Garrett ATX vs Minelab GPX 5000 - PART II

Bearkat Is there something wrong with your GPX ? If you use the common known manual settings for any gpx model with use of a DD coil , there no reason to change them. Unless the ground becomes really "Hot" Change soil timing switch to Enhanced and Ground Balance to Fixed. No other setting is required to changed. Settings for a gpx with DD coil. Double DD Mode Ground balance tracking Soil timing Normal search Mode general Threshold 2 o'clock position Back light switch off Volume 10 Ground balance general Manual Tune 95-100 Motion slow RX gain 7 to 10 Stablizer 10-13 Signal 19 target volume 12 Even with change to a Mono coil most of the above settings are not required to changed I,m totally lost and can make no reasoning to your remarks about having to change the GPX settings every time you use it ? tinpan

Tinpan... I am responding to all the complaints about my settings on my GPX. I have the exact same settings as you but I will use a mono coil also because people want to see that.

I come to the same conclusions as you about setting the GPX, but I will do the other settings to show people it is not necessary to keep changing them all the time...

Thank you for putting your settings on here anyway though I've been waiting for people do this... I knew my settings were just fine.
Don't take it personal...

Bearkat The ATX test which I watched showed the md had a few problems when used in a low bush and scrub conditions. The bungee support couldn,t be used which made this heavy md uncomfortable to use .The DD coil seemed to have a lot of Falsing problems and the ATX is unstable and noisy when wound up . Mono Coil is not yet released here. I didn,t take it personal ......... If your going to use Ml pro's to support your opinion at least name them. As Dude is not a proper name.


Bearkat The ATX test which I watched showed the md had a few problems when used in a low bush and scrub conditions. The bungee support couldn,t be used which made this heavy md uncomfortable to use .The DD coil seemed to have a lot of Falsing problems and the ATX is unstable and noisy when wound up . Mono Coil is not yet released here. I didn,t take it personal ......... If your going to use Ml pro's to support your opinion at least name them. As Dude is not a proper name. tinpan

Too many to name, dude.
I'm tough so I don't need the sling.
Sounds like your just being picky now about the ATX. Every thing on earth can be picked apart...

Bearkat The ATX test which I watched showed the md had a few problems when used in a low bush and scrub conditions. The bungee support couldn,t be used which made this heavy md uncomfortable to use .The DD coil seemed to have a lot of Falsing problems and the ATX is unstable and noisy when wound up . Mono Coil is not yet released here. I didn,t take it personal ......... If your going to use Ml pro's to support your opinion at least name them. As Dude is not a proper name. tinpan

By the way, The point of the whole video is for the GPX to get all four nuggets in a row, you know, the obvious, like the ATX did. The GPX Will have a second shot at it with the mono coil.

By the way, The point of the whole video is for the GPX to get all four nuggets in a row, you know, the obvious, like the ATX did. The GPX Will have a second shot at it with the mono coil.

Over opinionated air tests and put a nugget where you know its is adds up to nothing then to add unsubstantiated claims is called "pigs arse"where i come from. SORRY DON,T DUDE JUST DIG .:laughing7:


Over opinionated air tests and put a nugget where you know its is adds up to nothing then to add unsubstantiated claims is called "pigs arse"where i come from. SORRY DON,T DUDE JUST DIG .:laughing7: TINPAN

Thank you Tinpanhead, your opinion mean's squat since you are incapable of reason.

I don't make my videos for chumps like you. I make them for the appreciative and thankful.

I've been reading your post for years on this and other forums.... Your just always negative and sad.

Give me attitude and I'll give it back...

Thank you Tinpanhead, your opinion mean's squat since you are incapable of reason.

I don't make my videos for chumps like you. I make them for the appreciative and thankful.

I've been reading your post for years on this and other forums.... Your just always negative and sad.

Give me attitude and I'll give it back...

Really hahaha I only post on 2 metal detecting forums So i,m curious know where you get your info from. Got any more wild claims ?


Really hahaha I only post on 2 metal detecting forums So i,m curious know where you get your info from. Got any more wild claims ? tinpan


Ok done with are a waste of life's precious time...

That’s a good idea Al, in view of JP’s explanation over on Find’s Prospecting forum and his suggestions about the GPX 5000’s preferable set-up for that ground. In fact he made a couple of suggestions copied below that I hope you will follow to the letter in this next comparison test... the idea being to reduce or eliminate any further criticism.

“If I was working the ground demonstrated in the video, I would first use all the FP options of the GPX 5000 (do a re-set to be sure), then using the supplied 11" monoloop coil place the detector in normal timings ground balance nearby and then pass over the targets in Fixed GB.

If you want even more bang for your buck on the smaller and larger targets then select Special on the Timings switch on the front end cap then choose Sens Xtra in the Special menu or even Sharp. If the ground is proving noisy (I seriously doubt it because the ATX seems to run quiet in the video) then you can select one of the Smooth Class of timings, Smooth, Enhance or Fine Gold, of which I would choose Fine Gold. In quiet ground a Normal type timing will always outperform a Smooth type timing, it is up to the operator to make that call.”

