Give example of treasure found.

The IRS does want to know you, they want to know all of us. That's not paranoia, just fact. It's their job to know who's who and who is getting what monies from what sources. Treasury department is a giant of govenment agencies.

It's un-American NOT to loathe governance, that's exactly what the founding fathers said and demonstrated. As far as treasure recoveries go, you have no obligation until you convert it to money through sales with regard to IRS and Treasury. As far as other agencies and state laws, yes, you better believe there are many out to take anything you find. Again, refer to some of the treasure laws passed by states, both still intact and some that have been overturned by courts. Especially coastal states.

What I do not understand to this day is how someone else can have a RIGHT to mineral wealth under my property while I have no RIGHT to even own my property. That is just plain wrong.

But the founders stated, a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They modified this code from the old English right to life, liberty and property for some reason. What was going through their heads?

A good friend of mine found those three Spanish galleons on Padre Island. Recovered a lot of treasure. He wasn't guilty of talking too much, but they caught him anyway. Came away with nothing. Maybe it's true and there just ain't any left out there. Any you can get home with, what with all the 21st Century surveillance gear poking holes in your privacy, even when you're out there where nobody's looking.


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There's tons of reading out there related to finding treasures. MDNOOB, if you don't believe it, hang up that walking stick and leave some for us! Alot of stuff is burried in the ground, but obviously it was not an easy thing to find it. Treasure stories/legends, have to have at least two people involved to get a treasure rumor started in the first place. You never heard of someone who buried their treasure to hide it bragging about it, did you?
A friend of mine just saw proof of one of these buried caches that was found by a guy in his MD club. He found 11 silver dollars under a rock in a disintegraded old canvas bag.
That may not be treasure to you, but it is to me. There may have even been a story to go with it at one time, but we will most likely never hear it.

No sense incurring the wrath of Uncle Sam.

Yeah, I just gather up all the gold and silver I find and re-bury it someplace else...


Yes there is Treasures

Isn't it amazing how many people had so much money that they just had to bury it??!! Yes it did happen and it still does,,,,,Well maybe it wasn't because they had so much money, it was because of the times. Time has changed but ours ways have not. People still hide that which is valuable to them and in large and small amounts. My Great-grandmother was 102 years old when she passed away in 1950. Many a stories she would sit in her rocker and tell me about her youth and of how the people lived. She always told me about putting her money in a sock,,,yes a sock,,,, In 1971 I found that sock in a metal box,,,,,,,, under a board in the attic. What a Treasure it was,,,, all pennies and some trinkets. Yes there are Treasures out there,,,,,, you just have to look, But most important,,,,,, is You have to believe.

photos of gold bars found for MDNOOB




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In the Philippines, there are hundred stories regarding successfull treasure hunting recovery. We are even called the Disneyland of Treasure Hunters, there are several books regarding Japanese treasures.Every town that has been occupied by the Japanese troops during WW2 are sure have treasure to tell.

If you just want examples of treasure found:

I would say treasure is in the eye of he who finds it.

I wouldn't tell

If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.
Albert Einstein
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?;D

? ?>:(? If you want to see your Govt(s)? ?(? >:( State, Fed., Museums, intellectuals,? vs? a pair of? ?:) T'hers )? ?in action...? :o
See....? The Saga of the "Old Woman Meteorite" (So.CA.)
It is the PERFECT example of what happens....? :'(
? ::) Everything in there but, The IRS!? ?:-\? and the FBI ? :P? killing somebody ( AGAIN ! )

I heard of a guy recently who went out detecting in the mountains. He wasn't finding anything and it was muddy up there, so he decided to venture down towards four corners in Southern CA (a major desert intersection). Apparently he wasn't finding anything, but got a signal from under a rock. He figured he wasn't getting anything anywhere else, so he decided he would see what it was that was giving him a signal. He lifted the rock and found a rotted canvas bag with somewhere around 12 silver dollars in it. This IS a true story that happened earlier this year. Labrat told me about it as it was someone in his club that found it.

When I first got started in THing in 1959, a fellow named Frank Fish used to write articles about all the neat things he was looking for and that he found. I supposed he liked the publicity or the few dollars he might have gotten. Anyway, some years later he was murdered while on a hunt.

Which reminds me, when I started, using an old World War II mine detector, I regretted having discovered the hobby so many years after the beginning: surely all the good stuff was gone. Now, some 45 years later, I honestly believe that there is more treasure waiting to be found today than I would have dreamed possible then. :D

Hi All,
I really agree with some of what everyone has said. I know stories grow with the telling but I also know for a story to last it has to have some truth in it. I am not looking over my shoulder for Uncle Sam but I have a brother inlay who worked for a states agency. His job was to follow people who where getting disability checks to see if they were working. He followed them everyday in a different car to get back that 900.00 a month they where making.
I was giving a cash settlement by the government ,I filed the proper paper work, turned over all my tax papers and was totally honest with them, a year later I got a paper saying I wasn't entitled to the money they gave me the lady helping us had made a mistakeand I would have to give them 16,000 back. I went before the first judge and hr ruledon the second half of the case, someone signed you up wrong ,they made the decision so you only own 8000.00 I ask how could that be ,the same women sign me up using my records. The Judge said well we lost the first pages that was used to sign you up. They lost my paper work So I had to pay the 8000.00 back to what I was grated.
Lastly I have a friend who heard rumors of buried money at an old amusement park.He hunt for almost a year. One day he was getting strong ring under some old boards he moved the boards and dug about 6" down and hit a glass jar full of paper money and coins The guy with him that day found another bottle full of cash.They came back the next day and found two Mord jars. He never told me how much was in his find but he did buy a new truck and two new detectors,and his wife a diamond ring. He said his friend had half as much as he had.I'll be happy to find one good ring!
Also I went a beach in South Carolina to hut but the ranger told me you can hunt but what you find you must turn over to the state, good digging to all

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight! Like that's going to happen. HAh! I had a ranger tell me the same thing on a public beach in So. Ca..
She'd have to follow me pretty closely to get me to cough up anything I found on that public beach. These are beaches, not archeological dig sites! We don't have spanish treasure washing up on them here in So. Ca. so as far as I am concerned, these people can stick it where the sun don't shine!! :o

I haven't hit the mother load yet! But I have been covering my tracks in case I do by missleading the feds. I have created a 35 year cover of working 55 to 60 hours a week! That ought to throw them IRS goons off my trail! HAHAHA they will never catch me.

