Admiral de Salee
Hero Member
Wow! Maybe you're onto a hoard, and this coin is the cherry-on-top..
Ashdowney said:great find!
I totally understand & respect that you follow the Law of the land, in the same way that I do in the UK.TheDane said:Thank you guys !
In some few days the coin will be delivered to the museum.
In my country there is an ancient law, called the "Danefae-lov" that says that all things that are found in the soil is the "property of the King", today meaning the state.
Danefae is an ancient norse name meaning: Ownerless goods or No mans property.
The law dates back to the medieval law "Jyske Lov" from 1241, saying that, "what no man owns belongs to the King, finds any man gold or silver in tombs or after the plow or in any other way, then the King shall have it.
I will as compensation get an amount of money, tax-free, from the National Museum in Copenhagen.
The law, and the fact that any child knows about it, is of great importance for the studies of and knowledge about our common cultural heritage in my country.
This law has made it possible that, so to say, no danish artifacts get on "the black market", and that we today in the National Museum have one of the finest collections of antiquity and medieval in the world.
TheDane said:Can´t say that I disagree with you, Crusader !
What I wanted to stress was the fact that such a law, and especially the awareness of the people towards this law, is importent for our country. People actually feel pride, when they can send in something to the National Museum.
But you are right, I wrote that to be misunderstood. Of course you can never 100 % prevent a black market.
English isn´t my main language. Danish and german are better.
Thank you