Bronze Member
Go down to Wisconsin on this site, metal detecting banned on DNR lands, 4 page topic posted here in November 2009.
... for WI and every other state I am aware of.
...The DNR has a listed phone number call it.....
Megalodon: then why is it that we have metal detecting hobbyist forums, that all have Beach venue specific Pages ? Where water & shoreline md'rs have their show and tell bragging rights every day of the week?
Our forums are FILLED with show until from Beach Hunters. How can this be?? Are they all Lawless miscreants ?
You misrepresent what i said. I also hunt beaches but respect the law that forbids me from hunting a few beaches that are specifically closed to metal detecting. Congratulations for misrepresenting what I said and for misrepresenting the issue in general - you are now blocked.
If you find any coins or valuables at all don't forget to claim them on taxes so you can be legal....then they would be yours....![]()
......and spoke DIRECTLY...with the states head archie...( shudders).....
....Remember that "legislative intent"...has nothing to do with enforcement in the real world....
I had the unfortunate need to actually search for specific lost property in WI state waters...and spoke DIRECTLY...with the states head archie...( shudders). To summerize...yes...you CAN metal detect WI state waters....
You submit a specific itemization plan of object being sought...to include EXACT location of lost item. Now...as I pointed out to our intrepid politico..if it's EXACT location was known...than it wouldn't be lost right?
You can only search between specific daylight hours within a specific season, and must provide location maps and proof that the area you wish to look are not within "Archeologically sensitive location"...and provide the state with proof thereof....
Oh...and DNR has authority over ALL state "navigable waters". I repeat...ALL
After you have submitted this plethara of state mandated paperwork...and it won't...you must schedule with the local DNR superintendant a time that a conservation officer can be present to oversee your activitys.
Needless to say...entering WI state waters with a metal detector is just not legally possible in reality.
Anyone want to guess what I told the Sheriff when they couldn't find a very important evidentiary object and and asked me to search?
Welcome to Wisconsin..where if it's fun..it's illegal.
And Tom..I'm not going to debate the symantics or theoreticals ....my experiance is simply my experiance...
Remember that "legislative intent"...has nothing to do with enforcement in the real world.
Now you need to go find out what their definition of "navigable" is........
Sure. And keep asking long enough, and high enough up the chain, till you finally find someone to tell you "No md'ing". Haha
Nice, another misleading thread title, I thought I was going to get to see some gold coins.
That like a thread called Big Gold Nugget in the prospecting forum, click on it, six pages later nothing but bickering.