Wish I could post a treasure I found but hey, I'm still getting started. I haven't graduated up from my $99 Walmart detector yet ... but soon.
I always hear there's more $$ in the ground than in circulation.
One more thought.....the jazz is in the hunt itself.

Have to correct you, Coinshooter-- that canvas bag only had 10 silver dollars in it. I saw them and counted them myself. (Another example how stories grow over time!)

One fellow selling detectors at a gold show in Del Mar had a Spanish 8-reales coin in his display. I asked him about it, and he told me how he found a stash of 88 of them in one place in NM. He told me also about a friend of his that found a few gold bars and coins from a stagecoach robbery gone wrong in the hills outside Albuquerque, and this was confirmed in a magazine article showing the bars and coins with a picture of the guy who found them.

For those who dispute the reliability of magazine articles, I understand the skepticism. I've had an article written about me that got many of the facts wrong. Those guys just work too fast to meet their deadlines to get everything right.

In fact some friends of mine were in Hawaii last year doing beach detecting every day for 2 months. They came back with a good-sized haul, including an ornately carved wide-band one-piece gold bracelet weighing close to an ounce, and some very unique pendants and rings. There is an article about their trip, with pictures, and the pictures accurately represent the jewelry I saw in person. The article also showed a picture of them hunting on a beach with jackets on, but misrepresented that photo as having been taken on the Hawaii trip when in fact it had been taken the previous winter in Southern California. (When do you need a jacket in Hawaii?) So you just have to recognize that magazine articles are fallible and don't tell the entire story, but what they portray does have some accuracy.

Just like these posts. ;D

Personally, I have done well in the hobby. I detect three or four days a week depending on work, I dredge on the weekends. Normaly me and the family go to the beach twice a year. In fact I've done everything that I set out to do in the hobby. I've found gold, silver and a few cool relics. I've gotten permission to hunt places that were previously off limits. Not to miss lead you, I've spent more than I have found. However, I have found what I was looking for. Most importantly I have made good friends and had great times. We all have stories to tell, that's kind of why were here. I don't mind telling anyone what I've found, just don't ask me where. 8)
Good luck to y'all. Chris

I'm sure there are some actual "buried loot" treasures out there.Maybe not as many as "some" would try to depict.I'm also sure that over the years many have been recovered.For most of us out here this is a hobby.There are a handful of professional salvors who do make a living at it.For those of us who are hobbyists,it's not about finding Jesse James' buried loot.It's about going out, having a good time with friends and finding something interesting or valuable every now and then.Sure, we all dream of finding buried treasure worth millions,realistically we know we probably never will.If someone actually did find a substantial amount of "buried loot" I doubt they'd brag about it.I know I wouldn't.In the meantime i'm going to continue to do my research and investigate my possibilities,and i'm gonna have fun doing it.Sometimes it's not about the treasure, it's about the hunt! ;)

I tried to give you guys a location in Texas the other day where I personally recovered ,well say "several" quart fruit jars full of silver coins(Yes I reported the income) and I did not get it all! The good stuff was gold and was found buy a man clearing debris with a dozer after a hurricane only about 100 feet from where I was. I also offered for free no strings attached the location of a Civil War age cannon that I was unable to recover years ago and I believe it to still be in place. BUT no one responded, not one inquiry!! Same with my offer to lead someone on a trip to Baja, Mexico, NO one responded. I think all of you except CPTBIL and a few others like to talk a good hunt but when it comes down to putting the rubber on the road and the loop in the dirt most of you just ain't got it!
Oh yes look in the newpaper for Port Lavaca, Texas, September 1970 for the gold story, Well I forgot he don't believe it if it is in a book or paper!!
Tell me Happy Birthday, I am 69 today and have been Treasure hunting since I was 8 and with a metal detector since? 1966, made my first one from Popular Mechanics Magazine and my second was a "Boluva Watch Co." model from WW2 and my 3rd was a Whites 66T, bought on credit, I thought I had died and went to coin shooter heaven. I lived on the site of a civil war fort!!
Sorry for the long post, Adios , I am off the Baja Monday!

Happy Birthday, Mine too the 30th. Don't it just frost you when folks miss the point or ignore what you offer? What goes around comes around so you'll get the good of what you offered to do even if no one takes you up on it. Made my first detector from the plans they sold in comic books out of a transistor radio. First downtown detector was a White's Treasuremaster BFO (same model used by Karl von Mueller) that I bought at a water department surplus sale after they beat it to death finding pipes and banging around in the back end of a pickup. Had 67 1/2 volt battery and it was heavy. Best thing about hunting in 1962 was all the dimes and quarters were silver. Found some halves and a very few silver dollars with it. A friend of mine is a civil war nut and loves artillery. I'll forward your message to him and I'm sure he'll be contacting you. exanimo, ss

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