Garrett Ace 350 / Euroace manual Ground Balance mod

Just a tip..when setting your GB, hold the coil up off the ground, press & hold the, whilst holding the pinpoint (with a constant tone in your ears), bring the coil down to the ground ( don't touch the ground)....if the tone gets louder, keep pressing the pinpoint, whilst turning the GB, all the while pumping the coil up and down (you don't want the tone to go away...if it does, lift the coil and release & press the pinpoint again)

You will see you will get to a point where the pinpoint tone remains constant, even when close to the ground (pumping coil up & down)......this is now correctly GBd for the site you are searching.

If the tone goes away near the ground, you have negatively gBd, and must turn the knob a little back, lift the coil & release/ press the pinpoint to get a constant tone...

This is the correct way to GB with this mod.

Just a tip..when setting your GB, hold the coil up off the ground, press & hold the, whilst holding the pinpoint (with a constant tone in your ears), bring the coil down to the ground ( don't touch the ground)....if the tone gets louder, keep pressing the pinpoint, whilst turning the GB, all the while pumping the coil up and down (you don't want the tone to go away...if it does, lift the coil and release & press the pinpoint again)

You will see you will get to a point where the pinpoint tone remains constant, even when close to the ground (pumping coil up & down)......this is now correctly GBd for the site you are searching.

If the tone goes away near the ground, you have negatively gBd, and must turn the knob a little back, lift the coil & release/ press the pinpoint to get a constant tone...

This is the correct way to GB with this mod.

THANKS! I didn't understand the first time and was doing it incorrectly. I just tested again and it worked as described.

Just added a 20k L pot but not 100% that board to pot connection is correct, did you take a picture.

The points on board that are the same do they goto 2 or 3 on the POT?


Just changed poles, so the double point on the MD's board is going to 3 on the POT, the single point on the MD's board is going to number 2, looks to be better can hear control on the POT, testing in a field in 2 days, I will report back.

FYI:Here is my location of POT drill hole it it helps.
NB: this was taken from another video, I just aligned the center to make it simple, if you drill a hole as big as the POT's spindle thread it works perfect, so you don't need a hole the size in the picture :)

Also my POT was 7 Ohms the other pot was 14 ohms ( UK Euroace) prior to upgrade




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Nice, it takes a few tries to understand how to ground balance with this mod but it does seem to work... I have not done any depth comparisons though.

Hello, first of all thank you for posting this. Just added the 20k pot to my ace 350. To clarify, when you are ground balancing using pinpoint. How high off the ground are you first pressing your pinpoint button? Do you want the pinpoint tone to be at full (loudest) tone from this height to the ground, when the ground balance is properly adjusted? Thank You

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Dear Group Members,

Just "Finally" completed my ACE250 GEB Modification. I initially used a 50K Cermet pot. and found the GEB range too much! Now having finally completed my Modification. I have used: 1K8-5K-1K8 (5K. being a Cermet pot & 1K8 1% Metal film fixed resistors) This gives a Range: 3K57-8K83 (Centre marked @ 5.8 as Factory set 20K pre-set, out of Circuit)

I have seen other Members stating different Resistance values for the pre-set ranging from: 4K7-8K. (Do the Manufacturers adjust to individual Detectors, explaining the variations)

I hope the Att. Photos & Diagrams are of interest to you "All" and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask, and I will reply ASAP!

Happy Detecting & lots of Finds,


Dear ACE250/350 Moders,

Having "Successfully" GEB "Modded" my ACE250, and very happy with the results. (As, Posted!) Intend to carry out another very basic but worthwhile Modification which worked very well on my Old CScope MX2. This had a Concentric-Coil, similar to the Elliptical ACE one!

My main reason for taking on this Modification being: When GEB is being Set, you have to Pump the Coil to the Ground about: 1.5-2” above Soil level! (This in itself indicates to me there is Ground-Capacitance “Effects”) This is nothing to do with the “Ground-Exclusion-Balancing” GEB.

This is normally down to the: TX/RX Coils having little or No “Faraday-Shielding” As the, Ace coils are potted in resin, I don`t know for sure! (But feel very confident my “Shielding” will alleviate this as my CScope MX2 did!)

I will “Post” my results after extensive testing, for any Members interested!

What I intend doing is:

• Run an Insulated Hook-up wire from: 0v Battery/PCB Gnd. Down the main stem to the Coil-Head! (With Extra-Length, for Termination/Splaying!)

• Foil-Cover the Detector-Head with 3M Aluminium “Self-Adhesive tape” (Coil areas/Top-Side!) Then as my MX2 “Trim” the excess to reveal the Original coil! Now covered with “Plenty” of Shielding!

• Terminating the Shielding to the “Run” wire from 0v/GND. By, Opening about: 3” of Splayed-out individual Strands. Then Foil-Tape & Piercing with a “Needle” to ensure 100% “Contact”

• Then “TEST” Fully & Post my “Results” (Waste of time, “Lets” see!)

im not tech savy so any mod may screw up my ace 250 but i manualy set it before leaving for a hunt i would like to put a pot on my 250 but i dont know how, is there a video or basic instructions on how to do this mod i fear of breaking it :(

What's the diameter of the connector for search coil for Garrett ace? Is it 20mm?

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