Garrett "carrot" OR Whites TRX ?

I've used both, they have good depth and adjustable sensitivity. Garrett Propointer AT detects the length of the shaft, the Whites TRX detects off the top and bottom of the shaft.



Where you say "the Whites TRX detects off the top and bottom of the shaft.", are you indicating that it detects the full length of the shaft (in addition to the tip)? The statement below that I copied from the White's website TRX specs. refers to the Tip only.

The Bullseye TRX’s area of detection is concentrated around the tip, making it easy to zero in on the target.

Please clarify what you meant by "top and bottom" of the shaft.


ToddB64 :wink:

Isn't the carrot also a "vibratector"? ^_^ You can set it to have either beep or vibrate (or both), btw.
I have my TRX beep only with nobody around, and vibrate only around people. Still working fine, and still on the AAs it came with. I'll try a 9v one of these days, just to see if I can tell a difference...


Sorry I'm late on this reply, but anyway, the TRX circuitry has some form of voltage regulator so, as far as voltage, it doesn't matter whether you use two AA's in series @1.5 dcv each, for a total 3 volts of reserve power, or a 9 dcv battery for 9 volts of reserve power, the regulator will only release a certain amount of dcv to the circuitry according to the need.

BTW, being curious, I just weighed (Using a pocket scale.) two AA's @ 1.74 oz. compared to one 9 volt @ 1.61 oz. and was surprised to discover the 9 volt was a tad less weight ! I would have thought it to be heavier. ::) Of course, various battery brands might weigh differently. In my comparison, the AA's were Energizer's and the 9 Volt was Duracell.

Cheers !


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Garrett "carrot" OR White's TRX ?

I found the carrot much more sensitive to gold than the vibratector.

Good pointer

This is in reply to post #17 dated April 09, 2016 in this thread, by username "future" (Thought I should clarify, since the above QUOTE used the personal name.).

Hi future :icon_biggrin:

I assume by "vibratector" you are referring to the Vibra-Probe pin pointer by Treasure Products, which I have, the earlier model 570.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that your Garrett Pro Pointer AT is much more sensitive to gold, as I am primarily a coin and jewelry hunter, always hoping for gold in any form :wink: and after analyzing the specs. and features on three popular pin pointers, I'm pretty sure I'll be buying a new Garrett Pro Pointer AT (aka "Carrot")!

I don't know for sure, but maybe it's the Vibra-Probe's PI (Pulse Induction) system vs the Garrett Pro Pointer AT's VLF(very low frequency) system that could be the reason for the AT being more Sens. to gold, or if it's due to some other factor in the design of the electronics.

Thanks for your input re the AT's sensitivity to gold.

Cheers !


I'm in the same boat,Just ordered a carrot.I want to dig as many small holes as a can to up the percentage of good finds.

ToddB64, the TRX does detect off the tip. It also will receive a signal at the top of the shaft. No signal in the middle of the shaft.

Garrett "carrot" OR White's TRX ?

ToddB64, the TRX does detect off the tip. It also will receive a signal at the top of the shaft. No signal in the middle of the shaft.


Detecting off the tip is appropriate and standard with pin pointers of course, but receiving signals at the tip and top of the shaft but not in the middle seems odd to me. Furthermore, I just got on the White's website, e.g. and looked at the TRX specifications and features in the pdf manual, but there was nothing said about the TRX receiving signals at the tip and top of the shaft, but not the middle. What would be the purpose of that design ?

I hope you can explain the logic of this design to me, otherwise, have you ask White's their reason for this type of operation ?


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I got the carrot and it beeps like it has a bad battery about a half hour in. I know the battery size is different on some 9 volts. I like it never the less it's great. If you want a really good pin pointer and don't mind caring a pack with you there is one out there I will have to look it up. It detects the smallest gold in ore.

Here it is. I was looking into it. 224.00 retail
Anyone have one?


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Detecting off the tip is appropriate and standard with pin pointers of course, but receiving signals at the tip and top of the shaft but not in the middle seems odd to me. Furthermore, I just got on the White's website, e.g. and looked at the TRX specifications and features in the pdf manual, but there was nothing said about the TRX receiving signals at the tip and top of the shaft, but not the middle. What would be the purpose of that design ?

