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Yes, Tom had to go wake up his wife so he could fix breakfast for her :tongue3:

Sorry for delayed response Rook, I was still looking for Bart's button. That thing has me hooked, or cursed ???

Time to go to work, Have a Blessed Day!


See ya WD. Have a good day.

Storytime banner.webp

It's "Story Time
(for you rum soaked trouble makers)

"The Perfect Storm"

There once was a city,..... a Big City, but it was poorly managed
Because it was managed by morons, with a lot of bone in their heads.

Here is a picture of that city back in the day, it was beautiful!

Los angel.webp

But then came the poor judgement,....
the morons allowed human garbage to pee and crap all over the city, and gave them money

Money, which encouraged them to stay, and lured more jobless, diseased, filth to the area

Where did the money come from?
From the hard working people that didn't pee and crap in the streets

All seemed lost,.... but then, a gift from abroad,.........

Our chinese friends constructed a virus meant to reduce the population,.....
It works best on those that live in filth,... and use the city streets for a toilet.

It's name,.....​
Corona (COVID-19)

Constructed by the chinese military germ warfare department as a weapon,...
It turned about and bit them where it hurts most,.... in the pocket book.

Currently the virus is working it's way through population centers around the world

Financial markets worldwide are taking a beating like never before

The dependence on china for goods and products has proved to be a huge mistake
as shipments from china have come to a standstill, as all nations have banned them

But,..... what of Los Angeles?
The once beautiful city that has been allowed to devolve into a cesspool of filth?

Having already dealt with an outbreak of Hepatitis, and another of Typhus,
handling both emergencies poorly, one can expect similar action in this case.


So, what are the components here?

Laid out bare, it's like this,........
Tens of thousands of filthy vagrants, mostly drug addicted, with less than acquit
immune systems, are present everywhere

The Corona virus has been found to last, "more than days" on surfaces,...
this from the CDC,....

Doorknobs, handrails, ATM keyboards,... money,... all can carry the virus

A view of today's Los Angeles,.....

Homeless 1.webp

Homeless 2.webp

Homeless 4.webp

Homeless 5.webp

Homeless 6.webp

Homeless 7.webp

But as seen through the eyes of some,......

Los angeles rainbow.webp

Billions of dollars was raised through taxes,... the money is gone, problem is worse

So what now?

Experts on the subject of Pandemics are calling this,
"The Perfect Storm"

And thus,.... the Name of this story,..... but not the Moral,....

The moral is derived from the consequences that loom just around the corner,...​

1) First dozens, then hundreds, then thousands, then tens of thousands,....contract the virus
it spreads through the homeless population like fire through a paper mill,....

2) Local hospitals, already on the ropes from treating every vagrant that stumbles through
the door,..... for free,... are quickly overwhelmed by the shear numbers of infected patients.

3) The hard working people that have been financing the madness up to now,... find it next
to impossible to get care, as many of the hospitals are overwhelmed with the infected homeless
population,.... who showed up with AIDS, Typhus, Hepatitis, Tuberculous, and a host of other
illnesses,...... and bringing along the ever present overdoses as well.

4) Health care workers become infected at an alarming rate, and are removed from the workforce.

5) The shortage of health care workers worsens the emergency to the extent that people begin to riot.

6) National Guard is called to action,.......

7) The federal government sees the writing on the wall and shuts off all the airports and
major highways leaving California,...... a travel ban, and a curfew is exacted to try to curtail
the spread of the virus to other states that are not a cesspool of filth.

8) The virus takes it's course, as pictures of homeless warming their hands above burning bodies,
leads the news.

9) California, said to be the worlds 3rd largest economy,.... is brought to it's knees.

10) The dead count into the thousands, as now other diseases rear their ugly head,....

Of course there are those that say,..............
"Almost 5000 people have died in USA from flu virus this season, one from coronavirus so dont give into hysteria."
When that was said,.. there was only 1 death, that evening, 2,.....this morning, 6,........

And this comment from the Northwest,.....

"Unfortunately,this is only the beginning.
Expect the numbers in Washington State to increase in the days to come.
This Virus has been spreading undetected in Washington State for weeks.
Pray it doesn't get to the homeless encampments.
If it does,it will resemble an episode of the Walking Dead."

This story was brought to you by "Common Sense"
(It's a shame it isn't all that common anymore)​

To stay informed about this emergency,.... without having to wade through baloney,....

Check Brian Suits broadcast, and podcast on this subject.

By good luck, or bad luck,..... he lives in Washington state,.. not all that far from crises center.

His bio:

Bryan Suits (born 1966) is an American war veteran of three military conflicts in Kuwait, Bosnia, and Iraq, and has been a talk radio host for more than 10 years. He has hosted talk-shows for radio stations in Seattle, Washington: KIRO (AM) and KVI, and in Los Angeles: KFI AM 640. Suits was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and grew up in Washington. He was heard weekday afternoons on KOGO-AM/FM in San Diego in 2011—12 and Saturday evenings on KFI from 2009 to November 2013. Suits did a brief Monday - Friday stint on KABC, Los Angeles in the 9 am — 12 noon slot beginning in 2014. However, he ultimately was summoned back to KFI. In addition to his current Saturday evening (8 pm to 11pm) slot, he serves as the official military and tactical sounding board whenever related news breaks, and also has a Sunday evening show called "Super-Hyper-Local Sunday."

His information filled podcast,....
(Dark Secret Place)

You want the straight story,...... that's where to get it.

You can also listen to KFI AM 640 through,.....

"Super-Hyper-Local Sunday",.... will get you caught up on current news, without baloney.

Sleep tight,.....


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