Gold Hog matting

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I fall asleep they move so slow and there no drama like bearing sea gold :)

True but you need to know or your going to have some expensive worthless mats if you glue the mats to an aluminum plate... There is a slider button on the player to fast forward through the video to watch how to clean out the mats...

Was just kidding viper
I been watching them I just never found any that thought me anything until this's last one you posted it's actually a great vidieo!
However docs has some misquided videos on there listed as tuning your sluice or dredge but there no info on tuning in the video at all
The basic info on his matts and folks running them too slow iv found too be true with most if not all matts and riffles ....
I get folks all the time telling me to run 1/2 throttle and what iv found is the the heavy's load up and your box starts blowing gold out ..
Any how thanks for the info I t was greatly apreasheated .... I'm gona go with his setup ! I had been trying to find someone to set it up because I was getting lost in his videos there's just too many of them. And most never get to the pointe or at least the pointers I was looking for ....
Not knocking doc .... Or his products ... But sometimes you need to skip some of the simple things and get to the good stuff .... Other thing that's always scared me from hog matting are the claims of near zero losses because it's just not true all matts and carpets sluices have losses and more than he claims and I think it would be better to be honest because everybody claims they have the greatest system with no losses .... So when you see these claims he just looks like the rest Of folks trying too sell something .... The real benefit I see in his matts are less cons and the way he puts his matts together allowing you to have a lot of different surface's ..
And providing the info on running them proper .... But I think he need to be careful because the info is getting lost in too many videos and when I watched his videos early on I wrote him off as just another matt system with the great claim of near perfect product with no losses or at least really close to no losses....

Probally would have bought along time ago if not for this !
Anyhow thanks a lot and have a happy new year

The mats are only going to work properly for the end user if the end user invest the time to test his or her equipment. What works for me may not work for others. I have found that on my 60"x12"x4" sluice running the mats at about 10 degree angle and lots of water flow captures the gold. I say lots as of flow now as I do not have a flow meter on my pump to give an accurate GPM. All I know is the pump is good for 133 GPM but I have restrictions in the flow. Also the end user needs to take in account of the speed of which he or she adds con to the sluice. In my video I started out slow and then dumping more quickly. Once I have my trommel in place the flow of dirt will be more consistent than me just dumping a bucket of dirt in a hopper. Also the end user needs to keep an eye on making sure the mats clear properly and this is a direct account of sluice angle, water flow, classified material used, and speed of which the classified material is introduced to the sluice box...

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Just checked I do have two of the nylon bars I had machined. They are yours if you would like them. I'll just need to cut a groove in them so that you can slide the rubber damper into place and secure it.

Damper Holders.jpg

Under strictly controlled conditions almost anything will catch gold, even a flat smooth surface. ie: miller table.

When it's boiled down to basics, recovering gold is really all about specific gravity and the best ways of separating particles of differing density from one another using mechanical means combined with natural laws of physics.

The complications arise when speed of recovery combined with higher volumes of material along with varying sizes, shapes, and weights of the material is added to the mix. That's why one size does not fit all. Anytime you can reduce or minimize the variables involved in the job of sorting gold from the non gold mixture you are going to experience greater success.

The most important variable that needs to be addressed to simplify gold recovery is classification. Once the particles being processed are classified to be similar in size no matter what that size is, then it becomes a simple matter to recover the gold from the rest of the particles due to gold's much greater density than anything else it's size.

For 100% gold recovery, it really boils down to classification first, then recovery second.

For example: The Gold Cube is able to process 16 Five gallon buckets full (1000 lbs) of material an hour with virtually no gold loss. Of course the material being run has to be pre classified to 1/8" first. (the proper flow and angle must also be utilized as in any sluice)


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Under strictly controlled conditions almost anything will catch gold, even a flat smooth surface. ie: miller table.

When it's boiled down to basics, recovering gold is really all about specific gravity and the best ways of separating particles of differing density from one another using mechanical means combined with natural laws of physics.

The complications arise when speed of recovery combined with higher volumes of material to sort along with varying sizes, shapes, and weights of the material is added to the mix. That's why one size does not fit all. Anytime you can reduce or minimize the variables involved in the job of sorting gold from the non gold mixture you are going to experience greater success.

The most important variable that needs to be addressed to simplify gold recovery is classification. Once the particles being processed are classified to be similar in size no matter what that size is, then it becomes a simple matter to recover the gold from the rest of the particles due to gold's much greater density than anything else it's size.

For 100% gold recovery, it really boils down to classification first, then recovery second.

For example: The Gold Cube is able to process 16 Five gallon buckets full (1000 lbs) of material an hour with virtually no gold loss. Of course the material being run has to be pre classified to 1/8" first. (and the proper flow and angle must also be utilized as in any sluice)


GG very well worded and stated, to the point...

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