Gator Head

GoodyGuy said:
bigcypresshunter said:
No guns are allowed in the Everglades National Park and this area continues to be the stronghold for these snakes.

I guess Bob Hill didn't get the memo about the guns :dontknow:
Goody, the python now breeds in the entire South Florida area. I work in the Big Cypress Preserve (BCNP)where it is legal to kill pythons during hunting season. Bob works for South Florida Water Management (SFWM)and he takes his job seroiusly and shoots them off the levees while he is working. Everglades National Park (ENP) is a different story were no guns are allowed and they must killed by legal means such as a knife. The ENP is the central stronghold of these predatory snakes and they are hard to reach because airboats are not allowed either.

claymation said:
Looks like they whacked his head off. Pythons at one time were peoples pets, right ? I'm amazed their population has grown enough to be a real danger to anyone.
claymation said:
Sorry, I thought you were trying to create another monster we have to kill.
Sorry if I jumped on you claymation. Its hard to tell online if someone is joking, being sarcastic or just a wise guy. Its possible that you are just not knowlegable on the subject. The Everglades are my passion and I hate seeing it being destroyed by these snakes. Actually Im a snake lover and the Python is indeed a beautiful snake. But it has no place in the Glades and it needs to be erradicated whether it is shot, poisoned or its head whacked off with a machete. Do you want to spend the money to send these snakes back to Thailand?

Its not the snakes fault. They are just being natural. Its the fault of the pet owners that released them. Its uneducated people, not unlike yourself claymation, that find it hard to believe that a few snakes released into the wild can cause such havoc. Thats the problem. The other is the exotic pet trade needs to be stopped.

I know a snake owner that feeds his pets live pigs. These monsters eat wild pigs, alligators, deer, raccoons and anything they can swallow including huge amounts of wading birds. Its possible they could eat some animals into extinction like the Brown Snake did in Guam. You didnt realize that did you Claymation?

Like I said Im sorry if I jumped on you but you hit a soft spot. I would be more than happy to explain anything to you if you stop with the sarcasm. :icon_thumright: Here is something to read if your really interested. "One of the key things with the Everglades restoration, one of the measures of success, was that we had to be able to increase the bird population," Horne said. The increasing python population could make it impossible for the bird population to increase, he said.

"We could have pristine water quality, and it could be lifeless except for these large predators," Horne said.

If you think these are not monsters to be killed read this. The rock pythons are "so mean, they come out of the egg striking," Kenneth Krysko, senior herpetologist at the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville told the magazine. "This is just one vicious animal."

"Super Snake Hybrid"

I was being sarcastic. But also I wasn't aware it was a legit reason to be a threat. I apologize and stand corrected. I'm tired of seeing critters hunted for no real reason except for something to do. Sorry bigcypresshunter, I just see so much of it where I live. Again I am sorry for the attack.

claymation said:
I was being sarcastic. But also I wasn't aware it was a legit reason to be a threat. I apologize and stand corrected. I'm tired of seeing critters hunted for no real reason except for something to do. Sorry bigcypresshunter, I just see so much of it where I live. Again I am sorry for the attack.
Thanks for responding and reading my posts. Im not the most polite person, I realize this, and thanks for putting up with me. :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: I didnt tell it well but you gave me a oppurtunity to better explain so others will learn.

Yes I love animals too including large predatory snakes. A friend of mine obsevered a very large python in the wild 20 years ago but didnt kill it because he loves animals. I wonder how much destruction that one snake and its offspring have caused?

Its a fairly recent event. The problem only surfaced the last 5 years or so. A raccoon doesnt have a chance of eating any eggs as the python guards her eggs. This snake is a nightmare. A raccoon or opossum sighting is a rare occurance in the BCNP. We have very few surviving small animals.

What happens where you live? I wouldnt mind hearing about it. We have protected areas and like I said we cant even use a gun in the ENP to kill this intruder.

TnMountains said:
Old post but I have a question. How do I add the @? :icon_scratch: I cant find it on my celphones keyboard.

