Gold by Albuquerque New Mexico

Just to add some things I find interesting. In the Manzano Mountains the military has made very long tunnels.
They are a nuke stockpile. I worked for a mechanical contractor that would do work all over the base and the tunnels
would, on occasion, be contracted. Super secure to the point a guard can only go so far before passing to another.
There is even a morgue in the Mountain.
I stopped bidding work on base as after 911 access was too much of a hassle. Frustrating when I'm loaded up and can't
access the base because of a shutdown.

Sonic booms haven't been allowed over resi areas for awhile. The news will announce when an explosion is scheduled.
That's ok if one watches the news.
If you have real soil it was most likely a transplant as the West side is a sand box.
Before Intel there was Amrep. They built RR initially by heavy advertising back East. The people that bought plots sight
unseen were shown their land by a guy carrying a side arm. If someone asked why he'd say coyotes or something. Some
thought it was more likely to settle down Easterners when they saw what they had bought. Much had no utilities or good roads.
I can still find signs West of here saying For Sale with the same problems. No water, electric etc.
Amrep was later successfully sued for fraud.
RR has changed a bunch since then.
I have some fears about more development West. I once listened to a scientist who talked about West side water. He said RR water
doesn't come from Abq aquifer as was previously thought but from the Jemez aquifer North and West. He felt development could dry
it up. At that time it was thought Abq aquifer was the size of Lake Superior. That's no longer the consensus.

There are a number of books on placer gold here. A short drive to my favorite mineral place, Moma's Minerals carries them. Her store
is now by the Natural History Museum.

Oh, yes. I remember Amrep and the scam of selling those plots. A lot of people were ticked off. I had forgotten about that. I also forgot about the morgue in the mountain. Have you ever wondered who is really in the morgue? Maybe those who wander too close to the fences!! Or maybe the Roswell aliens! Twilight Zone!

I never liked going there because I always felt if I screwed up with a wrong turn or unloaded in the wrong place it would be all over for me! I got lost in the Labs one time and the military police came quickly to 'help' me find my way! One wrong turn and you can get seriously lost there. They knew I was legit but it was a bad experience. I never got lost after that. I made sure I knew the exact roads and turns. Any new delivery site after that and I always had them send explicit instructions.

My wife and I got married on the other side of the mountain at Deadman's campground! Now that's a place to get married!!

The growth there is out of control and people are going to quickly find they can't get water or the water they get will have to be piped in from hundreds of miles away. It's a desert, what do people think?

Mama's is a cool store. A lot of the tools and equipment, beads and so on you can buy from where they get it locally. If you don't know of Rio Grande, look them up. I used to work for them long before they moved to the west side and then for a few years after. They are suppliers to the jewelry industry. They have a show room and you can easily buy from them you'll just need to open an account and pay with cash/card unless you have a good JBT rating.

Lots of good history in NM and the best food anywhere!

I liked base and lab work before 911. I also did building automation work at Los Alamos. Seeing work being done on space vehicles and all the other stuff the labs do was fascinating.
I'm ex-military and worked with nukes during my enlistment so being around military stuff was like old times.
Rio Grande is state of the art as far as anything to do with jewelry etc. My wife does cabbing and silver work and I like to pick up her purchases there just to look around. Thunderbird is another good one but much smaller.
Another gem at Rio Grande is their free videos on the craft to watch on line if one wants to learn the craft.

Sounds like you miss the weather and a little "Red or Green"

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Nice no I wouldn't dig near a airport I'm planning to join the GPAA someday and have some places to go. I do have a pic I will post it. I really don't know what this gold is because it breaks but looks and acts exactly like gold in the pan. I think I just give up on my backyard until I find out what these particles are.
Most gold in New Mexico from what I read is. North around Santa Fe and south west NM and kinda south. Speaking of balloons I seen one in my backyard very very close


If you can pinch the gold with your fingernails and it breaks it isn't gold.

Rio Grande also has a 'lab' were they have people they train to be experts on the products and processes. They are experts if they are not new, and can help you learn and understand the best way to use the tools and equipment. This is free also. In addition, any question you may have about a product can be answered by the product managers who know everything about the products. The counter sales people don't usually know anything about the products so you need to ask for a product manager or one of the guys in the lab. If you have a piece of equipment they sell, they also have repair technicians and if you can get one of them they can explain what you need to repair something and can get you the parts faster than going through the front counter sales. I used to be 'THE' equipment repair tech there. When I left they had to hire 3 guys to do the amount of work I was doing by myself. I left that position because they refused to hire someone to help me! It really pissed off the tools product managers that they would not hire help for me and that caused me to move to another position.

Thunderbird is another supplier there.

Yes, I miss my family there and the red and green. There isn't any real red here and the green is barely green at all. None of it has any flavor or heat. It is funny at restaurants here if you ask for something to be hot they think you mean temperature!

But I have been here long enough the withdrawals have stopped! Having been raised on red and green it is hard to do without. When we go back for a visit our family gets tired of always eating the red and green so much! But we have to stock up for a year right?

Hi mpgken,

Thanks for the advice about the AFB and weapon stockpiles! I try to stay well away from military bases as a rule but the base didn't come up on the map right away.

Has anyone here ever heard of the Grand Cavita Treasure? Someone mentioned it the other day and I can't find any information on it.


Hi mpgken,

Thanks for the advice about the AFB and weapon stockpiles! I try to stay well away from military bases as a rule but the base didn't come up on the map right away.

Has anyone here ever heard of the Grand Cavita Treasure? Someone mentioned it the other day and I can't find any information on it.


Maybe the person was mistaken and it is actually the Gran Quivira Treasure mentioned here (Hidden Treasure and Lost Mines of New Mexico) or the Casa del Cueva de Oro mentioned here (

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These are great leads, thank you arizau!! These makes a lot more sense.

I’ll post a link as soon as the site is up and going. My wife is gonna be running the online sales for the famous Charlie’s Spic & Span green and red that they are now jarring.

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