Subsequent to this comparison test with the GPX set-up according to JP’s suggestions, I think it would be a good idea to discontinue testplot comparisons with the GPX and stick with videos that strictly showcase the ATX’s capabilities.

As noted above… at the price differential, I doubt anyone would expect the ATX to be depth / sens competitive overall with the GPX 5000… particularly in more extreme ground mineralizations. But the versatile ATX looks to be a terrific improvement over its predecessor, and I think we’ll see that it does favorably stand on it own merit within the prospecting, relic and water hunting communities.

Below is a silver specimen that I put on Steve's recent thread here about the ATX. I don't recall mentioning it was found with Infinium / 8" mono at fairly shallow depth. It produced a zero discrimination "high-low" low conductive signal that doesn’t change in maximum discrimination, although it produced a much reduced signal volume. Some silver does not lose much signal volume... but all silver here does produce a high-low signal in max discrimination and these must be dug.

5.4 LB SPECIMEN  YG.webp

Well said again Jim, and I had planned on using JP's settings he typed, that was kinda along the same idea I had before he posted them, just so not to knock the GPX but give it more of a shot at ALL 4 NUGGETS next time...which THAT is the very point of my videos. To get all 4 nuggets in a row without changing timings/settings.

Why, mainly because Garrett says so in the advertising of the ATX, I'm gonna prove it or they will have to put their foot in their mouth. They say" Maximun detection on all targets at the same time. No need switch modes to enhance detection of one target while degrading another". This is why I do the GPX vs ATX test, because I know this to be true and I will show it again even with the mono coil and other timings.

"I think it would be a good idea to discontinue testplot comparisons with the GPX and stick with videos that strictly showcase the ATX’s capabilities". -- I was thinking along the same lines, 2 more vids and it will be done with the ATX vs GPX, others can take the reign on that, I just want to get out hunting.

I will still do the silver test I said I would do for you Jim after I get all the GPX stuff out of the way...literally. I must finish what I started. :BangHead: Lol.

Interesting your silver produces a hi-lo signal all the way around. Maybe because the size of it?


Well said again Jim, and I had planned on using JP's settings he typed, that was kinda along the same idea I had before he posted them, just so not to knock the GPX but give it more of a shot at ALL 4 NUGGETS next time...which THAT is the very point of my videos. To get all 4 nuggets in a row without changing timings/settings.

Why, mainly because Garrett says so in the advertising of the ATX, I'm gonna prove it or they will have to put their foot in their mouth. They say" Maximun detection on all targets at the same time. No need switch modes to enhance detection of one target while degrading another". This is why I do the GPX vs ATX test, because I know this to be true and I will show it again even with the mono coil and other timings.

"I think it would be a good idea to discontinue testplot comparisons with the GPX and stick with videos that strictly showcase the ATX’s capabilities". -- I was thinking along the same lines, 2 more vids and it will be done with the ATX vs GPX, others can take the reign on that, I just want to get out hunting.

I will still do the silver test I said I would do for you Jim after I get all the GPX stuff out of the way...literally. I must finish what I started. :BangHead: Lol.

Interesting your silver produces a hi-lo signal all the way around. Maybe because the size of it?


The story changes yet again

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I enjoyed your comparison and the results. Keep up the good work. You displayed some interesting results that newbies need to know which include testing their detector themselves rather than simply asking what settings work best.


Thanks Reg, I have just completed a new video with the GPX with a mono coil vs ATX DD's. I went through as many relevent timings and settings as possible on camera to give the GPX a better shot that just flipping one switch and one timing. Interesting results that will be online in a day or so...also did a test on a buried 5.4 oz gold nugget...that was cool. Minelab got it at max 23" and the ATX at 20". Video will show this soon... There's your extra $3300 for the GPX working for ya!



I always enjoy seeing what new machines are capable of. I enjoyed your video, and I was impressed with the results you achieved in the soil conditions of your test bed.

I have the GPX 5000, and it's a great machine. That will never stop me from looking at other machines though, and it won't stop me from examining their strengths and weaknesses. That's the very reason I went to Minelab in the first place for nugget hunting. No North American manufactured machine would hunt the ground (at all) where I was detecting beautiful nuggets with the Minelab PI in the '90's.

I've always been open to the idea that someone else might have something a bit better, or a lot better, at a different, competitive price. Moreover, I've always applauded companies that try to satisfy a market niche, and it looks like Garret did their homework when they developed the ATX. I hope they do very well with it as I've waited a long time for Garret to respond to the competition.

As I've never used the ATX, I can't make any personal comments, but from your efforts on your test bed with the four pieces of gold, the ATX was impressive for the specific way your demonstration was set up. Nicely done, and I look forward to your next video.

By the way, fantastic finds in your picture! You've got some gorgeous gold there.

All the best,


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