Try "1" or "0". You may have to press it multiple times while it scrolls through the different symbols. :thumbsup:

pirates life said:
Try "1" or "0". You may have to press it multiple times while it scrolls through the different symbols. :thumbsup:
Thanks. :icon_thumright:

New problem: I can view the pictures but I dont know how to forward or send to my email. :icon_scratch: :help:

BCH, quick question, not gator or snake related, but, kinda sorta,

Is Army Corps not concerned, with this lizard population explosion, we got happening here too?
As in the holes they are digging into the canals here, compromising the bank structures?

pat-tekker-cat said:
BCH, quick question, not gator or snake related, but, kinda sorta,

Is Army Corps not concerned, with this lizard population explosion, we got happening here too?
As in the holes they are digging into the canals here, compromising the bank structures?
I didnt hear anything about it. :dontknow:

bigcypresshunter said:
pat-tekker-cat said:
BCH, quick question, not gator or snake related, but, kinda sorta,

Is Army Corps not concerned, with this lizard population explosion, we got happening here too?
As in the holes they are digging into the canals here, compromising the bank structures?
I didnt hear anything about it. :dontknow:
Well I'm comforted now! :laughing7:
As a taxpayer, I got a few issues, like them 5 ft long lizards, and, I know who tore up my glades, up and down 27, along Palm Bch Cty, but whose gonna fix it? And when?

I mean, I know that this may not be "your" department, but these are two concerns, some discuss amongst themselves, around town, and wonder.
Maybe you can present these ideas to the higher ups, as "their" great ideas, and see if they could get all the credit, for fixing it? LOL! :laughing7:

Be a friend and hero! LOL! :laughing7:

What 5 foot lizards are you referring to? Iguanas, Gators or Nile Monitors?

bigcypresshunter said:
What 5 foot lizards are you referring to? Iguanas, Gators or Nile Monitors?
If you ride down Griffin/Orange drive, Brwrd Cty, there are giant lizards, all up and down the canals.
Also from St Rd 84, going into Park City MHP, there's a canal on the left, these things are taking over!
I'm sure there are many others, I don't see!
Iguanas I think, and they dig thier homes, back into the canal banks, comprimising the integrity of the banks, unless they riprap'ed or rocked in heavily.

Plus, they real ugly, I coulda almost SWORE, I saw a monitor lizard monster the other week.

Ah OK. Yes I have seen the huge iguanas on Griffin Rd. and Orange Drive. Truthfully I have never seen an iguana in the Everglades/Big Cypress region. I dont know why :dontknow: they only seem to survive in town. Ill ask around. I didnt know anything about it. Thats why I like TN.... always learning something new. :icon_thumright:

Griffin Road has all kinds of lizards, Iguanas, Nile Monitors, Jesus lizards, all kinds released by several pet shops. Maybe not enough Pythons to eat them?

Have you heard an Anaconda was captured in the Big Cypress but may be an isolated case. :dontknow:

bigcypresshunter said:
Ah OK. Yes I have seen the huge iguanas on Griffin Rd. and Orange Drive. Truthfully I have never seen an iguana in the Everglades/Big Cypress region. I dont know why :dontknow: they only seem to survive in town. Ill ask around. I didnt know anything about it. Thats why I like TN.... always learning something new. :icon_thumright:

Griffin Road has all kinds of lizards, Iguanas, Nile Monitors, Jesus lizards, all kinds released by several pet shops.
Thank you! I could be worrying for nothing, but trying to look ahead, or at the bigger picture, lets don't wait till the damage is done, then wonder what to do.
Little forthought, prevention, can be worth a pound of cure.

Old post, but I just saw it. You weren't there that long, so water really wasn't a life threatening concern. However, I thought it was a great narrative and felt like I was right there with you.

LMAO @ Florida! As if all the violent crime wasn't bad enough, now there are man eating snakes on the loose. Eradicate them all with extreme prejudice.

bigcypresshunter said:
Have you heard an Anaconda was captured in the Big Cypress but may be an isolated case. :dontknow:
Yeah, isolated case, I'm sure! I didn't hear that one, but.......
Ask that Comcast worker, if that green mamba, that bit him, being an isolated case, him being the one, in how many odds,
did the odds matter?
And they never found that snake either!
I am VERY GLAD, we have the venom unit, here in Miami.

Be prepared for anything down here, Hombre, my friend! Ya never know!

RGINN said:
Old post, but I just saw it. You weren't there that long, so water really wasn't a life threatening concern. However, I thought it was a great narrative and felt like I was right there with you.
Thats probably true because because I can walk 20 miles a day even at my age. I never felt life threatened, was never lost or injured and I felt in comfortable surroundings.. I dont know how far I could walk on a hot day without water. :dontknow: Its just a story of one day in the woods alone.

I have pics on my celphone but I dont know how to send them to my email.

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