Gave up on Fisher F75

Humm this is intresting stuff...First texas manufacturing is just a hop skip and jump from the mexican Border..This is surprizing Knowing how legendary Dave Johnson has been over the years...strange he would be associated with such a crappy manufacturing process..I;ll keep my F75 till it quiets working..Its light and fast and is good at finding the stuff and is fun to me to use..But that said I try to only Buy American and Canadian products..Which gives reason for Buying the F75 everything IVE read and heard its made in usa...Except for my Ausie Dirt Bike..I Dont even own a foreighn car..Theres not much Built in america anymore..I wonder if every part in the Whites including the circuit board are Built on american soil..Minelabs are ausie..I own a ausie KTM Dirtbike the quality is top Notch..Humm my F75 says made in USA on the Box and my Trek Mtn Bike says made in USA..this kinda makes you WONDER...Thanks Skypilot..Your killing me.....With the Truth....ha ha....james

I went through three T2's to get one that worked properly but can't think of much coming up on the U.K. forums about the F75 having problems. All seemed to have been sorted by the time they started selling in Britain.

With the EMI interference isn't it just a case of avoiding the high gain modes (JE full range and DE below 4 or at 20 or more).
I did have a F75 to run alongside my T2 and kept the T2 for the wider low down discrimination but it seems years back, though it can't be more than six months.

You never hear of much trouble with the Minelab GPX4000 in the States. The Aussies think you get the good ones and they get the "B" grades.
I worked for an electronics company thirty years back. Top spec. items went for export because of possible warranty claims and the second rate got sold here.

U.K. Brian said:
I went through three T2's to get one that worked properly but can't think of much coming up on the U.K. forums about the F75 having problems. All seemed to have been sorted by the time they started selling in Britain.

With the EMI interference isn't it just a case of avoiding the high gain modes (JE full range and DE below 4 or at 20 or more).
I did have a F75 to run alongside my T2 and kept the T2 for the wider low down discrimination but it seems years back, though it can't be more than six months.

You never hear of much trouble with the Minelab GPX4000 in the States. The Aussies think you get the good ones and they get the "B" grades.
I worked for an electronics company thirty years back. Top spec. items went for export because of possible warranty claims and the second rate got sold here.

You are correct, But some are having problems close to citys and in different spots like skypylot..I haven't experianced the EMI problems of this nature yet..and I've hunted all over and around powerlines ...The Intrest me and Jim has found is when in Hi-Gain mode the coil can be disconnected and its still chattery a bit kinda like circuit back feed more than EMI issues, even with this Known the F75 will Get Depths that are TOP Notch...Its all part of Learning how to Hold Back the Throttle on this unit.But some like Bama Bill has experianced Bad EMI issues out in the Field..Me and Jim are Just trying to Break the Depth Barrier with figureing out how to run at full wide open ..WOW its a sensitive powerhouse..Im curious to hear what skypylot results will be...james...

skypilot02 said:
BamaBill, I like almost everyone I've read about, purchased an F-75 and likewise couldn't use it around ANY source of E.M.I. Read the warranty, decided it was pointless as well to try to have the same folks fix what they couldn't(?) get right in the first place. Sooo, I said to heck with the warranty, took it apart and found (To my horror!) that the so-called Faraday shield in this machine consisted of a graphite coating applied to the inside, and I couldn't believe the wire connecting the electronics to the housing wasn't paper-clipped but SIMPLY stripped of insulation for approximately one inch and SPREAD OUT LIKE A PEACOCK'S FEATHERS and TAPED, yes, taped my friends to the graphite coated housing! Now at first I did not even see the coating as it is only a bit more matte than the rest of the box, checked it out in my Mouser catalog and found that this form of shielding is the cheapest and also least effective needless to say, so recalling that several stellar Fisher models in the past had aluminum shields, I've placed several layers of aluminum duct tape for a/c vents inside the housing, and when I tape the wire on this time, at least it will be taped on with metal not PVC. Between detecting and running the family "taxi", I haven't boxed it up yet but when I do, if anyone is interested I'll post the results of my success/failure. Best Regards, good hunting, and good luck to all!!!!!!! skypilot02

The 1266's had aluminum shields. :)

Interesting comments everyone. I have been following the F series issues since they came out and I was scared to buy one. Well, I took the risk. I got my F75 two weeks ago and put about 26 hours on it so far. It is one of the newer machines that has all the upgrades. I have been very pleasantly suprised. I have not had the problems that I've read about. I don't know if they corrected some of the issues, or if I got lucky and got a good one. The only EMI I have really gotten is when my cell phone goes off - or I use my vibra probe pinpointer. The EMI issue is not nearly as bad on my F75 as I've read - I can almost get under a power line before I get any chatter - and I run it pretty hot. Other than that this thing is smooth and deep seeking - literally amazing performance. The only other issue was the battery springs being too loose, but that was an easy fix. Other than that, I love this machine and I think it's a keeper. So, if anyone is thinking about buying this machine - there are good ones out there. I might stick with the newer versions.


\ :D hi bill, i had the same thing with my f75 , i ran it for 7 mounths, found lots of good stuf, when i could run it , i some spots i had to put it back in ny truck, and use a nother detector as the emi would not let me run it there, yes you are right ft needs to not just think of how many detectors they are selling but start looking at service, i have talked to the service people and the one's working on them do only know what they are shown or told , they are mexicans, from across the border, that is what nafta has done or a good us co dennis in ny

liquid1 said:
Except for my Ausie Dirt Bike..Minelabs are ausie..I own a ausie KTM Dirtbike the quality is top Notch..

Sorry, but had to correct. KTMs are made in Austria. :wink: :tongue3:

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