That is all good advice... and advice I should listen too.
But no girl will or would want me. I'm "not right" in the head to begin with.
I say that half jokingly and half seriously.
Before WD and beeps jump in and say, "RR, there is someone out there for everyone"
I'll say it,..."RR, there is someone out there for everyone"
back in the day, the present, and the future,.. you're a gem among rocks.
What can be tough, (some people luck out), is finding someone that appreciates you.
I'll lay it out,......
You're smart,
huge plus, it's become rare, you're creative, rare again, honest,
becoming more and more rare,... skilled,...near to gone now a days,.....
With all the high scrapers, CNC's, and all.
Here is the thing,.... things in this case work out correctly if you find someone,....
or they find you, "That deserves a good person like you"
I'll say it,.... an exceptional person.
"Not right in the head",... that's the creative side of you,... if you were normal,....
good chance you'd be a dumass,.... ask rook, GB, bill, RC, Tom,..any of the
crew,... I'm right RR,... I know it first hand,......
"Birds of a feather flock together"
"You can tell a bird by it's feathers, and a man by his friends"
"When the character of a person is not known to you, look to their friends"
All of my friends are insane.
Some of the most talented and skilled people you could ever imagine.
In fact, you probably couldn't imagine it.
Line from a song,... find it if you can,... we older crew members know it by heart,....
"It's so nice to be insane, one asks you to explain"
You're gifted RR,....
And you haven't thrown it away like so many have,... you are a solid young man.
Super rare in today's world of madness.
I have been alone, with my brother as my only friend for all 17 years of my life.
I never had any friends besides adults 40 or older...
I grew up rural, didn't deal with a lot of people...
If you saw me in real life right now, you would see a different me, a different personality.
I'm very shy around people, and avoid them.
I have always preferred to do things by myself the hard way.
RR, about 2/3 of your traits match me, and a good amount of professionals.
You are mature for your age, smart, clever, can fix about anything, using almost nothing,..
You're just ahead of the curve, that is why you don't have many young friends.
You have over 40 friends, they have experience, know the ropes, you fit in,.....
I think I'm too "backward" to even start young, and by the time I shape up, it'll be too late.
I'm a realist, and I see where I'm going. Start work at 19, retire at 60 (remember, railroad job)
and die sometime after that. Pessimism.
That's it.
No I have a plan, and other crew members will jump in,......
Good stuff, go where odds are in your favor to meet a nice person, with stuff in common.
Rock and gem show
Gun Show
Relic show
It just hit me RR, good chance that the girl that you click with, can talk with for hours,....
I think she may be about 2 years older than you,....
Just popped into my head,......
But, remember,....... I'm about half insane, and the other half refuses to be examined.