Gold coin find

Is this your first or only Gold coin? Any way what a nice one.


? ? ? ? ?Pete send it to me and i'll check it for you, to make sure it's not a forgery. Out of the goodness of my heart.? ? ?Honest!? ?HH

I figure I will get a gold coin one of two ways, either I will find one, or I will find enough clad to buy one. Either way, my md will get me one!!! ;D

Pete never has told us his story. SUre he didn't just "find' it in a coin collection?
Not discounting that he may have found it in the ground, but come on Pete pony on up with the story!! 8)

The excitement must have given him a heart attack. Thats what would probably happen to me anyway.

Article Will appear in the 2005 Issue Of SILVER & GOLD

The April Issue of W&E has it listed as Very Fine +
Value $1,800

unless that $2.50 was found too & mixed up with the $5.00

Pete this is killin me. I hate waiting. I want the skinny now!!! What happens if the next issue of Keester and Weener screws it up this time? Are we supposed to wait again for another two months.
HEEELLLOOOO are ya hearin me. And whats with "I sent the story in to W & E, due to the fact their mag is the one I'm more happy to find in my mail. Pete"
UUGGGHHH I personally find that getting a dividend check in the mail is a little more rewarding. Thats just me of course. So as the Group has asked over the last 57 posts, could we get the story Please!!!!!!

This is too funny FreePete....If you want to adopt an alias...Fine! If you want to pretend to be a woman...Fine! If you want put your face on a bikini clad model....Fine! But when you start asking yourself how much you'd charge yourself for detecting lessons? When you ask yourself if your coin is the one that will be in W&E magazine? The big clue for me amongst others that weren't fooled was your grammar. Both Pete and Free misused the word "well" in the place of "will". So as for me, I'll continue to reply to your posts with the sign off..."You go girl"! ;D~CO2

Usually my main source of info comes from such bastions of truth like the National Enquirer--but heck, I'm also open to less accurate manuscripts.
Nice one ML. LOL

I like it when i'm standing inline at the Grocery store and finnally find out that it was an alien that took over New York. I swear it looked like Bloomberg though. Sneaky son of a Gun's ?;D

Both Pete and Free misused the word "well" in the place of "will". So as for me, I'll continue to reply to your posts with the sign off..."You go girl"! ;D ~CO2

Co2 Dont you know thats the way they talk in Lacrosse. LMAO ;)

So the house demo is the Deal. Allright FreePete, so let me ask you. Did you get to hunt that property again or did you just say this is it. Or did the weather just close in on ya. I personally would have been all over that like Brad on Jennifer. So was it coincidence they moved the bobcat? Did you go back and click off a pic of the site. Man this is just the Beginning.I like the little old lady part. I'll bet she thought you were just a whack job anyway. Most people just look at me and smile and keep walking. I keep thinking to myself the queerer I look the less people will get into this. LOL I'm talking Bermuda shorts/with the black socks and white shoes and a checked shirt on and my headphone's. Folks this is not Pretty. ;D Thanks FreePete.

And the lesson of this story.... "I scanned the location and got a screwcap signal." I might be gold coin poor, but I am gonna be screwcap rich!!!

"D" for Denver, yes.

"D" for Dahlonega... NOT YET!!! There is STILL hope, isn't there???

Congrats on true rarity and one helluva find my friend!

I think these come close. There were 10 in all 3 $10 eagles and 7 $5 half eagles 3 of the $5 were from CC and 2 from S and the rest no marks


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