I'm not disagreeing that gators can be dangerous and that she was killed by one.I'm just disagreeing with the story that was written by the local press.Several things don't add up if you are familiar with the canal bridge and area in reference.You can't "dangle" your feet over the bridge.You can get close to the water if you are under the bridge (as you stated) and the water is high.I've been under every bridge on that canal in a small boat on both sides,east and west of the the lock/pump station.I saw a group of kids hanging out under that same bridge not too long ago. :o Also ,it is written as if she was in the "town of Sunrise".It may be within the city limits,but it is far from the town.It is on the side of a major highway (I-595 and SR84),no town nearby.
Another thing is the amount of Xanax in her system."More than twice the amount of the highest legally prescribed dosage," that amount is 2.0 mg,which is referred to as a Xanax "bar" if you more than double that and add 3 times the legal limit of alcohol to a persons system (.24),number 1-they aren't gonna be out for a daily jog,number 2-they'll be lucky if they can even walk.Believe me,I know this from 1st hand experience.I'm not proud of it, but i'll admit that i've done almost every drug under the sun, in the past.I've been clean and sober for several years now,but I am fully aware of the combined effects of Xanax and alcohol in large portions. Unless of course this person who is described as someone who was studying for a law degree and jogged daily,has built up such a high tolerance level to alcohol and Xanax combined,that she would make any drug addict and/or alchoholic envious,that she could actually go jogging while under the influence of this amount of drugs and alcohol combined,that is.
The press is sensationalistic as hell down here as it is everywhere nowadays.The more melodramatic they can make it sound the more people will listen.Who knows,she could of been "attacked" and been knocked out by a mugger or something prior to being killed by the gator.
Anyway,with all this being said,I don't trust any alligator.But I do not fear them either.Just keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings.I won't go swimming in "unfamiliar" waters either.That's all.
BTW-I hope you don't take me the wrong way BigC.I'm not trying to argue with you or anything.Just a friendly discussion. :)
Merry Christmas!

No I wouldnt think that. ;D ;D I never stopped to think about the bridge, not real familiar with that area. Been to the range 2x thats it. I never thought Markham Park was anything worth preserving. Just a manmade park with fill and planted trees. I assumed she was a user of prescription meds and could handle it not knowing much about xanax. I think thats like valium. Yes yes and yes again it is ridiculous to talk about a gator stalking you like a panther. It was the wrong word and I admit it. Pegleg put that word in my mind. ;) :DBut I have heard rare stories of an attempted attack on land by following someone.. Usually they will only sneak attack and from underwater. Otherwise they just float over slowly. I too used to have no fear of gators and you are more likely to be struck by lightning but after a few very surprising close calls I have to reconsider.
Maybe there is more to the story.
Merry Christmas.
I might be out on the loop road, Big Cypress campground this week. Im going by myself. Drive out if you get a chance. Right past the Indian Village where you worked. :) :)

Never, never underestimate the mind of a gator. My "Gator Bait" post & pics are located under "Everything Else" thread. Check it out. ;D

;) RR

So how about diving FLA lakes any stories about divers being killed, maimed, etc?

NC Brad said:
So how about diving FLA lakes any stories about divers being killed, maimed, etc?
There was one local story this past year that I can recall.The guy makes a living retrieving golf balls from the bottom of ponds and such in local golf courses.He was attacked while underwater,he stabbed the gator several times with a knife he had strapped to his leg. Here is a couple of links about GATOR stories and GATOR facts. and the facts- .The 1st link mentions recent attacks and the 2nd link gives information on all deaths from gators from 1948 until Nov. of 2005.
River Rat said:
Never, never underestimate the mind of a gator. My "Gator Bait" post & pics are located under "Everything Else" thread. Check it out. ;D

;) RR
I'll do that.And no I would never trust or underestimate the mind of a gator,small as it may be.

BigC-My weekend is pretty booked up.I am heading to Merritt island in about an hour.Take care and i'll check back tommorrow when I get back.

Gator: large, exceedingly strong reptile possessing huge crushing jaws full of needle sharp teeth. Amphibious in habit, it is exceedingly fast both in and out of water. Easily provoked and essentially mindless, it has only two instincts: to procreate and to feed on living prey. Not neccessarily in that order.

Behave accordingly.

My avatar shows me sitting next to a very deep small pond in the Big Cypress. I wonder who made it and why. Probably to hold water in times of drought. Did the Indians or early settlers use it? Underwater lies at least one very large bull gator. I have timed him and he is able to stay under water for 45 minutes, longer if the weather is cold. Thats incredible. No swimming in this hole! :D

Well my friend. I have lived in Florida for 70 years and have NEVER had any use for Gators and NEVER WILL.
It makes little or no difference what people think MAN will someday build whereever there is land available. This tells you that the GATORS time is limited.
Believe it or not there are more gators NOW than has EVER BEEN.
To have a Croc or a Gator as a PET to me is a really dumb thing and have children sitting on their backs is REALLY DUMB.

Dell Winders said:
I had posted this old photo of me and a very tame 7 1/2 foot crocodile but for some reason it disappeared. I'll re-post again. Dell
I think you posted under "gator bait" by river rat in "everything else." I remember because I asked you a question. :)

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