going to buy a new metal detector ! but want to here what you all have to say

If you dont want to share dont respond!

And where is your sharing contribution in all this?

George Payne did research years ago which indicated that silver U.S. dimes respond best to a frequency of 2.7kHz, and that most U.S. coins show up best when utilizing a frequency of 10kHz or below. Also that gold responds best to frequencies of 20kHz or higher.

Additionally, lower frequency will penetrate the ground deeper than higher frequency. It's not a HUGE difference, but it can matter where a couple of inches may mean the difference between success and failure.

True all things being equal. But all things aren't equal. Circuitry design plays into it way more than actual freq and no two manufacturers and/or models use the same circuitry. There is no way an Ace 150 at 6.5kHz is going to see a silver coin deeper than and AT Pro running at 15kHz. Why, because the circuitry on the ATP is more refined/advanced.

And where is you're sharing contribution in all this?

I didnt have anything to ad to the original question, so I didnt feel compelled to give an incomplete grumpy answer!

True all things being equal. But all things aren't equal. Circuitry design plays into it way more than actual freq and no two manufacturers and/or models use the same circuitry. There is no way an Ace 150 at 6.5kHz is going to see a silver coin deeper than and AT Pro running at 15kHz. Why, because the circuitry on the ATP is more refined/advanced.
True to a point. Which is why an F2 @ 5.9kHz kicks the Ace 150's butt even at similar frequencies, and also why an E-Trac that goes as low as 2.5kHz enjoys such success.

My comment wasn't intended to point the OP in any speciffic direction in terms of what machine to buy, only that there are reasons to look at some harder than others due to matters of physics. Programming and feature preference vary widely and need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the person spending their hard earned.

you all talked me in to it ...AT pro it is ! :notworthy:

I sold a old RC truck for 200 $ got the $ i needed to get the AT pro ...just got my AT pro . delivered.. used for $500 with coil cover cheap pin pointer sand scoop small shovel backpack and all that kelly co crap lol still has over a year left on the warranty .. the guy said he used it 8 time .. it looks like he did not use it at all ...I am very happy took it out for 40 mi ... pin pointing was awesome ! I here ppl saying it was tough to pin pot ... but i did not have a problem at all it said penny i dug a penny .it said quarter i dug a quarter ..jumpy # trash ... I love the pro mode you can here if its deep and no bell sound yaaa ! lol:occasion18:...the depth is off though .. it said 8" on the quarter it was only 5" .. but it sounded loud and clear not deep so all is well .... i cant wait to learn this MD...... any tips you all can give me would be much appreciated

Grab a 5x8 coil its a whole new animal better seperation pinpointing not to mention alot lighter to & u dont lose alot of depth either most thing u lose is the área u get to cover but makes u go a little slower think of it this way slower u go u wont miss many signals -more finds

the depth is off though .. it said 8" on the quarter it was only 5" .. but it sounded loud and clear not deep so all is well .... i cant wait to learn this MD...... any tips you all can give me would be much appreciated
The depth meter is actually pretty accurate on the AT Pro but you have to use the pinpoint mode and come straight down on top of your target. Then, you'll get the proper reading.

Grab a 5x8 coil its a whole new animal better seperation pinpointing not to mention alot lighter to & u dont lose alot of depth either most thing u lose is the área u get to cover but makes u go a little slower think of it this way slower u go u wont miss many signals -more finds
+1 on the 5x8. Fixes the balance issues and separates like a divorce lawyer with minimum depth loss! It hasn't been off since I've put it on!

thanks fella thats going to help big time :notworthy:

hell ya .... I don't like Cheerios anyway lol :occasion14:

Hey silversurfer!
For $300, 7-8in. On a dime might be a stretch, but it's not impossible. That being said, if you're going for depth, I would opt for either the bounty hunter platinum (from what I've heard it's bounty hunter's best detector), or the teknetics eurotek pro with the 11in. Dd coil. Out of those two, the eurotek pro is probably the one to go for. It has super fast recovery speed, unbelievable response time, great depth, and is designed for the tough hunting conditions found in Europe. No matter which one you pick I'm sure you'll love it!
Happy hunting!

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