Rules for hiking alone!!!
1.Always tell someone where you are goning.(more detail the better)
2.Give a time when you expect to be back..
3.Don't play with or tease critters!!
4.If you leave the trail mark your path (Rock Cairn) it easier to get turned around in the woods..
5. always expect the worse..
6. Do not rely on cell phones as an emergency device ever!!!
It is of my opinion that there are more serious common dangers then rattlesnakes and other wildlife.. Killing things because you are scared or just don't like is not acceptable ever! And I know for a fact that common sense out weighs a gun any day of the week. The majority of animal encounters can be walked away from( I have yet ever needed to kill an animal to protect myself )..But I think the truth is people like killing rattlesnakes and other creatures to make themselves feel powerful and in control not because of any real threat. I never go hiking or camping with a gun and I have been in some very remote places. But I go to find gold and enjoy the wildlife and scenery. It is amazing that after I spend a few days camping or working an area how the wildlife seems to accept my presence and become more confortable beining around me. Nothing is more awesome then having a few regular guest at my camp to help pass the time.. On the Yuba every night a doe would sleep in the tall grass behind my tent and in the early morning I would drink my coffee and watch her eat only a few feet from me..And recently I had the pleasure of some river otters playing in the rapids not 5 feet from me..I think if I had a gun I would not be so lucky in my guests!! To bad guns do not kill fear but instead enable it!!!!!
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Live and let live!!!!!! Let god decide who and what needs to be called home!!!!