I hope you can explain the logic of this design to me, otherwise, have you ask White's their reason for this type of operation ?

its so you can pin point faster


Detecting off the tip is appropriate and standard with pin pointers of course, but receiving signals at the tip and top of the shaft but not in the middle seems odd to me. Furthermore, I just got on the White's website, e.g. and looked at the TRX specifications and features in the pdf manual, but there was nothing said about the TRX receiving signals at the tip and top of the shaft, but not the middle. What would be the purpose of that design ?

I hope you can explain the logic of this design to me, otherwise, have you ask White's their reason for this type of operation ?


Just like the loop on your metal detector - it detects on the bottom and top. I suspect the internal orientation of the loop between the AT and TRX is just different.


Detecting off the tip is appropriate and standard with pin pointers of course, but receiving signals at the tip and top of the shaft but not in the middle seems odd to me. Furthermore, I just got on the White's website, e.g. and looked at the TRX specifications and features in the pdf manual, but there was nothing said about the TRX receiving signals at the tip and top of the shaft, but not the middle. What would be the purpose of that design ?

I hope you can explain the logic of this design to me, otherwise, have you ask White's their reason for this type of operation ?


Todd, I can't speak for Whites, I am just pointing out that it operates this way. The Garrett detects all along the probe section , the Whites has a gap in the detection probe to allow for more precise directional pinpointing.


I got the carrot and it beeps like it has a bad battery about a half hour in. I know the battery size is different on some 9 volts. I like it never the less it's great. If you want a really good pin pointer and don't mind caring a pack with you there is one out there I will have to look it up. It detects the smallest gold in ore.

Here it is. I was looking into it. 224.00 retail
Anyone have one?


Seriously though...

I too am looking for a Pin Pointer.
My current one is an old VMAX from Kellyco that was free with the detector I bought back in the '80s. It still works good (better than new since I opened it up and tweeked it a bit) but it's just too big to carry around. Besides...I NEED A WATERPROOF ONE!
I like the Garrett AT but I'm waiting to find one at a price I can afford.
Maybe I'll find enough change (over the course of this year) with the Minelab GO FIND 60 I just won.

***as a side note***

So far I'm not caring much for this MineLab.
Might be that I'm not used to a Double D coil...I don't know.

But I don't want to Highjack this thread so maybe I'll start my own.

I don't have the carrot but do have the TRX and the Black Garrett pro pointer... I never have had an issue with the TRX but the pro pointer falses all the time. The TRX points much deeper than the pro pointer and I use the setting equal to the pro pointer and even then it can be overly sensitive. Since I got used to the TRX I haven't even turn on the pro pointer.

My TRX works much better on 9v. I hoped the AA batt option would let me use all AA batteries. Not the case here.

The detect tones lag with AA. I sense pointer is off a step unless on 9 volts. Jm2c

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Heck I don't recall what type batteries I use in my TRX, Ill have to check ??? Think it's AA Cause I usually have 2-3 4 packs of Lithium AA's in my backpack , Lithium are half the weight as Alkaline but when the Die they die FAST!.

I would have no issue using either the Carrot , Reg, Garrett , TRX, Or any other "Trusted" Pointer.
Even the Harbor Freight is better than nothing I suppose.

I just purchased the Garrett Carrot (Pro-Pointer AT) last week. I wanted the option of being able to reach far under a rock and give it a scan, after I dug out a holed that's filled with water from Gold prospecting/panning. So the idea of the sides of the Garrett's pointer being more sensitive than it's tip helped me to choose the Garrett. In a lot of these holes I won't have room in the hole to be more effective with the tip such as with the Whites TRX model. If I was solely digging for coins in the lawn or sand, than the TRX would be a choice for me, but I'm not.

Look at the Garrett Pro Pointer 2 ... Easy to use, reasonable price, and looks to be built well. Has really helped me ... has cut my digging time way down.

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