tanker trucks

:o WoW

I know this guy who drives 18 wheelers for a living and I asked him what was the strangest thing he ever carried and he told me that he once carried about 5-10 million bubble bees to a greenhouse that grows tomato's. :laughing7:

Those pictures were taken back around 2004. Still it is a good find, too bad I didn't find it!

Kelly's Hero's all over again, you know the movie with Clint Eastwood? :laughing7: :laughing7:

I think the photo's were photo shopped there is no way in h3ll that the trailer could hold up to that weight and as for the guy holding the bar up with one hand bullsh@t what does everybody else think.

well....if that is a 50 or 52 lb could hold it single handed for a quick shot..... :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: that's just some of the loot we took from Iraq...."for safe keeping"......yea pal sure......I've heard that before....


they look like 110# bars to me and they look painted also i have some smaller gold bars that look nothing like that i think they are aluminium bars painted gold.

I think the photo's were photo shopped there is no way in h3ll that the trailer could hold up to that weight and as for the guy holding the bar up with one hand bullsh@t what does everybody else think.

Why would dead old sadaam melt shell casings into bars? Could this be another conspiracy? :tongue3:


SWR, I'm certain all the gold containted in the tanker truck was not real. However,
some of the things that glitter in Iraq are real gold. Maybe the tanker was a diversion
for another shipment.

Would have been interesting to let the tanker go, and see what it's destination was.
So, the White House Budget Office said samples were taken to Kuwait to be analysed.
I'm not sure why the White House would trust Kuwait to analysis a pound of coffee. I'm
sure it could be said, that we had our own people in Kuwait that did the testing.
Kuwait had a lot of pull with the White house, at that time.

I'm not a man that believes is all the crazy conspiracy crap that is out there. And, anyone
that looks into the tanker truck gold, can can see, that what you think you see. Is not
what it appears to be.

Saddam was a bad dude. But, he was not stupid, Would he have really thought he could
sell, trade that much fake gold. And the buyer, trader not be aware of what he was getting.

Clayton :coffee2:

Who picked the 1100 bars for testing ? Picking up identical sized bars by hand would easily distinguish
gold from copper . One for you/one for me sorting . Guess who's pile the heavy ones are going in ;D
.............. Just a thought .

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